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Topic: Interesting Paul Reiche III revelation (Read 19960 times)
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Interesting. Of all the contemporary specifically identified heads of state in the game, every single one is female. Yeah, no women in SC2. None... at... all...
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 169

What can we do for
Okay, okay, so I didn't exactly research that statement first...
I just meant that SC2 doesn't go out of the way to present to us, graphically, members of both sexes of any alien race.
Sheesh. ;p
Thanks for posting that!
I hadn't picked up the sexual orientation commentary with regards to the Adrosynth... so that is interesting to look back on now. I think the fact the Paul and Fred created this game 15 years ago (or so, I don't know for sure) solidifes my respect for them as game designers, storytellers, and human beings.
I definitely recall the religious commentary of SC2. I especially remember some extended dialog with the Druddge (sp?) race where the Druddge go into the details of the "contract" that they had signed with their diety. It was a formalization of the motifs that exist in so many organized religions. Something like "we the undersigned agree to perform acts of fealty and devotion, in exchange God will act in arbitrary and unknowing ways". I can't remember the entire thing, but I remember it was funny and strikingly relevant. Of course I was 13 when I first played the game, and I think that part went right over my head. But when I replayed it, 5 years ago or so (just before UQM came out... had to rebuild a 486 with SB16 to do it) I remember being really taken back by the 2nd and 3rd levels of meaning going on through-out the game.
Anyway, thanks again Paul and Fred. A true work of art.
John Szczep
I'm happy to see that people enjoyed the article, or at least the SC2 section, and I'm especially happy that it's encouraged debate!
It's interesting to note that we're discussing a game more than a decade old, and the article touches upon even older games.
Somehow, to me, it feels as if the games industry has taken two steps back and one step forward with regards to narrative, gameplay, etc.
Maybe I'm just too old, but they just don't make games like they used to.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"Somehow, to me, it feels as if the games industry has taken two steps back and one step forward with regards to narrative, gameplay, etc."
I'm not completely sure about that. There were hordes of dumb games before, and there are good games now, like Starcraft or Halo with good gameplay and plotlines.
But the grass seems greener back on the other side, because we tend to remember the good ones and forget those that we dropped after five minutes. When you look at the grass right beneath your feet, you can see the dirt showing between it, and all the weeds, where as a patch in the background just appears to be a green field. In ten or twenty years, few will remember all the dumb clone shooters we have now, just as we can't remember all the dumb RPG dungeon crawls that polluted olden times.
Posts: 1044

Off the top of my head, I think the other species leaders you actually speak to or hear about (Ilwrath High Priest, The Safe Ones, etc.) are gender indeterminate. And of course, the Slylandro Speaker is male.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
As far as the slylandro are concerned, yes, you talk with a male one; but I don't think they have much of a governmental apparatus or hierarchy.
Also, though Kzer-Za himself was male, we don't have any information on whether their current leader is male. Of course, the voice-actor for the Ur-Quan is male, but so is the voice-actor for the Kohr-Ah, and their leader is female.
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