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Topic: Sorry about spamming. (Read 2229 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 6

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
But this is almost too good to be true, good luck guys, keep up the great work.
Tuomas Soronen
I possibly couldnt agree more. I have played the original SC2 ONCE through with my 386/33 system. Then I lost the starmap and wasnt able to play it again .
Finally, I reinstalled the game with crack (remember, I DO have bought the game, just lost the starmap) on my p3/500 system, but unfortunately the graphics card (voodoo3) did not work at all, I just got blurred screen when starting. Might have been the crack, too 
So, now with this re-release I can again play the game. Not to mention, this game is the one game I probably will remember as the ultimate game ever made for PC. So, on the second thought maybe I shouldnt start playing again and risk to wash away all those golden memories of a game with brilliant graphics and audio...
That has happened before, you know. I have tried some of the legendary C-64 games with emulator and man, they look like crap! 
But anyway, nothing can chance how I feel about the plot of the game. And the brilliant design.
Thank you guys, I hope you hang on with the game and can some day release a fully stable version for us all Starcontrol (Or The Ur-Quan Masters) fans out here!
Kiitos =)
Zebranky food

Posts: 1

Oh good, there's already a thread for random fan spamming, I'd hate to have to have made my own. 
This ROCKS!.
My three favorite games of all time have been Fallout 2, Planescape:Torment, and yes, Starcontrol 2. Just beautiful guys. I practicly drooled on the description of the open source customizibility in the article in Computer Games magazine.
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