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Topic: "Fair Play" Options For Super-Melee (Read 10928 times)
Posts: 580

Hmm.. That gives me a pretty good idea, Guesst.. What about the following stuffs:
"Captain, when we warped out of battle, a glitch in the escape drive occured, which curiously caused a rare Precursor dataplate to appear somewhere in our ship! Unfortunately, though, the dataplate decided to materialize in a spot which was currently being occupied by a crewman's genitals, killing him in the process. Our technicians have already started cleaning and reading the dataplate, and have found out a software upgrade inside it which could boost our <insert engine/batt/batt recharge/whatever> by <randomnumber> %!"
"Captain, even though the escape warp was succesful, somehow a Zebranky -we always thought they were extinct!- entered our ship, killing 25 crewmen in the process! This makes me wonder, though... How the hell did those Zoq Fot Pik manage to kill those beasts? Maybe that's what Frungy is all about?"
"Captain, when we warped out of battle, somehow, all of the lights turned off! It took us a while to turn them back on, and when we did, we suddenly noticed that 20 crewmen didn't manage to survive this! We're currently looking into what caused this weirdstuffs.."
"Captain: Kowalski, status report please.. Kowalski? KOWASLKI, COME IN! KOWALSKII??? Err... Where's my crew? Aiie! They're all gone! Vapor! Guess that's what happened to them Precursors!"
"Captain: Main screen turn on! Operator: Captain, somebody set up us the bomb! We lost 30 crew!"
Posts: 580

Wee! Post Score++! 
Anyways, I have to correct you on the Zebranky and fire/wheel/religion thing, though...
Our past? Quite a broad topic for this short conversation but we'll share a key piece of our history with you. After we killed off the last Zebranky we faced an interesting dilemma. Should we proceed, and establish a culture which would advance in art, technology and social sophistication?... ...Or should we just go back into the forest and kick back and enjoy ourselves knowing that a Zebranky wasn't gonna jump out of a bush and eat us! Well, we DID go back into the forest. We stayed there for about five thousand years and had a great time Then, one stormy day, a Zoq, a Fot, and a Pik were walking up a steep path looking for something good to eat, when a bolt of lightning struck nearby. With a huge flash of light, the bolt of energy carved a strangely-shaped chunk of granite out of a cliff. It was a disk, with a hole in the middle! As the rock began to roll down the hill, toward the three terrified beings some dry grass got caught in its hole, and since the rock was still hot the grass caught on fire. [b/When the rock finally got to the Zoq, the Fot, and the Pik they simultaneously discovered the Wheel, Fire, and Religion thus catapulting them on to the road of progress.[/b] Which has led us to this day, Captain. Oh! How did the flaming wheel give religion to our Culture, you ask? I will explain. You see, when it got to the threesome, the flaming wheel was going at a pretty good clip and it ran smack into the Zoq, killing him. The Fot and the Pik felt so bad they really liked that Zoq!... ...that they decided the Zoq hadn't really died when the wheel flattened him he had just gone to `a better place.' Presumably one without lethal flaming wheels.
Note the phrases which I have boldified.. So indead, the rock killed a Zoq, not a zebranky (which were already dead for a few thousands of years when that happened)....
Edit: to make this post semi-interesting: "Captain, when we powered up the Escape Warp Device, somehow we got sucked into this quasispace-ish-portal-kinda-thing, which instantaneously warped us to the Zoq Fot Pik homeworld. Luckily, none of us got hurt. Unfortunately, it happened to be the day before the starting of this year's Frungy Championships, and 15 crewmembers have voluntarily resigned, just to watch this year's championship matches. One of them left a message, though, telling you to place your bets on the 'Meesenboo' team, for they use the best flaming wheels ever made."
« Last Edit: March 07, 2006, 04:01:38 pm by Megagun »
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
No time limit, of course. Some fights are just intended to be long and annoying... And warps... no, I think. What for? It is a useful feature in game itself, when you need to save your ships for further encounters. The melee is a short skirmish with random duels.
So in the end your idea is no anything, eh?
And, PS: "After performing the Emergency Warp, an incident happened on the board! While explaining something to one of the crewmen, Kowalski managed to say Mmrnmhrm correctly. 9 crewmen, heard this, and the shock was too strong that it killed them instantly."
And yet you join in on the joke. Aside from having little or nothing to do with the warp itself, I chuckled.
"I keep getting the feeling we forgot something when we escaped from that battle."
"We did sir."
"Half the crew."
Zebranky food

Posts: 2

He did. no did. wth did what.
No time limits. Yes Asteroids Yes planets. Go warp out jokes. lol.
P.S. "Helm, status report."
"Helm, would you answer?"
"Sir, the main screen turned on and it was broken at the time, zapping him!"
"Well, what is that status report?"
"Well...... The main screen is broken, and we are currently fixing it."
"Why do you need to fix it? Like we'll be using it anyway."
"What do you mean by that, sir?"
"Well..... We aren't protanginists"
"And we're in an earthling cruiser, so there's no point."
Greg Bishop
I like the sumatra balls idea. But the time limit should be like 5 minutes at least. I also liked the proportional idea. You could have the crew gradually die of boredom.....
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