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Topic: Your favorite race? (Read 21787 times)
Frungy champion
Posts: 75

Mr. Owl ate my metal worm.
Hey, to those thraddash haters out there, have you ever killed 25 of their ships so they make you their teacher? What could be better than pig latin?
Zebranky food

Posts: 1

My personal favourite race is Melnorme. Their cultural structure is very interesting, and I hope to hear from those cunning cyclopses in future.
Melnorme are also propably only civilization you can't place anywhere in good-evil-axis, what is one of their positive sides, too, cogito.
Zebranky food

Posts: 3

Haunt haunt haunt.
I played the original game many years ago and really had a sense of understanding with the Utwig, their voice as I imagined it was a deep, morose, Type O Negative vampire guy. But when I heard this voice, this shrill, high-pitched sound of ultimate suffering which brings forth images of a pimply, fat self-absorbed adolescent that cuts himself for attention, I was pretty much outraged.
 They probably were my favorite until they were given that voice. But now? Now... The Arilou obviously hold a special place in my soul, but so do the Kohr-Ah, pretty much polar opposites, so it works. LOL, Thraddash. "We will be rhyming all the timing!"
« Last Edit: November 04, 2006, 12:53:55 am by V-Man »
"When deadsie doors yawn, woodsies run and hide. When deadsie doors gape, foolsie man blindly goes inside." -Unattributed Trickster Song
Zebranky food

Posts: 6
mine would be the orz i first encountered them and couldnt stop lauging at their dialog and also because i cant work out what they are: a frog a crab a lobster a bird
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
My most favourite are the Arilou cause i know to pilot their ships best hehe
And the VUX cause they are so arrogant that you have to like them
Then the Yehat cause of ship design and language
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 142

More information...
The Orz for me--they're so fascinating. And it's so hard to be sure about anything with them because of all those linguistic oddities; it just makes me want to know everything about them. Also, they manage to be friendly and pleasant and quite creepy at the same. I like that.
I have to confess that there is more than 1 favourite race: Arilou, Spathi, Yehat, Pkunk
Arilous are so wise (and annoying.. they never let me visit their surface (what a suprise)) and helpful (thought they didn't want to join the new alliance of free stars.). And I like their ships, because of its teleport (as a secondary "weapon") and because gravity doesn't affect to the ship.
Spathis are cowards but i like their sentences... for example: "I know you are going to torture me, so let's just get this over with right now. The coordinates of my homeworld, Spathiwa, are 241.6 : 368.7 and the ultra-secret Spathi Cypher, which is known only by me and several billion other Spathi is `Huffi-Muffi-Guffi'. Sorry about that little mistake with your landing vehicle! I was so startled when it approached my vessel in a threatening manner that er my automated defense systems fired on it when it got too close. I hope nobody got hurt! "
And i like yehat just because of history of the race.
And always so-loved, the pkunk.. I like the Pkunks because they are always so HAPPY and merry.
Zebranky food

Posts: 27

The Cats of Now and Forever
The Arilou, because I like what I don't understand.
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
My favorite would be the chenjesu. Although I am most amused by the druuge.
Zebranky food

Posts: 12

Muahaha, my favorite race is a race that has never been called before.
Although they do not excist in numbers or have their own ships, I still find them to my very liking.
Who can be more interesting than the creatures feared by the dreadfull ur-quan and kohr-ah! 
That's right, my favorite race is the Dnynarri, the most evil of evil. I truly wish to see more about them if a new SC is being produced. When I was playing SC2, I had wished sometimes that I could threaten the ur-quan and kohr-ah with the Dnynarri in my possesion, but unfortunately, the producers did not give me that ability 
As for the ships which I most feared with my fully pimped mighty precursor battleship, I would have to go for the Umgah. I never had the feeling I was save for the sudden movements of their ships. I rather take on an armada of kohr-ah ships then fight one umgah ship.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2006, 09:29:08 pm by Pikant »
C. Bob
Zebranky food

Posts: 43
I have several.
The Chenjesu, because of their culture and marvelous starship design. The Yehat, because of their culture and marvelous starship design. The Ur-Quan, because of their culture and marvelous starship design. The Orz, because of their *non*-existant culture and marvelous starship design. The Spathi, because of their hilarious culture and marvelous starship design. The Shofixti, because of their culture and interesting starship design.
Okay, I'm starting to sound like a broken record. But those generally are among my favorites -- I like them all pretty well, actually, but those in particular are good, depending on how I feel.
- Bob
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