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Topic: Flagship in Supermelee (Read 5377 times)
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
About a year ago, I created a patch to use the flagship in Supermelee. It wasn't ready to be released to the general public, but I said I'd make a decent patch one day, and here it is. As the topic has come up on various occasions, but noone mentioned the patch, I suspect most of you forgot all about it.
Ok, how to use it. Here's a bit of a problem for most of you. I only have a patch to the source code. I don't have a Windows development environment, so I cannot create a Windows binary. If someone here gets it running, I'm sure he or she would make some other people happy by posting it here. Just replace your uqm.exe file with it (after backing the original up).
Apart from a modified binary, you'll also need a bit of updated content. Just throw the zzz-meleesis.uqm file in your packages dir (the dir with uqm-0.5.0-content.uqm).
So far the installation. Now on to the usage: In supermelee, select a ship slot, press your select key, and instead of picking one of the normal ships from the grid, press backspace. Then when the game starts, you'll get a flagship with modules as described in the files SIS1config.ini (for player 1; that's the bottom one) or SIS2config.ini (for player 2) from the uqm config dir. These are plain text files, for you to edit.
That's all. Now to the files:
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Posts: 580

*Smell* controller
Posts: 382

i didn't write the saved game editor, someone else did and put it on PNF linkin to fileplanet, and those links aren't very reliable at this time so i put the save game editor on my site  Owww, too bad. Oh well, I'll just use my trusty old notepad then. Works too, just no error checking in there
Error checking is pretty much zero, I see. Hardly surprising for a quick hack.
Yup, I figured as much too, but it's best to stay ahead of the people who are going to b*tch about it when it doesn't work in a single click and just add some error checking in, altho this can be very primitive (generating a default SiS +the config file for example).
I'm loving this thing, I'm going to build myself a heck of a flagship to fight against...
I hate drugs. Air is the worst one. Breathe it once and you're hooked for life.
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
2. Full out crash when there isn't a sisconfig.ini present for a party who DOES have a SIS selected. Well, it's actually not a crash. I just decided to let the program exit when there's an error (with an error message in the console box). It was the easiest thing to do, and this is a hack. I could have just gone on, but that would be more confusing. People would be wondering why it isn't working, while they get a message now that could help to solve the problem. I know a console message isn't the best solution. The console box would normally vanish when the program terminates (although you can change that). And making an in-game error message is not worth the effort for me.
3. More crashing when removing a "slot" from the Sis config file. Adding crap to it crashes it too. It all sounds kind of like "yeah duh", but better shoot this down now instead of getting 100s of questions about it. Same thing.
4. sis2config.ini seems to be used by the top party. Seems a bit illogical. Adding a crew pod to the ini file adds another 50 crew, so that works fine. I mentioned this in the original posting. I could change them, but that may be confusing to others, as in the full game there's only 1 player and that's the bottom one.
5. Bit of a peeve, but perhaps fixable: the rating for the ship is not calculated dynamically. The result: What do you mean by rating? You mean the amount of crew (which your image doesn't show btw)? I'm aware of this. The ini file isn't actually loaded until the ship is selected. Getting this to work isn't worth it, for a hack.
6. More of an enhancement: Is it possible to build in thrusters/turning jets in the ini file? Yeah, that's trivial. I'll make a new patch later.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
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