Topic: Remix Pack 4 - The New Alliance of Free Stars (Read 212925 times)
Frungy champion
Posts: 78

Unfortunately, it's probably gonna be about an hour before I can listen to these (need to go retreive my Mother from her work), but I already love the Supox one on its name alone.
EDIT: The Zoq-Fot-Pik track is as off the wall as it originally was, and I love every bit of it. The Supox one... very funky. It felt like a "blast this out of your car stereo on the way to the beach" track at points. Both are excellent at any rate.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2006, 12:41:37 am by Arrow »
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
Well, it was neither of my cravings, but who cares, this Supox theme is good. I am truely flattered. Maybe water always be near your roots, Forevian.
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
I think I already mentioned how much I like "Frungy Party", and "Shake Yer Rootz" is another remix that on the one hand is true to the original and on the other changes it into a fully fleshed-out new tune.
"Shake Yer Rootz" seems to stick quite close to the original structurally and melodically, but fleshes out the arrangement beyond the original MOD and brings out the melody more clearly, neatly addressing my only criticism of the original. May your roots always find nutritious and moist dirt, Forevian (mine can't stay still anymore!).
Posts: 1044

Both of these new ones are very nice. I especially like the Supox one; I was never much of a fan of their original music, but I have a new appreciation for it with this remix.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
I especially like the Supox theme, it is a very sunny tune that 's fits them perfectly. I really wish songs like this played on the radio.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2006, 05:22:17 pm by Deus_Siddis »
MondayNight Frungy
Zebranky food

Posts: 29
WOAH... that new Supox remix is an eye popper. What would you call that... an insanely eclectic mix of musical styles, from rock to techno to what else? all mixed in? How many different styles are cooperating PERFECTLY in this song? Forevian just scored a major hit that'll be felt all the way from Beta Librae to Procyon and from Beta Corvi to the Organon station!
ZFP Frungy Party is making my subwoofer thump in just the right ways 
...please powers that be, let there be a remix of that oh so catchy Orz theme ;_;
Posts: 627

Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep.
Woah! what's this? I'm gone for a month to try and get my grades up (I already threw away my HL2 and Star Craft CDs so I won't fail any more courses ) and you guys release half the remix pack!
.. cool! 
I must say that, despite what many of you seem to think, the original Chmmr music was quite catchy and I liked it very much - it had this "power effect", so the Chmmr remix was one of the few I was really *really* looking forward to. It's excellent, and sounds even better when I boost the bass to give the drums more power. Still needs more power I think. I'm only a bit disappointed with the ending where it fades out completely, stops, and then starts again for 20 seconds. was this part supposed to get in the final release? it seems like a work-in-progress. Otherwise it's a well remixed track! Will there be any bonus Chmmr tracks? 
"The Ultron" Utwig remix reminds me of Warcraft 2 music.. I like that style and it's composed wonderfully. ooh, and it repeats seamlessly. Good job!
"The Mask" Utwig remix.. woah. reminds me of your Under a Red Sky remix.. I love the vocals/choir, that's always an important addition to the atmosphere of a tune like this. You've outdone yourselves, again Why aren't you going professional (movie soundtracks for example)? I've heard a few "online composers" who got their chances in movie trailers and such, and you guys have just as much potential, if not more..
BTW, two last questions - - who are all these anonymous composers? I don't remember seeing a "Casey Monroe" or on the forum - and excuse me for this, but, how do you pronounce "Tore Aune Fjellstad' ? (sorry)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2006, 10:45:02 pm by Censored »
"You boldly enter our space! Approach this Dreadnought as though it were a recreation base and then play the dumb hominid? Who do you take us for, Captain... Spathi!?"
*Smell* controller
Posts: 316

Resident pseudointellectual
WOAH... that new Supox remix is an eye popper. Tehcnically, that woudl be an ear popper.
Will there be any bonus Chmmr tracks?  Not unless you, or anyone else, submits one shortly. 
Why aren't you going professional (movie soundtracks for example)? I've heard a few "online composers" who got their chances in movie trailers and such, and you guys have just as much potential, if not more.. Speaking for myself, I don't think I ever will go commercial; I get far too much enjoyment out of doing things like this for free. Besides, there usually are stricter guidelines and shorter deadlines in commercial work. I can easily see myself doing music on a volunteer basis like this ten years from now.
BTW, two last questions - - who are all these anonymous composers? I don't remember seeing a "Casey Monroe" or on the forum Very early in the project a number of remixed songs were submitted from all over the place. Most of these haven't been released until now, as by a freakish coincidence most people chose New Alliance themes to remix (Shofixti and Chmmr, for instance).
- and excuse me for this, but, how do you pronounce "Tore Aune Fjellstad' ?  (sorry) Now, here's where things get more difficult. To begin with the end, my family name is actually the easiest to pronounce for most people; you pronounce it more or less as it's written even in English!). Only keep in mind that the s is a hissing s sound, not the "sh" I notice foreigners usually use for this; and the ending d is muted. (Also, people from my part of the country normally palatalise the double l, but that's not for beginners, I think). Next, the middle name. To pronounce the Norwegian diphtong au, just picture a good old-fasioned Oxford professor saying "Rome", and use the resulting o sound. There's not really too many ways to pronounce -ne, I believe. So far so good. Now the hard part. Though only four letters, I think most of you people here would have a hard time pronouncing my first name wothout coaching. But here goes. First, the "o" sound in Tore is pronounced like in, um, stoopid, I guess. The r is, of course, a rolling r where you use the pressure of air from your lungs to make the tip of the tongue vibrate against your gum (unlike the english, or even american, pronounciation, where your tongue seems to want to slip halfway down your throat to make the sound; also not to be confused with the french R, where the sound is made between the middle of the tongue and the gum). The ending "e" is pronounced like in elephant.
That's it for today's language lesson folks, now back to the topic at hand.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
So then what if it was called "The Process." That sounds more mechanical like the theme itself.
Just an idea, anyway. The track is superb no matter what it is called.