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Topic: Link for Windows .2 EXE Here (Read 13409 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
Aside from the commndr one, I can't seem to download any of the /comm content.
Everything else worked though, and I agree, the new planets are nice.
Jimmy C
I spotted a bug in this version. I was attacking the Sa-matra with a Shofixti when it was bounced towards the forcefield. Seeing that destruction was unavoidable, I blew up the Scout instead. Imagine my surprise when the focefield disappeared with the blast! I was tempted to enter with my flagship but decided to disarm the Sa-matra first. When I finally brought my flagship in, it bounced off the opening, making it impossible to finish the game! I've run this fight several times on this version before and since, I have never downed the barrier without taking out the generators before. It looks like it happened only because my Scout was very close (almost touching) the barrier before it destructed. You should look into this if possible.
Jimmy C
One rather serious bug in this version. It seems that the game could halt when you are scrolling through your savegame slots. It seems to be random. I've had it happen to me when saving or loading. All I did was use the arrow keys to move through the slots then the game just halted, and the only key still functional was F12!
How do you do the "OHH DEAR IT IS TIME FOR ME TO ESCAPE FROM COMBAT" maneuver thingy with this version? Numpad Plus and Space don't seem to do the trick anymore?
You can define it yourself via the "starcon.key" file but I believe it's Space + Enter now by default.
Oh, and it's no longer ` or ~ to exit, it's now F12. Enjoy.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2003, 03:21:53 am by Nic. »
Jimmy C
You can define it yourself via the "starcon.key" file but I believe it's Space + Enter now by default.
No. It's space and the right Shift key. Also, the left and right Shift keys let you zoom out and in on the starmap. The numpad is no longer used in the game.
Synaptic Failure
I found another bug. Performing a single scan for minerals/biological data/energy sources results in coloring the planet's resources window and not restoring its original color in the end. Auto scan works perfectly, though.
Frungy champion
Posts: 88

Me developer. Here me roar!
I am waiting to make sure the code is reasonably stable. we did some pretty significant mods (the grafx drawing thread has had a major overhaul in the past week). Everything seems pretty good now, so I'll probably do another one soon. I will need to build a content update patch too, so it takes some time, and I am very busy at the moment. Also, there are one or two cool features which may be done soon, that would be nice to roll in too.
I would say, there is a good chance you'll get a new snapshot by the weekend, and perhaps sooner.
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