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Question: |
How baddy you you want to see the crew points changed to hit points?
I'm good, leave it the way it is |
  23 (79.3%) |
Meah, either way |
  5 (17.2%) |
I can't stand it, it has to change |
  1 (3.4%) |
Total Voters: 27 |
Topic: Hit Points vs. Crew (Read 7052 times)
Posts: 1044

Hmm. I seem to recall something... I'm probably not remembering correctly. Ah well. Third-most-threatening, then? 
Or, as mentioned, some of the things they say are slightly humorous in (out of?) context. I couldn't help but laugh a little when I saw the Ur Quan's "FLEE!" speech for the first time, but maybe that's just my twisted sense of humor.
I think my main problem with all ships having regenerating hulls, is exactly the fact that it totally borks ship to ship combat, as you say. Is there any reason to use a ship other than an Eluder anymore? Unless you're into completely crippling your opponent's regeneration, then you use the Syreen... and pray that they don't destroy you anyway while you're trying to pick their still slowly regenerating hull apart with your puny weapon.
Sure, the current system doesn't make sense, but it's a game. You're playing the game because it's more interesting than reality, presumably. So why try to make the game mimic reality? Suspend some disbelief, and keep it simple, as silly as the system is when you think about it logically.
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
Well, before this falls off the bottom of the forum, I'm glad to see that those who can't stand SC's crew system are in a minority. Perhaps a vocal minority, but now I feel less bad about ignoring this suggestion from now on.
Insert Quote Well, the "crew" system doesn't work either - why would a Shofixti Scout have six crewmen, after all, when it's clearly a one-man fighter? Well, Commander Hayes did say he served on a Scout during the war, so clearly they can fit more than one person into it. Also, keep in mind that even though the scout is small, it's not exactly a fighter jet. Tanaka had enough fuel stored in his Scout to independently make his way back from Mycon space. This also indicates that he had plenty of provisions, or he would have starved or suffocated long before getting home. Maybe Tanaka was simply the Captain, and his helsman, gunner, mechanic and so on were killed in action?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 156

Spathi? What spathi? You're imagining, hunam.
Eh, let's stick with crew. Not all gameplay mechanics have to make sense. Besides, over-rationalization gave us the SC3 overpowered monster of the doog constructor. Let's just leave it as is.
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