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Topic: how to fix the keyboard bug (Read 3099 times)
Robert Dunne
The funny thing is I can move and fire just fine in Super Melee, but in the normal game it doesn't work. Same with the lander. (This is using the .2 cvs version.) So I don't think its really a keyboard problem, but a game problem. (I tried with three different keyboards on 2 computers, with the same result)
Black Monk
I think this is largely a hardware issue. I use a Northgate Omnikey/101 as much as possible.
During the keyjammin' fun, it registered ALL the keys that were held down. At the time, my pals' keyboards could only do about 3 to 5 keys depending on which combinations were used.
Now I'm temporarily stuck on a Dell keyboard. My fiancee is on a Microsoft ergonomic one. We lose keystrokes while playing. Can't turn, move forward, and fire at the same time. I can only imagine the pain involved if we both tried to play each other on one keyboard.
I had seen this explained as the way the keypress-sensing grid was laid out. However, I cannot find a diagram of what I'm referring to. Basically, most keyboards can only read X amount of keypresses from Y regions on the keyboard. Some key combinations lock out any additional keys that get pressed.
I've been able to directly see this difference by plugging in different keyboards throughout the years and comparing them to my Omnikey. If this is ONLY a software issue I am at a loss to explain how an old DOS game (all that I've played, actually) can automatically detect a different keyboard--no TSRs running or anything, and somehow accept more simultaneous keyboard inputs.
Heh, it'd be nice if we could get gamepads workin' with SC2, at least in Windows eh.
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