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Author Topic: PO'ing off everything...  (Read 3887 times)
Captain Smith

PO'ing off everything...
« on: December 18, 2002, 01:25:35 pm »

Ever load up the game just for grins to try and see what happens if you could PO all the things you meet?  Grin

I did that one day just out of curiousity - I still discover ways to access new bits of dialogue in the game, the extent of things are always interesting.  Even more interesting how fast they kiss and make up after you say something in some cases.

Melnorme: Talk about trading with them, question the thought of fees, and say that trade is for the weak and you take what you want.  Push them to fight and blow up their ship.  You can usually kiss and make up OK without too much trouble if you run into another ship (remember, supergiant stars).  If you blow up the next ship you meet (You can push them into it rather easily), then if you run into the third ship they won't kiss and make up unless you grant them reparations (being all your non-essential modules).  Haven't tried blowing up a third ship and encountering the 4th to see if you can PO 'em permanently.

Arilou: Blow up the first group of ships on sight.  Converse with the second or third set of ships and they say they're upset at the current state of events (something about instinct and fighting) and to proceed to their homeworld to make amends.  If you say you're going to fight, they'll say they don't choose to fight you and leave.  At the homeworld they'll ask you to apologize and won't let you leave saying something like "finding the homeworld was unfortunate, actions must be taken which depends on the next thing you say".  At this point, if you push them to the point of you saying something about them gutting cows they'll respond with a comment saying at least they didn't do it on humans and won't have anything to do with you anymore.  I haven't found a way to make up with them.

Druuge: destroy their ships on sight.  Talk to them the next time and they'll evoke one of their laws about "hostile intent" and declare your ship scrap metal once everyone aboard is dead.  From what I can tell, no way to make up with these guys.

Supox: Talk with them and use the "broccoli with cheese" comment when they offer you the Ultron.  No real way to make up with them specifically, although they will play second-banana and ally with you if the Utwig do.

Utwig: Insult the Ultron ("just because you broke your Ultron don't be a bunch of cry babies").  No way to make up with them, they will attack you on sight.   They reconsider and ally with you if you bring them the Ultron.

Spathi: Way too easy, threaten them with instant death.  You'll get them to fight that time, but they'll still talk with you.

Orz: Well known, don't ask about the Androsynth.

Did I miss any?  Anyone have anything more to add?  Races I forgot that don't have obvious things about them?  More conditions that happen if you push them?  Hopefully this should be something fun to try if you haven't already done this one out of curiousity.
Captain Smith

Re: PO'ing off everything...
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2002, 01:37:41 pm »

I did forget two:

Pkunk: talk with them, use the froot loop comment, then say you are taking over and fulfill their every whim - they'll say they are - you want them to punish you and fight.  Next time, say you want to fight again and they'll bug out (or is it a bug in the game?).  You can still make up with these guys rather easily if you go talk to one of them and talk about the error of your ways.  This one is funny.  "Killing Bad! Bad! Bad!" says the Pkunk.

Zot-Foq-Pik: Find every "insulting" and "domineering" comment the game offers you and use it ("Silence blathering toadies we are your new masters!).  On the last one they'll attack you saying that they should have said they were the Precursors.
Captain Smith

Re: PO'ing off everything...
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2004, 08:17:11 am »

A thread I was trying to find once upon a time (a couple of people asked in prior threads) that I happened to find in searching for another thread...if you ever wanted to know how to piss off the alien races, here's it.
Captain Smith

Re: PO'ing off everything...
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2004, 08:19:02 am »

And with the Spathi, you can take their quest and keep coming back saying it's completed.  That'll get them to attack you on sight.
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Re: PO'ing off everything...
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2004, 02:46:31 pm »

You forgot three more.

Umgah: meation talking pet they will attack on site, make up bytaking care of the Dynarri, and they call you great enemy.

Mycon: steal Sun Device otherwise they more or less leave you alone, CANNOT make up.

Thraddash: attack on site kill roughly 20 of their ships and will have great respect for you, Steal Aqua Helix no way to fix that.

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Death 999
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Re: PO'ing off everything...
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2004, 01:07:38 am »

I think the idea was how to piss off your friends, not your enemies. That's too easy.
Captain Smith

Re: PO'ing off everything...
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2004, 08:56:28 pm »

Yep that's the basic idea.  A list of how to piss off the races you're supposed to ally with or at least not be bothered by.

I think the idea was how to piss off your friends, not your enemies. That's too easy.


Re: PO'ing off everything...
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2004, 01:41:19 am »

You forgot three more.

Umgah: meation talking pet they will attack on site, make up bytaking care of the Dynarri, and they call you great enemy.

Mycon: steal Sun Device otherwise they more or less leave you alone, CANNOT make up.

Thraddash: attack on site kill roughly 20 of their ships and will have great respect for you, Steal Aqua Helix no way to fix that.

Missed a few.

VUX - Just fly a ship around. Trust me, they'll hate you for it.

Ur-Quan - Don't land inside Earth's slave shield and you're good.

Kohr-Ah - I'm told by various sources that just living is enough to piss them off.
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Re: PO'ing off everything...
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2004, 06:18:00 am »


Missed a few.

VUX - Just fly a ship around. Trust me, they'll hate you for it.

Or you can say your sorry to them many time over, it gets them REALLY mad having admit the reason they hate you.


Ur-Quan - Don't land inside Earth's slave shield and you're good.

Aren't the Ur-quan made that a human is outside a slave shield?
Death 999
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Re: PO'ing off everything...
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2004, 09:19:59 pm »

Precisely. That is, if you were to land within the slave shield that would be the only chance of NOT making them mad at you. Since you're trying to make them mad, staying outside the shield is a sure-fire way to keep them that way.
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Re: PO'ing off everything...
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2004, 09:29:40 pm »

Human - sell enough people to the Druuge. Wont cripple you for good, but the Commander will be furious.

ZFP - make an alliance, then don't help them out. They'll never talk to you again.

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Re: PO'ing off everything...
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2004, 10:48:53 pm »

It is funny that a single kor-ah ship can wipe out that entire species. If you attack with the Precursor ship, well, good luck!

Re: PO'ing off everything...
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2004, 08:27:05 am »

ZFP - make an alliance, then don't help them out. They'll never talk to you again.

Heheh. That's classy.
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