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Topic: Androsynth (spoilers) again (Read 18284 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 126

The nuts Androsynth
So I was reading some stuff on the Androsynth and when I went to reply the computer told me that the thread was old and that I should just start a new one. So here I go.
Dose any one here think that some of the Androsynth survived the cataclysm and are just hiding scared( If that happened on Earth and I got a way I know I would hideout until I could discover what had happened).
In SC3 I thought that it was pretty clear that the Orz killed off the Androsynth(I know that most people don’t like SC3) to make the *juice* or *sauce* for the Eternal Ones, however I did not know if the Orz were agents of the Eternal Ones, or rather if they were just trying appease the Eternal Ones appetite. I prefer the latter as the Orz may not have even been aware of the Eternal Ones before coming up into *Heavy Space*.
Anyhow I like to think that some of the Androsynth are still alive out there and are rebuilding there civilization(without the Ur-Quan).
« Last Edit: March 10, 2006, 11:12:56 pm by XR4-IT »
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
The worlock files was a game writeup submitted to Accolade when they fired FF & PR3. It was a potential story for SC3. However, it didn't meet Accolade's requirement that it exclude everything FF & PR3 did in SC2 (a requirement if they didn't want to pay FF & PR3) so it was scrapped.
Some StarControllers thought it was beautiful, the ultimate fan script. Personally I did't find it all that. But a comittee dedicated to writing the TimeWarp storyline creamed themselves over it and tried making it the official storyline of the TW project. Unfortunately that particular comittee was rife with drama and it never materialized.
Maybe someone will link to them because I don't know where they are.
Posts: 1044

Not that what little of the TimeWarp story that is fleshed out is very good, at least the version I saw. It just looked like a hodgepodge of scifi cliches, references, and non-sequiters thrown together with very little focus.
Still, I'd be curious to see these "Warlock Files" that some people get so excited about. It comes up every so often, and I'm just wondering if I'm missing something.
Zebranky food

Posts: 10
Who wrote that crap?
It was horrible! There was more than enough ground work laid by SC2's fiction without the need to muddy it up with these half-assed aliens and vessel additions. The RPG storylines were straight out of some high school drama class.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
I've always gone with the whole idea that Androsynth ARE Orz.
Think of *smelling* as knowing your DNA. If you know too much of the Orz they smell you (you are noticed). You are then *pulled*/attacked into/by the Orz dimention where afterwards you are replaced by the Orz as a puppet/*finger*?. The Androsynth were all clones. If one of them was *smelled* the entire race was *smelled*. Thus the whole race was attacked by the Orz. After the Androsynth were dead the Orz pretty much took over their bodies?. I'm going to have to go with the Warlok when they say that the Androsynth ships did pretty much the same except on a ship-mass scale. From when the Arilou said "You know too much, ignorance is your best protection. This is why there are no more Androsynth, only Orz", the Orz creepy language, and through general Sci-fi knowledge I instantly believed that the Orz subverted the 'Synth like this and Orz himself is coming to existance somehow. They also want (and like) to fight other races pretty badly. The Arilou make check ups on us to prevent Orz from sniffing us out.
Well at least that's what I believe in
« Last Edit: March 11, 2006, 11:40:28 pm by Elerium »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 126

The nuts Androsynth
You know I always thought of *smelling* as some sort of esp, or the way the Orz perceived the world around ?it them? Rather than seeing. The Orz always say it is good to *smell* you again when you met up with them, but the Arilou said that that they changed our *smell* so that we would not be harmed. I don’t know if *smelling* has any thing to do with knowing our DNA but rather just the way the Orz perceive us.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2006, 11:14:03 pm by XR4-IT »
I tend to agree with XR4-IT on the meaning of *smell*. I don’t think that it has much to do with DNA at all.
Forgive me if this has been mentioned, but the Melnorme say clearly that it was the Orz that killed the Andrysmyth.
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