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Topic: Cheats? (Read 15148 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 10
Re: Cheats?
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2006, 02:17:08 pm » |
That said, I don't quite see the point in a game you can't lose. Where's the challenge? Possibly because some people game to relax as they have more than enough challenges in their day to day lives. After struggling with getting NASA's SAN back online so that they can launch the Shuttle, I sure as Hell don't want to play a game that is going to frustrate me further than I already am. 
Personally, I think any further development should be about refining the current codebase to weed out the bugs that are outstanding and then improving on the already existing design and content. It makes little sense to ad-hoc "features" in to a game that, frankly, doesn't require it. I've always believed that the SC universe was always about the story, not how well you click the arrow, shift and enter keys. This may come as a shock, but some of us don't even like the combat although we acknowledge the necessity of it for the defense of our beloved Precursor ship.
Posts: 1374

Re: Cheats?
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2006, 06:58:17 pm » |
That said, I don't quite see the point in a game you can't lose. Where's the challenge? Possibly because some people game to relax as they have more than enough challenges in their day to day lives. After struggling with getting NASA's SAN back online so that they can launch the Shuttle, I sure as Hell don't want to play a game that is going to frustrate me further than I already am.  Personally, I think any further development should be about refining the current codebase to weed out the bugs that are outstanding and then improving on the already existing design and content. It makes little sense to ad-hoc "features" in to a game that, frankly, doesn't require it. I've always believed that the SC universe was always about the story, not how well you click the arrow, shift and enter keys. This may come as a shock, but some of us don't even like the combat although we acknowledge the necessity of it for the defense of our beloved Precursor ship. i hope that any of you aren't assuming that if a harder difficulty were made that it would be permanent, that's not something that the developers would do. If they were gonna make a harder difficulty, there would be a choice, so don't get bent outta shape
The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213. Get your MegaMod HERE
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Re: Cheats?
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2006, 07:26:43 pm » |
Personally, I think any further development should be about refining the current codebase to weed out the bugs that are outstanding and then improving on the already existing design and content. It makes little sense to ad-hoc "features" in to a game that, frankly, doesn't require it.
I'm not quite sure what sort of improvements you're referring to, but, in my opinion, weeding out the grossest stupidities out of the AI and using it for a new difficulty level is "improving on the already existing design", not "ad-hoc features". However, I agree that ensuring the stability of UQM should be a priority at this point.
I've always believed that the SC universe was always about the story, not how well you click the arrow, shift and enter keys. This may come as a shock, but some of us don't even like the combat although we acknowledge the necessity of it for the defense of our beloved Precursor ship.
Personally I consider the combination of action and adventure game aspects to be UQM's greatest strength. While the plot is a work of art, and I'm therefore loathe to tamper with it, (mostly) plot-irrelevant aspects of the game such as combat difficulty and minor user interface conveniences are the sort of thing that I feel could be developed further. Essentially, I'm suggesting a way to enhance replayability without changing the plot or any other artistic aspects of the game.
I understand that combat is an aspect of UQM you prefer to avoid, but I don't think that opinion is representative of the population of UQM players. I also fail to see how adding a higher difficulty level of this type would detract from your experience (other than by diverting development resources).
Re: Cheats?
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2006, 08:21:20 pm » |
Hey gang I just ran across Ur-Q yesterday and loaded it up on my laptop so I could play a game that would not be to demanding on my computer. It started out pretty fun but within an hour I'm caught in a glitch. I just went into a solar system and mined a bunch of materials, but at a large cost (I only have three crewmen left). When I try to leave, a race called PROBE 2418-B destroys my ship in under a second. Nothing I do changes this outcome. Keep in mind, I'm still in the newbie category and my ship is extremely vulnerable. No amount of talking, running or fighting changes the results. I still die. I can stay in the system indefinitely without any conflicts, but as soon as I leave these guys bear down on me and its over as fast as it starts. If this kind of bug is happening in the beginning of the game, then I can just imagine how pissed I would get if I had a bunch of hours invested and got caught in this loop. That’s why I'm posting here, to try to find a cheat just to break out of this system and get somewhere safe so I can resume my exploration. I don’t want to have to start over, especially if something like this can occur again. Any body else feel my pain. I'm using 0.5.0 if that helps. Thanks
Re: Cheats?
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2006, 09:28:08 pm » |
Thanks for the quick response. I do have two extra ships, my spare and a ship from some guys that were hanging out at pluto. but the problem is I only have three crew members between all of them. Is there some way to send one off as a decoy or something? I got your save game editor, can you tell me how to use it? sounds like just what I need to get out of this mess. Thanxs again.
Re: Cheats?
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2006, 09:32:59 pm » |
BTW I'm not in Sol, I'm in Alpha Ptolemae S.E. of Sol.
Re: Cheats?
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2006, 12:21:17 am » |
Me again I don’t like using cheats, I just don’t want to go back through all that crap again. I was just going to give myself enough crew members to get away from these droid folk. I don’t have a Starcon2.00 file on my computer. In fact I've searched my C:\ drive and do not have any save game files what-so-ever. I have saved before this point, but not as frequent as I should have. I salvaged 2 solar systems before I got caught in my current situation. Here is the string I have for my game directory and I see no savegame info. (does Ur-Q 0.5.0 have anything to do with this?)
C:\Program Files\The Ur-Quan Masters\content\packages\addons\remix
I put the save editor in each one of these folders and executed, but I got the same error...FILE DOESNT EXIST.
Has anyone else had this happen to them? Maybe I bit off more than I could chew when I decided to spread my seed throughout the galaxy with substandard equipment. Oh well, I guess I'll either start from a old save or maybe just find a game that’s less buggy.
I had high hopes to play this 'cause I had "star control 1" way back when I was a fetus but I guess its just not as easy to forgive game bugs as it was when I was more nieve. I tried to play the first Command and Conquer game about a year ago and realize real quick that theres a reason these old games get put in the archives....bugs out the arse.
Good luck guys and save the galaxy for me. thanxs again.
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
Re: Cheats?
« Reply #28 on: March 13, 2006, 04:47:31 am » |
My suggestion, take that guy hanging around pluto, keep a safe distance from the probe, and destroy it. It will take a while, but it's the best thing to do with probes at the start.
My second suggestion would be accept this game as a loss, keep your notes, and start over. I know it seems tedious but I started UQM several times before beating it the first time. It's just the way things go till you get the hang of the game. (Lot's of games are like that.) You may have to restart the game later, unless you get in the habit of using multple save games to save at different points, and even then you may have to set the way back machine for way back to fix some screw ups. Don't give up, keep trying.
Another thing you can do is practice in super melee with a few spathi's vs a whole bunch of probes. The practice will help out.
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