Topic: Androsynth (spoilers) again (Read 18283 times)
Frungy champion
Posts: 84
'Reality abberations', 'the Mosquito Mange', and ghosts, poltergiests and other malevloent superatural creatures.
Though fwiff did say that the orz are directly responsible, the reasons behind these searches (and, I believe, their direct connection to the appearance of whatever they were fighting) makes me wonder...
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Weren't the androsynth constantly wearing headsets that connected them to their main computers? I think the "Androsynth became the Orz" theory is plausible.
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
Ok, been reading this and feel oddly compelled to break my ongoing lurk and toss my 2 credits in...
Arilou changing our *smell* Given that they claim to have visited/known the "first human" whatever they did to the human species was probably along the lines of some deep, fundamental change to our bodies/minds/auras? Though they warn that the Orz are not to be trusted, neither do they directly warn against any contact, exploration, as they do when they tell us our ignorance is out best armor against whatever they were hiding us from.
Orz as a single entity. Probably so. Given that they claim to be *many fingers* and not *light reflections* what we see is our minds best guess as to whatever they/it happen to be. Though given this why the *fingers* would need so many starships and combat vac-suits is beyond me. Unless it's trying to blend in better?
Androsynth I think it's likely that there are Androsynth survivors somewhere in the layers of hyper/quasi space. Seeing as the Ta'alo have managed to survive their own supposed extinction, as the Orz will tell you, the Androsynth may have managed to evac a fleet or two of ships to some other level of space. Or perhaps the Orz are keeping them trapped in whatever level they themselves emerged from? Seeing as all remains of their civilzation are ruined cities on their homeworld, no wrecked ships anywhere, no signs of any orbital installations, those ships had to go Somewhere. That or the Orz are really thourough when they want to be...
anyhow, this is all just my personal guesses from what i got out of the game.
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
Then again, if you really want to get nitpicky about it, one could argue that everything the Orz said could be tossed out. It could be that the translation, gibbery though it is, is completely wrong. I don't think it's too far a stretch, givin the Orzs' extreme alien-ness. After all, the computer admits to making best fist with no guarantee of accuracy for the *words*, so far as we know everything else is off too. Doubtful from a gameplay perspective, but i do enjoy my paranoid theories from time to time.
Frungy champion
Posts: 84
Despite not knowing anything about how the translator works, I put forward the notion that despite no guarantee of accuracy, the word was placed there by the computer for a reason. Now, if we only knew why...
Frungy champion
Posts: 84
Though the idea that the computer has complete understanding is perfectly plausable, I wonder. Perhaps it can't translate because of some sort of syntax or linguistic concept it hasn't encountered before or can't decipher.
To try to be more clear, let's say in encounters phoneme X. This phoneme follows MOST but not ALL of the conventions (according to the translator) for a similar word. Hence it gives us a 'best-fit' and leaves the log of errors for a linguist to sort out.
Eh, this is all pie in the sky anyway; The theory behind universal translation was, to my knowledge, disproved in the early nineties. Along with AI, it became one of the great dissapointments in computing science.
Then again who knows. Wrong once, could be wrong twice. :3
Frungy champion
Posts: 75

Mr. Owl ate my metal worm.
personally, I think the Orz are a single entity with many manefestations. I think this was what happened in sc3, but so many people hate it it's hard to tell if it it still canonical. but a lot in sc2 would suggest that.
someone may have said this before in pages 2 or 3, but the Arilou once said something about they catch *nngnn* at *easy places*, and then let them go because *nngnn* don't like to be confined. Also, perhaps Orz is an "energy being" for lack of a better title, that feeds off of the energy from the races it uses its *toys* on. Are *nngnn* a form of energy, or a liveing being of some kind? Orz comes from *heavy space* where it might have destroyed all the sentient life there with its *toys*, so the Arilou have tried to keep it in *Heavy space*, where it may eventually perish from not feeding off of energy. However, Orz finally broke out of *heavy space* because the Androsynth made a hole directly into *heavy space*, which it found and began the feeding process. however Orz must not be omnipotent as it is possible for it to be destroyed by the Khor-Ah on their rampage if you don't finish the game fast enough.
these are some of my theorys. and lastly, perhaps as a way to feed of the unknowing sentient races better, Orz pretends to not be able to tell them anything about itself or of the race they just "ate", instead of unwilling, and manages to gain the trust of several races. this tied to its powerful battleships which can destroy the "edible" races enemys, could gain it trust quickly.
So can your computer REALLY not translate the messages?
« Last Edit: September 14, 2006, 05:14:23 am by Zarnium »
Frungy champion
Posts: 51
"Heavy space" is here while the place the Orz comes from seems to be "pretty space". And the Orz tells you that it is one being with many physical manifestations itself in the game. Quote:
That is *funny*. You think you *see* Orz but Orz are not *light reflections*. Maybe you think Orz are *many bubbles* too. It is such a joke. Orz are not *many bubbles* like *campers*. Orz are just Orz. I am Orz. I am one with many *fingers*. My *fingers* reach through into *heavy space* and you *see* *Orz bubbles* but it is really *fingers*. Maybe you do not even *smell*? That is sad. *Smelling* *pretty colors* is the best *game*.
"One with many fingers" seems pretty clear for orz-speak. So, 'we' are 'bubbles' (seperate beings) while the Orz is one being manifesting in many physical places of 'heavy space' at once.
Zebranky food

Posts: 40

Sir Donsalot
I can just imagine FF and PR3 sitting back and going "Look at what we've created!" when they see fans of their marvellous game have a lengthy discussion about a topic such as this 
This is brilliant!
Also, does anyone have that archive of Star Control History text files? I had a copy of it but I can't find it anymore .
I personally believe the Androsynth were at least not COMPLETELY destroyed... There must be some left somewhere... I think the 'becoming' Orz theory holds a lot of ground.