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Topic: Melee tactics and favourite ships (Read 9983 times)
Posts: 580

Utwig Jugger sucks.. Why? It's slow, and what it REALLY is, is LAME....
Na, my personal favorites are the Mmrnmhrm X-form (lame too, but still), the Chmmr Avatar (averagely good in regular hands, awesome in expert hands), and the Yehat Terminator (near-permashield-for-the-win! Plus, gravitywhips WORK!)
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
I've always liked the pkunk, but a well handled spathi is very hard to defeat.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
Discriminator/Eluder: It's quite manueverable, can take a fair amount of punishment, and has homing missiles. You'll have to be patient to destroy something with it, though.
Skiff: Their manueverability is unparalleled(it's the only ship that isn't affected by inertia and planet gravity!), and the laser comes with a built-in aimbot. Just make sure not to get hit, or you're screwed-it may take some practice not to run into any stray flames or shruikens.(Damn Marauders!)
Cruiser: The torpedoes can really pack a punch at long range. The PDL might also provide immunity from things like missiles and fighters(could pose some great trouble for the Safe Ones if it ever came to such a conflict). This thing is slower than a snail, though, so you'd better hope you can keep your distance if you want to stay alive.
Jugger: The weapons don't affect your shields, which can be regenerated by simply taking "damage" while they're up-just make sure not to run out of energy, lest you lose what is practically the only redeeming factor of this ship(and the only reason it makes the list). The manueverability is atrocious when compared to the Skiff and Discriminator/Eluder, so it won't take much for your opponent to move by faster than you can turn.
Then again, I really don't mess around in Melee with many of the ships. I will tell you that I really do favor manueverability, though.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Earthling Cruiser. Lots of crew, excellent turning, damn cool missiles. Could move a little faster though, but that's nothing a little gravity whip can't remedy. If you're good with it, you can beat:
Ur-Quan Thraddash Mycon Shofixti Vux Slylandro Supox Ilwrath Syreen Arilou Orz Spathi Umgah Druuge
The only ones who do well can beat it are:
Utwig Kohr-Ah Yehat Chenjesu Androsyn Veloxi Nelsons Arthling Thrynn Uhlek Zerg D'ni Me
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
If i had to be choosy i would pick the modified Ur-Quan Shown here 
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"I'm not sure how you'd bring Starflight stuff into Star Control...maybe a rip in QuasiSpace?"
Someday, someone might mod together the two universes. Starflight 2: The Spemin Masters. Ancient Vs Precursor. Hehe.
The Orz Nemesis will forever be my favorite in every conceivable way.
The Nemesis is an excellent little ship, but I just suck with it. I can never line up the turret right while still being able to maneuver well.
This is falacy. Why are you depending on the cannon to win fights? The Nemesis has a durability of 16 and that's if you aren't using marines, which you should be. It can't stand up to punishment, so the only time you close in and use the cannon is when you're 100% sure you'll get away with it. Otherwise, the marines are doing the fighting for you.
Posts: 1044

However, in many cases, you simply can't rely on the marines to win battles. Ever launched marines at an Eluder? They'll never catch it. Same story with a Skiff or X-Form (when played well, anyway). Let's not talk about an Avatar. It's easy to trick the AI and knock out its zapsats; a human will not be so gracious as to chase you endlessly once they figure out what you're trying to do. How about a Torch? A competent pilot can turn your marines into a fish-fry pretty easily.
That's why you have to be good at using the turret. What do all these ships have in common? Pretty short range. If you can learn to pick them off at medium range with your turret gun, you've got a decent shot of at least punching them up pretty badly, or maybe even winning.
However, in many cases, you simply can't rely on the marines to win battles. Ever launched marines at an Eluder? They'll never catch it. Same story with a Skiff or X-Form (when played well, anyway). Let's not talk about an Avatar. It's easy to trick the AI and knock out its zapsats; a human will not be so gracious as to chase you endlessly once they figure out what you're trying to do. How about a Torch? A competent pilot can turn your marines into a fish-fry pretty easily.
That's why you have to be good at using the turret. What do all these ships have in common? Pretty short range. If you can learn to pick them off at medium range with your turret gun, you've got a decent shot of at least punching them up pretty badly, or maybe even winning.
I am sorry, did that last post have "SPAM MARINES FOR INSTANT WIN" written in it? I know you're sometimes forced to depend on the cannon. Marines are still handy in a supporting role for those fights.
Ever launched marines at an Eluder? They'll never catch it.
Pretty sure I've managed to get a few on board an Eluder before. Marines pretty much take a back seat in this fight, though.
Same story with a Skiff...
The awesome AI Skiff (which has reflexes that put most human players to shame) is best beaten with space marines harrying it into teleporting over and over until the Skiff finds its way inside the planet.
or X-Form
Fishy goons stomp all over that thing when its AI controlled. Against a player the best thing to do is only have one or two out at a time so that it's not cost effective to laser-lance them.
Let's not talk about an Avatar.
Player-controlled Avatars can't really do anything about Orz either. Some of them are smarter with the tractor beam, but that in no way prevents their inevitable death.
How about a Torch? A competent pilot can turn your marines into a fish-fry pretty easily.
Truth. Same goes for the Illwrath. They are both cheese-cake, regardless. I can't believe you never mentioned the Androsynth, although through proper abuse of the Leyland Gravity Whip those can be bested as well.
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