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Topic: RTS Games (Read 17286 times)
Seems my login just disappeaared.
Supressing fire in DR. I remember building tons of those napalm... scarabs was it? I used them to cover narrow passages or just spew fire all around my base.
Tachyon tanks were pretty good if placed on auto patrols too, since they fired effectively while moving and not getting hit. I recall on the last level I used tons of sky fortresses and neutron towers around my base. Sadly the game got really bad with pathfinding when there was a lot of units... same with TA.
Didn't Space Rangers 2 have some RTS/FPS element? Is it any good?
Posts: 520

Oh well, my password was saved in a form (asterixes), no clue what it is though. I wonder if there's some sort of "mail me my psw" function... couldn't find one but I'm tired and whimsical.
Anyways, doesn't this new X3 Reunion game have some RTS apsects to it aswell? The trailers just show a lot of slow pans across spaceships so it's hard to tell.
"if your game was a stalemate, then neither of you knew how to form up an attack force or use abilities to defeat defenses... If one side is terran, at least, a forced stalemate is nearly impossible."
Not if the two sides use their attack forces to try and counter each other (defensively). The problem is, if someone doesn't win after a few major battles, nobody will be strong enough to win. It's like WWI with aliens. If your enemy is really out of all resources, a single siege tank with a comstat to act as a spotter can probably clear out every building he owns. That's what D9 was probably saying. Also, see scout masses with corsair support, guardians, reaver drops...
Starcraft was Blizzard's best work. I hate World of Warcraft like I hate all MMORPGs. They're big, brain-dead time-sinks. Also, I hate being forced into team work with the average internet denizen. If people would stop playing that god-forsaken game we'd get a Starcraft II or the next Diablo equivalent out much sooner.
Posts: 1044

If your enemy is really out of all resources, a single siege tank with a comstat to act as a spotter can probably clear out every building he owns. That's what D9 was probably saying. Also, see scout masses with corsair support, guardians, reaver drops... Life should be so simple. As I said, I was Terrans, he was Zerg. For every one of my Siege Tanks, he had a Guardian. It really was a no-win situation. I think the problem was that we were both playing rather defensively, and we ran out of resources with "impenetrable fortresses" set up around our bases. Sure, I could have emptied my bunkers and sent all my defensive units on a suicide strike, but what good would it have done me? He had lots of defensive units hanging around as well, and neither of us was willing to make the first move in that situation. Stalemate.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Actually, I was thinking you should have begun using science vessels and Irradiate. It's almost impossible to counter and it will kill any zerg unit other than an ultralisk. If it hits a stack, the entire stack can bite the dust.
Zerg has counters to siege tanks -- to wit, the queen: BAM. No siege tank, and if you used multiple siege tanks near each other, then they cream each other trying to kill the broodlings.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Not if there are multiple fronts. Your first warning is a siege tank blowing up.
Sure, it's harder to do if you do it to the tank push they're paying attention to... but all it takes is one queen and you've just blown up one tank and taken the rest out of siege mode. Send in the zerglngs!
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 167

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I'd like to add:
- Master of Orion (only the 1st) - Imperium Galactica II - star wars: galactic batttlegrounds
And of course I like(d) Total Annihilation and Star Craft 
Zebranky food

Posts: 43

BiG BeEf DiNnEr.
I must place myself in the underdog position while kinda AVOIDING the whole C&C series- since it became "red alert". earlier were nice. ever since this titles- it turned my off. I liked the EARTH series, the first one (2140) the most, but also the following including the new 2160. it's much more proffesional and fun, while being unique and creatve in aspects that other games aren't really.. and y the way it did have skirmish mode all the way. surely, StarCraft was proudly added with admiration- it is very good.
and finally if I may reffer to Turn Based Stratagy, well I'd say I'm a hardcore Heroes lover.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
RTS Games
« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2006, 11:05:13 pm » |
"Sure, it's harder to do if you do it to the tank push they're paying attention to... but all it takes is one queen and you've just blown up one tank and taken the rest out of siege mode. Send in the zerglngs!"
Hmm, smells like stone soup. You don't have minerals for zerglings, you are out of cash. That's the point, the game is superbly balanced, but when the resources run dry you too often end up in permanent stalemate.
I have a sub question, what is your favorite side (army) in each of your favorite RTS games. I've noticed that while some people like to switch around a lot, most end up sticking with one in particular for most conflicts.
Posts: 1044

Hmm, that's a toughie. Here's the ones I can remember, or at least definitively say:
Dune 2: The Harkonnen. Why F around with those weak trikes and infantry? And then there's Devastators and Death Heads near the end. What's not to love? C&C original: GDI, no contest. I never played the game long enough to see what Nod had to use against GDI's Mammoth Tanks (probably because of that stupid commando mission... ARGH), but I think it was flame tanks... Gimmie a break. Most unbalanced forces ever. C&C Red Alert: Tough to say. The game was really superbly balanced, if you ask me. I have a sweet spot for the allies, because I played them first, but I might be slightly more effective playing the Soviets. C&C Tiberian Sun: GDI. Because Titans are cool. Unfortunately, this is another game where I find that only a limited selection of units are useful. C&C Red Alert 2: Again, so tough to say. I enjoy playing Yuri's forces (from the expansion) for fun, just because I can mind control all sorts of wacky stuff: cars, bulldozers, monkeys, alligators... In a serious match, though, I'm not really sure. Warcraft 2: Humans. Just because I like Paladin spells better than Ogre Mages, Straight damage on archers trumps the extremely slow troll regen, and I don't really use the advanced mages. Starcraft: Terrans. Siege Tanks rule! Plus, I just like their general style of play better than the rush-prone Zerg or the never-enough-defenses-to-repel-an-attack Protoss. Total Anihillation: ARM. They're almost identical in the long run in the basic game, really, but the ARM's early units easily outclass the CORE's. Dune 2000: Atreides, and it's mainly because their build cost is so much lower than everyone else's. Relative effectiveness of individual units be damned, they're closely matched enough that 3 tanks against the enemy's 2 will always win... Though their late-game specialty units aren't that great.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
"Sure, it's harder to do if you do it to the tank push they're paying attention to... but all it takes is one queen and you've just blown up one tank and taken the rest out of siege mode. Send in the zerglngs!"
Hmm, smells like stone soup. You don't have minerals for zerglings, you are out of cash. That's the point, the game is superbly balanced, but when the resources run dry you too often end up in permanent stalemate. Wait a moment. If you posess no troops whatsoever and he possesses siege tanks, then he wins (assuming he doesn't need to make a landing). End of story. If you have adequate defenses to hold off the siege tanks, and a queen, then the siege tanks slowly go down. You win. End of story.
The only exception is an island game in which you can't get to each other; and that is very unlikely to happen for Zerg.
Got it?
« Last Edit: January 24, 2006, 07:17:46 pm by Death 999 »
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"Wait a moment. If you posess no troops whatsoever and he possesses siege tanks, then he wins (assuming he doesn't need to make a landing). End of story."
Not really, the queen(s) can pick off the tank(s) before they wipe out the entire zerg base. And since broodlings die after a short while (and don't have much of a bite,) they won't be able to destroy the terran base in time.
"If you have adequate defenses to hold off the siege tanks, and a queen, then the siege tanks slowly go down. You win. End of story."
The Zerglings could be blocked by a spider mine field, well placed around buildings. The 'lings can't kill the mines from a distance, and if they get close to the buildings, the mines attack. Or maybe there's a wraith hovering around, or a firebat in a bunker, etc.
This is all a very vague scenario, but the bottom line is there are many ways that two forces can each have the strength to defend themselves, but not to beat their opponent. You can easily have a stalemate, whether the two players have the combined IQ of a drone, or a Xel'Naga.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2006, 09:32:49 pm by Deus_Siddis »
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