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Topic: Save Game Editor (Read 9081 times)
Will there be a version of the save game editor for the OS X release any time soon?
I've been editing my saved games by transferring the files over to a Windows share, then back to my Mac... however, all of my edited saved games crash UQM. I've even tried making the edits reasonable (20 crew, 20 fuel, 1000 RU) and it still shwos as 1404839930 RU and 36830 fuel and 24090 crew... and the game freezes when i load them. Makes me sad.
Im writing one for mac, but its my first time with Cocoa and Objective-C, so it will take me a little while to work everything out. Here is what works so far:
Money, date/time, crew, fuel, minerals, landers.
The only limits are in the file offsets. If someone has a good list of them, i would be happy to make a comprehensive editor. I won't release this until i get all the kinks worked out. For now its loading saved games i point to it, and not the whole folder. I plan on having it load the entire folder from ~/.uqm/save and let you change any or all of them, and duplicate them i guess for backup.
Send me offsets in the files and i can get this done pretty soon. Good way to learn to use Xcode!
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