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Topic: Preview of Ilwrath Music (Read 14745 times)
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Posts: 122

I just listened to it. It's quite nice!
I hate to be a nay sayer, especially to someone as hallowed as an Original SC2 Music Composer, but.. This is bad. Not bad as in a bad song or anything, because it is actually pretty cool and groovy. However it does not fit the Ilwrath at ALL.. Those happy synths and the loss of that lovely pounding effect to the bassline make this seem more like a ZoqFot theme than an Ilwrath. At least, that's my opinion.
I just hope we can elect to use the original soundtrack in UQM? Even better: Can we pick-and-choose songs to use the original, and others to use the remix?
Zebranky food

Posts: 44

you raise a very interesting point, quetzalcoatl:
how does one try to top on music that has taken on a personality of its own?
when the remix project started up, the idea was to take the original music from the game, modernize and remix, and bring something different to the end result for the 10th anniversary.
i think of the guys in the group, i'm the fanatic as far as trying to keep things as close to the originals as possible. this isn't necessarily the best perspective to take, but it's the one i'm stuck with. (:
the characters in the original game were lovable, adorable, could be related to, etc. they had good content, story, background, converstations, and the like. the music that went with the characters had equally as much, if not more, personality.
the challenge for all of us has been to try and take those original themes and do something a litte different with them. the original ilwrath theme was raw, almost industrial, and relatively hard. i loved those qualities of the original.
(interesting point to note: the new popular style of music at the time picking up mainstream momentum, which eventually died later, was that of industrial. where is Ministry now? they were sure all over the place back then tho ...)
when i heard a copy of the remix, i was able to instantly envision the ilwrath fitting into the context of the music. for some reason, it seems to have clicked.
some of the remixes are going to strike nerves with people in good ways, some in bad. i've heard rumors that the possibility of using the old and/or new music will be available in the game.
i almost hate to say it, but for the most part, the remixed music isn't going to be exactly like the originals. i can think of a couple that are dramtically different off the top of my head. the tools of today are vastly superior to the four-channel mod-makers of 1992. please bear in mind that we are remixing, not just cleaning up. it's an exciting project, and hopefully the end result will bring out good tracks that touch on the magic of the original game.
it's still tough to compete with nostalgia i hear you loud and clear. (:
-= george =-
I can't wait to listen to this while conversing with an Ilwrath somewhere in deep space
... It was probably because I was 10 or 12 when I first got into SC2, but this game was so... atmospheric. The music and sounds, of course, played a pivotal role in this. The addition of echoes and reverbs here surely will heighten this sense.
I'm just wondering... how will this music be played? Will it be generated real time just like the MODs of old, or will they simply be played like MP3s or WAVs?
The reason I wonder is that... well, I don't know if anyone remembers this. As a conversation sequence ended, and the game was about to return to Navigation or Battle, the last instrument of the last note the MOD song would be played, and then fade out, the result of the nature of the MOD music. It was sort of a neat transition from the Conversation mode that I remember as distinctly SC2, if it was intended to be a transition at all. This "feature" would be lost if it was not a real time generated song. But alas, I am grateful that this amazing undertaking (the whole re-release shmeal) is happening at all
Bassline in the remix is too weak. It's not scary as the original. :-/
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Posts: 176

Yep. This is a good track, just - not for the Ilwrath...
I agree, you guys shouldn't have stuck with the original as closely as possible. But IMO the best result is achieved through changing and modernizing the sound (and even the music itself) while keeping in touch with the original "feel"... and it's this latter part where the ilwrath remix kind of.. well, fails, IMO.
As I posted on the PoNF, I think the hip-hop beats (spider-rap? ) and those "ethereal"-sounding synth pads are quite inappropriate for the Ilwrath... but that's just me.
And btw I believe SC2 was released a bit before industrial really started to get big, haha... but the good thing about it was that the music in the game had nothing to do with what was popular or mainstream at the time. It had industrial (Chmmr), techno (Starbase.. kinda), metal (Druuge), stuff that sounded like Carribean music (Pkunk), ambient (Kohr-Ah), and a myriad of cool sounding tunes that can't even be grouped into some kind of popular genre. I hope that the new remixed soundtrack doesn't fall into the trap of making it sound 'modern' and 'popular' - the first example that comes to mind is those hip-hop beats that have infested almost every genre of popular music in the decade since the release of SC2. They CAN work in a SC2-ish context, but... not for the Ilwrath, alas.
Just my $0.02.
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Core Team
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Posts: 121

I like the remix too.. listened it many times again and again, etc We'll probably let the user to specify what music he wants track by track later on, to ensure best possible playing experience as music is very important part of that.
Zebranky food

Posts: 6

It's nice to notice that the sneak peek of new music generate lots of discussion. The way of doing music have changed quite much in the last 10 years. 10 years ago it was possible to use only 4 channels - now it is possible to do what you want without thinking the limitations. That's why I, and other remixers, are not just cleaning the old tracks. The new remixes try to catch the old feeling *but* they are different from the original ones, some more, some less. New music is released as optional 'module'. You can download it as an extra if you want. That means that you can choose what you want to listen; listen your favourite original tracks, new remixes or even use your favourite artists music! So the choice is totally yours! I am really happy to notice that you still love our old music! Hopefully we can make something different - like we did 10 years ago - this time also! And yes, we surprised you. We will do it again. Wait and see. - Riku (Composer of Ilwrath remix)
Do you mean as a separate download, or included in the release, and then player can choose from: old / 3do / new ?
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