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Author Topic: 3DO Movies  (Read 10625 times)
Zebranky food
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3DO Movies
« on: February 25, 2006, 12:42:46 pm »

Hey everyone ...

I was just wondering ... since this is a 3DO port ... and an option has been added in 0.5.0 to include 3DO movies, is there any possiblity that these will be made available to the public?

Thx in advance
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Re: 3DO Movies
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2006, 01:58:31 pm »

only if we can find the copywright holder and if they give permission to release the videos to the public, otherwise probably not.

if you have the SC2 3DO cd then you can extract the videos from that, otherwise you'll have to goto PONAF to view the videos in extremely lower quality.

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Zebranky food
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Re: 3DO Movies
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2006, 03:15:16 pm »

Thx for the link ... now if only I thought fileplanet was worth paying for Smiley

But thx for the answer. Unfortunately, I don't have the 3DO version ... I've only ever played the PC version ... any idea who has the copyright on the movies? I would assume it'd be the same people who had the copyright on the game (since they're a part of it), but apparently not ... or is it that they just haven't agreed to release those to the public? (Would assume by your answer that it's no. 1, but some time spent in Scotland taught me not to Ass-U-Me anything *LoL*)
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Re: 3DO Movies
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2006, 03:21:50 pm »

Thx for the link ... now if only I thought fileplanet was worth paying for Smiley

you don't have to pay for fileplanet  Wink

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Re: 3DO Movies
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2006, 05:36:38 pm »

But thx for the answer. Unfortunately, I don't have the 3DO version ... I've only ever played the PC version ... any idea who has the copyright on the movies?
Possible copyright holders (in increasing order of estimated probability):
  • Accolade, the publisher of PC SC2, was assimilated by Infogrames which merged with Atari. Unlikely, as they weren't involved in the 3DO released (in fact, TFB bought some rights to the game back from Accolade for the 3DO version).
  • Toys for Bob: They wrote the game but, according to them, they didn't do the 3DO videos and the manuals. Sold to Activision.
  • PCA Graphics: These guys did the videos, but probably as contract work for Crystal Dynamics.
  • Crystal Dynamics, publisher of 3DO SC2, was bought by Eidos Interactive which merged with SCi. This is the most probable owner, in my opinion.

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Re: 3DO Movies
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2006, 06:04:47 pm »

TFB licensed the rights back from Accolade, not bought. They only regained the rights when Accolade (or one of its successors) defaulted on the due royalty payments to TFB.

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Zebranky food
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Re: 3DO Movies
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2006, 11:59:24 pm »

Possible copyright holders (in increasing order of estimated probability):
  • Accolade, the publisher of PC SC2, was assimilated by Infogrames which merged with Atari. Unlikely, as they weren't involved in the 3DO released (in fact, TFB bought some rights to the game back from Accolade for the 3DO version).
  • Toys for Bob: They wrote the game but, according to them, they didn't do the 3DO videos and the manuals. Sold to Activision.
  • PCA Graphics: These guys did the videos, but probably as contract work for Crystal Dynamics.
  • Crystal Dynamics, publisher of 3DO SC2, was bought by Eidos Interactive which merged with SCi. This is the most probable owner, in my opinion.

Neat ... is anyone from the Dev team tracing this possibility? Although I love the PC intro - Works just fine for the game - I've always wondered why it wasn't a movie, and I'd love to have movies in the game ... would round it off very nicely Smiley
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Re: 3DO Movies
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2006, 03:35:08 am »

We know TFB don't have the rights. We haven't gone after the ones who do.
As for movies, PR3 has indicated the ability to play standard video formats was on top of his wish-list and we do intend to add that capability. We'll leave the making of the actual movies to others though.

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Re: 3DO Movies
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2006, 05:46:14 am »

I found the 3D0 videos underwhelming, myself.  Seemed to clash with the whole painty vibe, and on top of that, the voice-over (I think it was Paul Reiche's dad, forgive me Paul!) was distractingly bad.

This is actually off topic, but since the manual thread has progressed to MAKING one, and this thread still seems to be on the subject of copyrights...

I heard it said that TFB does not have the rights to the previous manuals.  However, some of the included text is almost CERTAINLY penned by Paul Reiche (or is it Fred Ford?  You have to forgive me, I was like 8 when the game came out.)  As such, shouldn't the copyright default to its author?  Then again, if it were a work-for-hire...which it probably was, that's kind of moot.

Though if we're being honest, I have a feeling that whatever company TECHNICALLY holds the few remaining Star Control related copyrights will ever know, or care, if parts of the manual were reused anyway. Tongue But I guess that's not the point either.
Zebranky food
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Re: 3DO Movies
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2006, 10:53:41 pm »

I found the 3D0 videos underwhelming, myself.  Seemed to clash with the whole painty vibe, and on top of that, the voice-over (I think it was Paul Reiche's dad, forgive me Paul!) was distractingly bad.

Heh .. I'd just love to see them ... you know? Wink Having "grown up" with the slides, I'd love to see the movies Smiley
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Re: 3DO Movies
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2006, 12:00:09 am »

I found the 3D0 videos underwhelming, myself.  Seemed to clash with the whole painty vibe, and on top of that, the voice-over (I think it was Paul Reiche's dad, forgive me Paul!) was distractingly bad.

Heh .. I'd just love to see them ... you know? Wink Having "grown up" with the slides, I'd love to see the movies Smiley

well if nobody gets on my case about it, i'm converting the videos for viewing by anybody that doesnt have the 3DO cd's...

they're gonna be in an uncompatible format with uqm so that nobody gets any ideas  Wink

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Re: 3DO Movies
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2006, 02:31:36 am »

StarBorn :I was just wondering ... since this is a 3DO port ... and an option has been added in 0.5.0 to include 3DO movies, is there any possiblity that these will be made available to the public?
Starborn, technically, UQM isn't just a port of the 3DO version, it's a combination port of both PC and 3DO versions, and, if I understand it correctly, it's becoming variable according to the user.As for the movies, I would think that they wouldn't be that bad if they were added in, but I agree that the voice overs would have to be redone. I'm also curious as to whether or not UQM will include voice overs for the credits in SC2 (I'm referring to the SC2 Satire Lines).

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Re: 3DO Movies
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2006, 09:36:59 am »

I'm also curious as to whether or not UQM will include voice overs for the credits in SC2 (I'm referring to the SC2 Satire Lines).
This will probably happen if the voices are rerecorded.

Quote from: Kohr-Ah Death
well if nobody gets on my case about it, i'm converting the videos for viewing by anybody that doesnt have the 3DO cd's...
How do you intend to perform this conversion? I suppose you could hack the UQM DUK player to output a sequence of screenshots (in e.g. PNG format) and then feed that through a video codec. That should give a reasonably good output. Then again, the PoNaF MPEGs actually didn't look much worse than the original DUKs, and they were transmitted through analogue output!

they're gonna be in an uncompatible format with uqm so that nobody gets any ideas
I'm pretty sure someone already got the idea I think you're referring to. Also, what's to prevent adding support for whatever format you use to UQM?

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Re: 3DO Movies
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2006, 05:01:09 pm »

Mrh? I thought I posted this succesfully here.. Ohwell, guess I didn't.. *blames his connection for being way too flaky lately*

Any video capturing software could do it for you, really... I've got a .avi of the intro (with sound) right here, but I'm not going to distribute it, because of legality issues..

However, as to not dissapoint you all, Here's a video of me, fighting a gainst a Trader with my trusty Cruiser. Note the lack of any skills whatsoever because of too much playing of Space Rangers 2.
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Re: 3DO Movies
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2006, 07:50:26 pm »

Quote from: Kohr-Ah Death
well if nobody gets on my case about it, i'm converting the videos for viewing by anybody that doesnt have the 3DO cd's...
How do you intend to perform this conversion? I suppose you could hack the UQM DUK player to output a sequence of screenshots (in e.g. PNG format) and then feed that through a video codec. That should give a reasonably good output. Then again, the PoNaF MPEGs actually didn't look much worse than the original DUKs, and they were transmitted through analogue output!

they're gonna be in an uncompatible format with uqm so that nobody gets any ideas
I'm pretty sure someone already got the idea I think you're referring to. Also, what's to prevent adding support for whatever format you use to UQM?

well what i mean by converting is not gonna be converting in any 'normal' way, i'm using fraps and i put UQM on opengl so i can record them straight to avi at 60 fps /w 320x240 res, so it will be a perfect 'copy'.
Then i will convert the uncompressed fraps avi to a more compressed format like divx or maybe wmv (if wmv gives me the quality i want).

or maybe i will convert to flash .swf so that they can be streamed with a little better quality than .wmv

that way people can see the videos without having to go through fileplanet.

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