Alpha Centauri
Hi All,
I am tring to upgrade to the 0.5.0 but after compiling and then when I try to start the game I get the following:
The control scheme for UQM has changed since you last updated keys.cfg. (I'm using control scheme version 2, while your config file appears to be for version 1.)
Renaming keys.cfg to keys.old and retrying. Error: Something went wrong and we were looping again and again so aborting. Possible cause is your content dir not being up-to-date. I have deleted the keys.cfg in the ~/.uqm/ directory but that did not help. 0.4.0 starts fine but not 0.5.0 I cannot find any keys.cfg anywhere that o.k.? And my content dir is fine I have downloaded all the 0.5.0 files and renamed the voices from the old one...
Please help.