When I use the keyboard to control movement my ship moves very slowly when turning. I remember I had this problem in DOS long ago with the original game. The solution back then was to set my keyboard delay to 0 and increase the repeat rate. I tried this in windows and it didn't make a difference. I also tried it from a command prompt and still no luck.
Here is what I tried in DOS: mode con rate=50 delay=0
Any way to get the game to increase the keyboard repeat rate, or lower the delay?
The keyboard repeat rate shouldn't affect the ship turning rate in DOS SC2 or in UQM; in both cases the game is checking whether a key is down or up, not when a character is produced or the keyboard repeats a "key down" event. Also, the flagship is supposed to turn very slowly to begin with (it starts off with only minimal thusters).
The only way I can think of for keyboard repeat settings to affect UQM is if your keyboard or keyboard driver is pretending that a key is being released and pressed repeatedly; UQM itself disables the normal keyboard repeat and only registers key press and release. For these reasons, I'm inclined to believe that UQM is working correctly for you.