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Topic: Favorite SciFi Vehicle. (Read 6481 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
Ooh boy, this is gonna be a hard one.
-The SC2 Precursor vessels go without saying on these forums. Take your pick between a Hellbore-loaded Vindicator, a suicide Chmmr/Precursor bomb-equipped Vindicator that the Shofixti would probably love to have(them in particular, due to the bomb kick the crap out of their relatively-puny Glory Devices), or the Sa-Matra.
-A suit of powered armor; take your pick. I'd want one of Samus's Power or Fusion Suits, but being male, they're probably not fit for my body(and who knows how she survives being scrunched up into a little Morph Ball?). MJOLNIR suits worn by Spartans(think Halo here, not ancient Rome)would be alright, but we don't have the tech for light energy shields. I guess I'll have to settle for a recreation of a Clan Elemental suit, since you could probably fit current-generation tech into the huge suit, built for genetically-engineered, insanely-tall humans specially bred to fight as infantry(yeah, I'm that much of a Battletech geek).
-I can't think of much else other than a personally-designed starship that I haven't produced art for, so you'll have to settle for words. You'd need some technologies refined by ancient races of past universes that managed to become stranded throughout our universe(isn't this getting somewhat cliché by now, with all of these Forerunners, Precursors, and whatever else you want to call them?), and hopefully some of that technology may be hidden somewhere on Earth. It's a small capital ship in comparison to other capital ships, as it is designed to be operated with as little as a one-man crew-however, you'd never mistake it for a fighter, bomber, or other small ship. Two weapon pods, used for carrying large missiles and the like, are mounted perpendicular to the fuselage, near the front of the craft; in addition, two engines are mounted on each pod towards the fuselage. Those engines take a page from the A-10 and can be detached in case of severe damage; they also make excellent last-ditch WMDs. Below the cockpit area are two main weapons, usually energy beam cannons, and a sensor array in between for scanning stuff, such as asteroids, other ships, or planets. In the midsection of the ship are modules on the left and right sides for nanite storage and energy generators, and above and below those, additional turret modules for taking out those annoying fighters, bombers, and the like. Behind all of that would be two more engines on the sides, as well as a vehicle bay for launching fighters, bombers, and planet landers. The fast-travel device remains unknown, even to myself-it can jump several light-years in a matter of seconds, but takes a while to recharge.
Well, that was a long post. Hope I don't get docked too hard for bumping a several-month-old post, even if I am quite on-topic.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 100

I would love to have my very own personal X-com flying suit. Preferably with builtin motion detector, personal disruption shield and cloaking device. (Ok, the last two are from about eighty years later than that thing, but I don't see much problems with the motion detector, seeing as how it is a small handheld device. And they did dump the disruption shield and cloaking device on suits that were never designed to handle them either.)
But that would probably fit better in coolest sci-fi body armour. So if it has to be a vehicle, I would want an Anihilator. (X-com again) Infinite fuel, though armour, lots of space for stuff (Think big cloaking device, disruption shields and a crew cabin rebuilt into a luxurious hut, and you get the idea) and it carries plenty of firepower in case things get nasty.
,,That was the worst and most boring movie I’ve ever seen. Lousy special effects.” Sergeant ironhead. The real reason why the alien brain on Cydonia was destroyed while in the middle of displaying a message telling the X-com operatives not to fire.
Hoe meer zielen, hoe meer vreugd! (yes I'm dutch)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
I would love to have my very own personal X-com flying suit. Preferably with builtin motion detector, personal disruption shield and cloaking device. (Ok, the last two are from about eighty years later than that thing, but I don't see much problems with the motion detector, seeing as how it is a small handheld device. And they did dump the disruption shield and cloaking device on suits that were never designed to handle them either.)
But that would probably fit better in coolest sci-fi body armour. So if it has to be a vehicle, I would want an Anihilator. (X-com again) Infinite fuel, though armour, lots of space for stuff (Think big cloaking device, disruption shields and a crew cabin rebuilt into a luxurious hut, and you get the idea) and it carries plenty of firepower in case things get nasty.
Heck yeah man! Make that 2 orders of Flying Suits. Although I'd like an Avenger more, or maybe a Leviathan.. hmm.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 100

Hi, everybody, I'm back! (Now start panicking!)
Now that I think of it, the Avenger has always been my favourite. The Annihilator looks freaking weird anyway. (It's a big laughing face! AAAHHH!!! Make it stop!) But the Gas bill would be huge (and it would be a bit hard to find a gas station in the first place. At least one that wouldn't try to blow you up.) Um, ok, so please change my order to Avenger with Disruption shields, luxurious interior (don't worry, it doesn't need to be so big.) and a magical E-115 production facility that feeds the newly made E-115 directly to the engines, the Plasma beams, or to my cabin. (Even my flying suit will need a refill from time to time.)
,,That was the worst and most boring movie I’ve ever seen. Lousy special effects.” Sergeant ironhead. The real reason why the alien brain on Cydonia was destroyed while in the middle of displaying a message telling the X-com operatives not to fire.
Hoe meer zielen, hoe meer vreugd! (yes I'm dutch)
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
The Power Armor from the Honor Harrington book series.
The Quuedallun-Rau, from "Macross" win's my vote as baddest Power Armor.
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