Topic: Remix Pack 4 - The New Alliance of Free Stars (Read 212890 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
We have already released 3 melee themes. To the best of my knowledge, there are no plans to create more.
As for other remixes, we always release those we feel are solid enough, if nothing else as bonus remixes. We don't spend much time making alternate remixes these days, as the focus is on filling in the missing spots in the game.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2006, 11:26:18 pm by TiLT »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 316

Resident pseudointellectual
It should be added that anyone can submit music to this project. If we (The Precursors) don't think a song is good enough to be a part of the game itself, it will still be released as a bonus. That is, after all, how most bonus tracks have come into this project to start with.
Eh, a lot of dislike for the original Utwig theme in this thread, I see. I personally thought it fit perfectly - it's not the sort of music you listen to outside the game, but the Utwig shouldn't have the sort of music you want to listen to outside the game. It's gloomy music that fits just right when you're playing and listening to the mournful Utwigs.
At any rate, the new Mask of Embarassment of Shame is a nice job. I don't think it'll replace the original in my game though - it's definately "out of game" music, with the electronic hiss and the sobbing effects which would be very disconcerting while playing.
Posts: 580

"Control the Stars" is godlike.. I mean it.. I love it.. Waaaay too short, though.. Might also need some better looping, too...
Menu music? I've heard some IRC rumours that someone was working on it.. No idea if this is true, though... 
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
I for one am shocked... SHOCKED to see this reaction to the shofixti remix. It does match the spirit of the other one, which was INTENDED to be funky, and well, hip-hop. Their are scratch samples in it.. bad ones, but still scratch samples. This shofixti remix has the greatest scratch lines ever. It's not mindless, it has a melody, somehow... I havn't figured out how yet, but it is a scratched MELODY... DUET!!!
And those scratch trills.. that remix rocks my socks off.
The original had in its notes (an instrument in the mod file was named this): ow! that funky alien!"
My problem with the Shofixti remix is that it just seems to fall apart somewhere around the halfway point, and is, well... just noisy from there on.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"I'm currently using the Mark Vera track "Control the Stars" as menu music, and it's quite nice."
I couldn't find that track on the precursor's site, where did you get it?
"I for one am shocked... SHOCKED to see this reaction to the shofixti remix. It does match the spirit of the other one, which was INTENDED to be funky, and well, hip-hop."
I think part of it might be the vocals, they don't seem very shofixti like.
MondayNight Frungy
Zebranky food

Posts: 29
WOW.... the opening bass in Chmmr thumps BRUTALLY with the right pair of subwoofers and heavy emphasis on the low frequency on a mixer. This finally makes me feel good about my wallet-busting Soundblaster X-Fi Fata1ity. You should have repeated that opening part somewhere else in the song. When I'm talking to the Chmmr this song is PERFECT for reminding me of just how tough the Chmmr are. If I were the Ur-Quan I would feel like the Brooklyn Brawler about to face The Rock in WWE Smackdown. 
The Bonsai! Shofixti remix is wicked sick, it's the MOST IMPROVED song ever from the annoyingly patronizing wanna-be Japanese sounding mod version in the game. I have it in my playlist for my story I'm writing, especially the night club scenes, lol! Get down and do the friggin robot 'n stuff, fo shizzle.
As for the Utwig Mask of Ultimate Embarrassment and Shame remix, that just chills you right to the bone. I wish they'd done it on a different note-base (is that what you call it?), but that could have been the opener for Doom, Constantine, Resident Evil, you name it. It's scary, kind of like what I envision the Utwig to look like under their masks. Definitely in my playlist for writing scary scenes. I'm hacking this into my Doom 3 game so I can hear it in game. 
The Utwig Ultron remix inspires me to think of a soldier looking over a battlefield and wishing he didn't have to be a part of the carnage that happened and that is to come. Definitely a rotation song, I put this on right before Homeworld's "Adagio for Strings" (which is itself a soulful remix of a song from a Vietnam war movie whose name FRUSTRATINGLY ESCAPES ME NOW!!! argh!!! ok, I'm calm now. it's okay, really. just tell me the name of that movie and I promise not to karaoke for you.
There ARE other Precursor remixes that aren't in my playlist, but so far all of their songs show strong, focused and yet highly disciplined creativity that is utterly devoid of pointless musical show-offery (aka "look at me, I mastered this technique, but not how to make it fit in a song!").
There's one thing that sucks about this remix... it's the FINAL one?! I sure hope not! I'm sure I can get music nearly as good as this from trawling through USENET"s alt.binaries.sounds.anime newsgroup, but maybe you guys could bust out some tunes in general? There are precious few artists that I know who are this good at so many various styles. Like Necros of Five Musicians, Precursors seems to beat the odds consistently, namely after a while, an artist or group is DESTINED to run out of steam.
Man, I wish I could compose like this. I wish I had these instruments you used.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
The shofixti remix falls apart half way through??? what?? Half noise?? Its a duet. Listen to it. Theres a high turn table and a low turn table. They alternate and bounce off each other. It's amazing. It's sensational. Maybe you'll need to know it to appreciate it, but trust me, it's not noise. I can't get it out of my head.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
Is remix pack 4 the final set of remixes to be released officially for UQM. I think so, as we'll have replaced all the old .MOD-files after this pack.
However, is it the final music released by the members of the Precursors team? No way! I know I compose a lot of (non-UQM) music, but I'm just not very good at releasing it. Stay tuned as we try to rectify that. 
MondayNight Frungy
Zebranky food

Posts: 29
Ok, it was Platoon, thanks 
And the remix in the game "Homeworld" makes even the Platoon version of "Adagio for Strings" look horribly shallow. Samuel Barber would surely have been proud.
Posts: 817
I'm with you Chrispy, I love the shofixti remix. Great stuff. Mind you, I'm not a hip-hop fan at all, but this is pretty good.