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Topic: Chmrr (Read 8706 times)
Dave Morse
« on: December 16, 2002, 09:29:30 pm » |
Just got my *ss kicked by a single Chmmrr Avatar. I had heard that the Earthling Cruiser had no chance, but I was able to charge in to point blank range and land 1 missile without it being intercepted. Then I chose the Supox Blade: big mistake. Though I could stand off and hurl in little green projectiles, the satellite ships would shoot them down. Lame!
What are the best small ship counters to the Chmrrr Cheese-cruiser?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 247

One Ring to rule them all, eh you know the rest.
Re: Chmrr
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2002, 09:38:07 pm » |
Druuge Maulers, if you do it right, can take down an Avatar without getting hit once! (of course, _you_ will be the one killing your crew...)
Utwig Juggers, if you have good enough reflexes, can also take an Avatar down.
Both kinds of Urquan can hurt the Avatar, but Korh-Ah are better at it since the FRIED ring takes out ZapStats. Don't expect to win however, that will just weaken the Avatar a lot.
The Shofixti Glory device hurts the Avatar and always takes out at least one ZapStat, usually two and sometimes even three.
Oh God, please don't let me die today! Tomorrow would be SO much better!
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 122

Re: Chmrr
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2002, 09:38:38 pm » |
The Thraddash's afterburner is especially suited to dispatch with the Avatar's ZapSats.
Re: Chmrr
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2002, 12:36:49 pm » |
The Umgah Drone is actually quite effective (in groups of two or three) against a Chmrr Avatar, if you can zip into range behind it. Once there, open up with the antimatter cone, which will quickly dissolve a zapsat or two. If you're lucky enough to take them out before they blast you to pieces, you might get all three. You won't take out the Avatar itself with one Drone, however.
The Druuge Mauler has already been mentioned. You dont' have to feed crew to the furnace, actually, if you have patience. Just keep your distance (if you're going fast enough from recoil, the tractor beam won't be effective) and launch a slug at the Avatar every now and then. The regen rate on combat batteries is slow, but not unworkable.
Melnorme projectiles, at least at full charge, are able to penetrate the zapsats without being stopped. Green and blue probably won't make it, but I know the red ones will. And the confusion ray is good for keeping the main weapon away from you.
Androsynth Guardian in blazer mode can knock a few holes in the side of a Chmrr ship. Of course, if it doesn't hit the zapsats, it'll get picked apart quickly, but it's not futile.
Utwig, even without the shield, can do okay if they keep at standoff distance and blast away with the main guns. They won't all get through, but enough projectiles will that eventually the Avatar is destroyed. If you survive long enough.
VUX Intruders are okay, as their laser is quite damaging, and can do a number on the zapsats. Once those are gone, you can limpet the Avatar so that it can't bring its primary weapon to bear on you, zip (sort of) around behind, and blast away. This only works if...IF! you're not bringing the VUX into play against the Avatar. That is, if the Intruder has already fought. If you come out of hyperspace right next to the Avatar, you're toast. Slimy, green, tentacular toast with a large eyeball, but toast nonetheless.
A Mycon podship can produce plasmoids that, if they're fresh enough when they reach the Avatar, will not be entirely destroyed by the zapsats. If you manage to get the Avatar to chase you (never chase a Mycon), you can lob full-power plasmoids into the ship, usually destroying it in a few hits. Of course, if you miss once, and get in range of the laser, then your Mycon is turned into mushroom soup, a lovely accompaniment to your VUX toast.
Chenjesu Broodhomes, actually, are quite effective against the Chmrr, since their primary weapon is both powerful and long ranged. Exploding a few crystals before they hit the main ship can take care of pesky zapsats, too. Do not, however, try a DOGI on the Avatar. It gets picked apart by the zapsats very quickly.
Most other ships, though, especially the ones with weapons that can be easily intercepted and shot down, are hopelessly outclassed. I found that Ur-Quan Dreadnoughts, singly, were unable to destroy a fully-crewed Avatar. In twos or threes, yes, but not singly. This makes sense, since the Avatar was designed for fighting Dreadnoughts.
Kohr-Ah Marauders fared somewhat better, since they could destroy zapsats with the Fiery Ring of Inevitable and Eternal Destruction, but they could only do so at close range, which is precisely the WRONG place to be, in relation to the Avatar, if you want to avoid a dinner-sized serving of Flaming Death. (Hmm, food motif here...maybe I'm getting hungry for some rocky fungal favorite!)
Needless to say, most other ships, especially the smaller ones I favored, would get their posteriors handed to them, gift-wrapped and postage marked.
Zebranky food

Posts: 20

Shipwrecked and comatose.
Re: Chmrr
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2002, 12:42:32 pm » |
I find the Androsynth to be the best anti-Chmmr weapon. I can usually take an Avatar down without taking damage. Drop bubbles in front of the Chmmr until it starts to get too close. Then switch to Blazer mode and run away. Hold down the special weapon button and the thrust button so you will keep changing to Blazer mode over and over again, until you are a safe distance away and can recharge your batteries. You can do rapid course-corrections with Blazer mode. Repeat.
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
My favourite one is the Supox Blade. Needs patience and a little practice! But getting the practice is easy against the Avatar, because you will only fly backwards and correct your line of flight in a few cases, to hit the right spot for taking out the Zapstats.
1. Make the Avatar follow you 2. Fly backwards 3. Shoot Zapstats first (at least 1 of 3 will hit the zapstat if you shoot it at the point where the satelite passes the Avatar) 4. Use only full battery-loads (reload when empty) 5. After taking out at least 2 of the satelites, you can proceed the kill the sitting avatar.
Your engine is strong enough to fight the tractor beam while flying backwards.
I only take damage from crashing the planet or by forgetting to keep pressing the reverse shift. The blade was the first ship, in which i won against a human-controlled avatar without losing any crew. Against the ai, it is the same.
Enjoy! Martin
My spitfire, i will plant thy seeds and keep your nutricious dirt always well watered!
Re: Chmrr
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2002, 09:38:05 pm » |
The list so far covers most of the likely offenders- the only one I'd add is actually the Pkunk Fury- the key to beating an Avatar with it is realising that if a Zapsat has a choice between shooting at another ship or shooting at another ship's projectiles, it seems to go for the projectiles... so, using your manoueverability, you get behind the Chmmr (a second under the main laser, and its KFP- Kentucky Fried Pkunk) zip in close to the zap sats, and pump out as many bullets as you can before retreating. If you time it right, the zap sats will be too busy shooting down the bullets to take out any of your crew and enough will get through to do around 4-6 damage to the Avatar if you lined up your attack correctly. This leaves your (theoretically) unscathed Fury to zip out, charge up your battery, and head in for another attack run. Repeat x 10 and you have a dead Avatar.
Obviously, this is very much an expert tactic, and it takes a heck of a long time to master- if you don't time your firing exactly right, you'll lose about half your crew complement to zapsats before you can get out of there. Once you master the tactic though you should be fine. It is possible to beat a pretty experienced human or computer on awesome with this method even if your fury doesn't reincarnate, and if you get lucky and come back a few times, your victoriy is practically assured.
Re: Chmrr
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2002, 09:38:43 pm » |
One option I haven't seen mentioned here is the Orz.
Although the Orz Nemesis isn't quite fast enough to escape the Chmmr's tractor beam, it can hold out for quite a while. In addition, its shots have a much longer range than the Chmmr's, and can penetrate through the zapsats.
My strategy for fighting a Chmmr with an Orz is:
1. Crank the cannon around to the back and repeatedly swoop in, fire, and swoop out. If the Chmmr starts trying to pull me in (the computer always will), I fly directly away from it for as long as possible, firing backwards; at the last moment, turn and fly *around* it. The Chmmr can't change directions quickly enough and will lose ground on you.
This hit-and-run technique is especially effective near the planet, since you can use the gravity well to escape the tractor beam.
2. Repeat (1) until you have destroyed the Chmmr, or have eliminated the zapsats. If the zapsats are gone, you may want to unleash hordes of space marines on it.
Caveats: first, I haven't had much of a chance to try this out on a human player, so there may be a simple strategy the Chmmr can employ to avoid it. For instance, I suspect that holding back on the tractor until the Orz is nearby might cause considerable trouble.
Second, this isn't a foolproof strategy -- fly too close to the Chmmr (or, more likely, into the planet) and you can be toast in seconds.
Oh, and if you don't mind a really cheesy win and you're playing the computer, take a Thraddash. The computer doesn't make any effort to dodge the afterburner fireballs, and if more than a few are clumped together, the zapsats can't destroy them quickly enough before they hit something. (either the Chmmr itself, or a satellite)
Black Monk
Re: Chmrr
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2002, 09:37:27 pm » |
I just wanted to disagree about the Kohr-Ah being close to the Chmmr. Being close is good good good initially. I try to let the Chmmr bring me in close and aim to slingshot past. While going past I send out rings of flame as quickly as possible--often, if lucky, I can take down the Chmmr in one pass.
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