Topic: Muslim caricatures (Read 27422 times)
It's very interesting if you read the topic and the last message (well not last anymore) Amasing how subjects can change like that is't it? Well it doesnt matter to me since I now know what i wanted to know
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"If many of these people are really so oppressed and have trouble buying food, where do they buy all the $%%^! flags?"
You just buy in bulk. 
"Notice the typical muslim response to something neither we nor Israel were responsible for."
"Hello, I am Abdullah Al Muhammed, owner of Flammable Flags 'R Us of Mecca, and I am here to bring you this amazing offer, Ala willing. We have all had one of those days when a great insult to the glories of Islam appears on Al Jazeera, but when we look in our burnable flag closet, there are no flags of the right nationallity to burn! Well not anymore, because no matter what part of the west offends the great unillustratible profit muhammed, you'll have flags to set ablaze! Using the latest in heavenly guidance, we at Flammable Flags have created the ultimate in flag torching- The American/Israeli dual high burner. On one side is printed the great satan, and on the other is the six pointed abomination. Each kit comes with sixty ounces of quick start lighter fluid. The first one hundred callers will get a free, yes FREE, detonation jacket- great for those weekend excursions to martyrdom and paradise!"
When the average muslim look at europe and america they just see one big nation that's against islam. And with all right. Because when I look at the muslim countries I only see one big muslim extremist country. Yes I know that's not a very nice thing to say, but thats sadly how I feel right now. Im only beeing honst. I belive more in talking about conflicts then trying to ignore them,
However, I can see what they're getting at with burning OUR flag over the mosque bombings: we went in and destabilized the place, so we as occupiers are supposed to be keeping the peace, but we are failing. if it hadn't been for the US, that mosque and many many people would still be whole.
I see your point, but I disagree in principle. While I can understand muslims being angry with Denmark because a danish paper printed offensive comics1, I see little logic in blaming the US for sunni extremists blowing up shiite shrines. Sure, as many of us stated from the beginning, Iraq has become very unstable. Sure, if the US ahd not gone in none of this would be happening2. However, any extremist group that makes the choice to blow up a civilian building is responsible for their own actions. The US destabilized the area, but "the Sunni Whatever Liberation" chose to blow up a shrine important to their faith. I'd love to see demonstrations all over the arab world against the actual perpetrators of this atrocious act of sacrilege, rather than blaming "the usual guys that are obviously responsible for every bad thing that happens"TM
1As has been stated earleir, the right to demonstrate, and protest, not to burn embassies and go berserk.
2This however isn't really the issue at debate here. If anyone really wants to flog this dead horse, I recommend they first dig up old threads pertaining to the subject and read through them, and then create a new thread where any willing participants can debate if it was wise or not to enter Iraq, and wether it was sound/right/good/whatever.
OT, when I try to log in the board tells me that the security system has been revamped, and then refuses to let me enter. Why is this?
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"OT, when I try to log in the board tells me that the security system has been revamped, and then refuses to let me enter. Why is this?"
Obviously, since you are a grave security threat to this board and all users thereof. 
Welcome back, by the way.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Hey, Luki!
I didn't say I AGREE. I said that I can see where they're coming from.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
LOlLsilly protesters should burn themselves!
Yes, well done. Really added another dimension to the whole "understanding another culture" concept there.
Hey, Luki!
I didn't say I AGREE. I said that I can see where they're coming from.
What's up D-man? Long time no see.
Sorry, my misread. Still, I can't even stretch far enough to see where they are coming from. I mean, sure, there are a LOT of things in Iraq that you can (mindset willing) blame the americans for. Tons of stuff really. But, anti-american groups that bomb muslim targets? Not really, I don't even get a faintest connection there.
While were on the subject though, I have to give full props to the finnish muslim community. Not only did they arrange a peaceful protest against Denmark because of the caricatures, they also arranged a peaceful protest against al-Quaida and the likes after the recent mosque bombing. That's what I call consistency. It really mirrors a double standard to burn danish flags when JP offends your religion, yet not move a muscle when someone blows up one fo your holiest shrines.
Obviously, since you are a grave security threat to this board and all users thereof. Smiley
Welcome back, by the way. Apparently, my password has changed since I was here last. which is fairly odd. Still, I managed to guess it.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2006, 09:14:39 pm by Lukipela »
What's up doc?