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Topic: ABX and AIF help (Read 11077 times)
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
abx2raw works fine with MinGW, just run "make" in the abx directory under MSYS to compile. aif2raw, however, just says "No sound data chunk found." and exits, leaving a zero-size RAW file (tested on the HyperSpace music). Investigating.
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
aif2raw suffers quite badly from "the-world-is-my-Linux-box-itis". Both the input and output files are opened in text mode and the entire output file (several megabytes!) is stored on the stack. The result is that the file is truncated at the DOS EOF character (0x1A) and carriage returns (0x0A) are converted to DOS format (0x0D 0x0A). Obviously, this is bad. Windows also objects to having a 32 MB stack frame for some reason.
Solution: change the fopen calls to use modes "rb" and "wb" instead of "r" and "w" respectively. Then change all the calls to alloca to use malloc instead (and add some corresponding frees if you feel pedantic).
Posts: 1374

Got it to work now, but i still have troubles with the 'pkg' tool... i hope i'm not annoying you guys with all this  You did notice that the makefile has two different relevant targets, unpkg and parseres, didn't you? Either way, unpkg looks like it contains a lot more Unix-specific stuff than the others, so you may have to rewrite some stuff. Cygwin might work better than MinGW. I'll take a look at it next time I boot Windows... Edit: MinGW doesn't have a proper mmap implementation, so you'll have to rewrite the file read code to create a buffer and read the file into that instead (or try to figure out Windows' equivalent to mmap). well i fixed most of it with some tips from the MSDN and i fixed 'parseres' so that no errors or warnings are generated, but the 'mmap' is giving me the most trouble.
.:: EDIT ::. right now out of sheer boredom i'm gonna optimize aif2raw or aif2wav to be simply just drag and drop, maybe later i'll add a simple GUI. NOTE: nevermind i just did a test on wether the converted raw files are any different from the .ogg files and they have no difference whatsoever, so it would be pointless
« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 12:23:22 am by Kohr-Ah Death »
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