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Topic: Chenjesu - society (Read 4383 times)
Posts: 1118

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
The Chenjesu have natural hyperwavereceivers. Thinking of a radio which is always on, but noone sending on that frequency, i think iwould have a bad headyche all over my life if i were a chenjesu... 
Do they have natural transmitters as well? Then they would never be alone.... Even imprisonment to seperate someone from the rest of his gang cannot really separate him. Therefore the Chenjesu must have a culture either - where the police can (and does) destroy the receiver/sender of a criminal (equals torture) or - idealistic (equals communist) society, where there are no criminals.
Either way not near our human society.
I rather expect them to have the idealistic society. Otherwise we made a mistake by allying with them during the war.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2002, 04:18:08 pm by Krulle »
Interesting thoughts, very interesting. Speculating on the political systems of alien races is a fun thing for me, since I enjoy...well, weirdness. A couple of points I like to keep in mind, vis a vis the Chenjesu:
* They are ALIEN. Not just "oh, well, of course, they're not human", but really, really alien. They aren't even carbon-based life, but silicon and germanium crystals. They absorb light and ambient minerals for food. They have natural hyperwave casters. Creatures like these would have mindsets unlike any a human could have, and thus their political systems would be equally strange.
* Their biology (if that's even the proper word) is such that they don't have many of the needs humans do. They don't need food in the way we do. They likely don't need shelter, since their planet doesn't have much weather, and they're large crystals. Clothing is right out. And as for companionship of their fellows, they can all send and receive hyperwave to each other, so loneliness isn't a problem.
Politics, with humans, is about addressing the basic needs we all have. Since Chenjesu don't even HAVE those needs, they may not need politics the way we do. (Of course, they may have other needs, which we would be incapable of fully understanding.)
That said, I think a Chenjesu political system would be more libertarian participatory democracy than anything else. Of course, maybe those terms might not even apply. They might have less to fight over than humans would. The games said that they were known for being a peaceful race, only roused to war by the grave threat of the Ur-Quan. (Of course, their technological sophistication is such that, when they WERE roused to war, their ships were the most ass-kicking around.)
Wow...speculating on the psychology of an alien race in a game forum. What a great game, to inspire such thoughts in its fans!
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
The Chenjesu are individuals, the human Starbase commander guy who's name escapes me at the moment talks about a Chenjesu scientist who was trying to study the Taalo, but couldn't because the Androsynth got in the way. If they were more of a hive mind (like the Xchaggers or something), I wouldn't think they'd know a specific Chenjesu who was studying the Taalo, they'd probably just say "The Chenjesu were studying another silicon based species" instead of saying the guy's name.
Zebranky food

Posts: 7

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I would assume since it is part of their natural biology (as it were) to receive (and perhaps send) hyperwave transmissions that they would be capable of blocking or willing transmissions to and from when they want to... to a certain degree.
Posts: 1118

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Actually, if they were able to constantly send/receive hyperwave transmissions, what indication we actually have that the Chmmrwhatevers are even individuals? That's been one of my questions....
The Chenjesu are individuals, the human Starbase commander guy who's name escapes me at the moment talks about a Chenjesu scientist who was trying to study the Taalo, but couldn't because the Androsynth got in the way. If they were more of a hive mind (like the Xchaggers or something), I wouldn't think they'd know a specific Chenjesu who was studying the Taalo, [...] Hayes was his name. But you have got a point here. The Chenjesu are individuals. But they seem to be capable of talking for any other Chenjesu using their transmitters/receivers.
I would assume since it is part of their natural biology (as it were) to receive (and perhaps send) hyperwave transmissions that they would be capable of blocking or willing transmissions to and from when they want to... to a certain degree. Yes, but even that would give me a headache. Just as if your neighbor haves a party. You can make the noise seem less loud, but you can still hear it. After a while you just get a headache.
We are the Chmmr. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.  But the Chenjesu never accepted the formal title of being the leaders of the Alliance of free worlds. And since i do not have a hyperwave transmitter, i'm quite certain, that i am immune to their assimilation. And you could easily give the Chenjesu a bad headache. Imagine using that strong Burvixese Hyperwavecaster (or any other of the Druuge commercial beacon casters) on the Chenjesu homeworld. That should sound to them as if you're standing in front of a chemistry-plant and it suddenly explodes some feet behind you. Ouch!
* They are ALIEN. Not just "oh, well, of course, they're not human", but really, really alien. They aren't even carbon-based life, but silicon and germanium crystals. They absorb light and ambient minerals for food. They have natural hyperwave casters. Creatures like these would have mindsets unlike any a human could have, and thus their political systems would be equally strange. So their needs are different. But they have still some needs! (see below)
* Their biology (if that's even the proper word) is such that they don't have many of the needs humans do. They don't need food in the way we do. They likely don't need shelter, since their planet doesn't have much weather, and they're large crystals. Clothing is right out. And as for companionship of their fellows, they can all send and receive hyperwave to each other, so loneliness isn't a problem. i agree on these needs.
Politics, with humans, is about addressing the basic needs we all have. Since Chenjesu don't even HAVE those needs, they may not need politics the way we do. (Of course, they may have other needs, which we would be incapable of fully understanding.) Their basic needs are: light, clean environment (crystal can't grow w/o problems in polluted arreas), enough minerals to absorb. I think, the best places on their world are quite crowded. And the oldest beings must be the biggest ones (a crystal only gets destroyed by physical damage). Apparently, they can live for a very, very, very long time. Another need (maybe not), could be the making of children. Normaly, a crystal starts growing from a very small cmicocrystal. But that one could be absorbed by a larger Chenjesu as well, before becoming big enough to have own thoughts. Cannibalism, just to grow bigger.
Another thing: Due to their crystalline structure, their thinking must be very fast. But crystals are surely not fast in moving something. For successful figthts in their avatars, they must either be connected to the ship by some sort of direct interface or they must be very good in anticipating what the opponent does next.
Wow...speculating on the psychology of an alien race in a game forum. What a great game, to inspire such thoughts in its fans!  Well, talking about alien "society"  , sounds cool to me  . That's what i like about SC2: There are even more races for philosophical studies. And all races seem quite logical too me. Some are very extreme (like the Druuge, Chenjesu) and some are quite near our understanding (Shofixti, Yehat, Pkunk, Umgah, Utwig, ...)
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