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Author Topic: Edited commandr.txt gets ignored!?  (Read 2130 times)
Frungy champion
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Edited commandr.txt gets ignored!?
« on: April 12, 2006, 03:49:38 pm »


I started to do a German translation of the game. I know, there already is "Sternkontrolle", but I don't like it much, because the translation does not really suit my expectations... For example they are tranlating words like "Captain"(to "Kapitän"), which in all Sci-Fi-Movies stay untranslated as "anlizisms". Same goes for some of the modules, "Landefähre" sounds like a vessel which travels to surface and then the passengers will step out of it, what defiitely is not the case for the Planet Lander, so I called it "Planeten-Lander", translating it word-by-word. Also Sternkontrolle is for 0.4.0, when you use it in 0.5.0 you have that star constellation names EVERYWHERE Grin Grin.

Anyway... to the technical part:
First I did the the lbm-folder, like the images for modules and the starcon.txt. I figured out (by examining how it's done in Sternkontrolle) I had to use UTF Format for the text files, to get umlauts working (letters like Ä Ö Ü). Everything works fine (as addon-zip), alle the menus are translated and look good now (I had to redo much of the stuff because often words got too long to fit in the place on the screen).

Then I started to translate the commandr.txt. I decided to do the translation from scratch and not based upon the one of Sternkontrolle. I'm now half way through and wanted to test it, so I converted to UTF, saved, put in correct folder and zipped... But it seems to be completely ignored, when I talk to the Starbase Commander, everything stays in English. The console does not display any error messages concerning commandr.txt. The letters for the umlauts are also in place (commandr.fon folder).

What is the problem? Is there anything I had to check first, perhaps line length (could be line lenght, although I tried  hard to get the lines not much longer than the original, they still may be longer overall. Of course I did not include new line breaks, because I figured out, each line break would mean a new "line" of text on screen, the old one erased. What could be other error sources?
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Re: Edited commandr.txt gets ignored!?
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2006, 04:41:39 pm »

What does your directory structure look like? Note that files outside .uqm/.zip packages have override those inside such packages.

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when the Creators return
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Frungy champion
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Re: Edited commandr.txt gets ignored!?
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2006, 09:03:48 pm »

What does your directory structure look like?
It's like following:

The folder UQM\content\packages\addons\deutsch contains two zip files and, when you would decompress them, it would create:
  • a folder lbm, which contains all those png files and starcon.txt
  • a folder comm which contains subfolder commandr with the commandr.txt in it.

Both folders also contain .fon subfolders with the missing characters: Ä Ö Ü ä ö ü ß.

Note that files outside .uqm/.zip packages have override those inside such packages.
Huh? On my system (Win32 - I'm using the precompiled binary with Installer from the Download Section)  files outside .uqm/.zip packages do not override those inside of such packages, but are not used at all.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2006, 09:16:51 pm by MasterNinja » Logged
Frungy champion
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Re: Edited commandr.txt gets ignored!?
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2006, 09:41:43 pm »

OH, I found the problem  Grin

It is supposed to be "comandr", not "commandr", for some reason I named it wrong.

Some "legal" question: because I don't have much experience concerning Open Source Licensing....
If I want to release my translation pack on the Internet, am I allowed to use parts of Sternkontrolle, especially the letters form the .fon folders, so I don't have do do them all myself? I think so, but in what way do I have to give credit to the creators?
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Re: Edited commandr.txt gets ignored!?
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2006, 06:34:48 pm »

Sternkontrolle is licensed under the GPL, like UQM itself.
Creative commons has a good summary of the GPL licensing terms.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2006, 06:37:08 pm by Halleck » Logged

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