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Author Topic: Graphic Enhancement Thread  (Read 122164 times)
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Re: Graphic Enhancement Thread
« Reply #180 on: December 03, 2011, 11:56:12 pm »

Thread necromancy alert!

1) Grab Project 6014, install Project6014 with the high-resolution 4x packages
2) Run Project 6014, enable hires4x mode
3) Get this 13MB .rar file
4) Extract the .rar file into the <project 6014 installation directory>/content/addons directory (so you get <project 6014 installation directory>/content/addons/hires4x/ships/...)
5) Play Super Melee with the arilou, chenjesu, chmmr, druuge, kohr-ah, melnorme, shofixti, thraddash or umgah

What it looks like (click for bigger picture):

(NOTE: content copyright of the respective authors; I was just curious what it would look like, and thought I would share)

So, yes. I was wondering how some of these ships would look like under Project 6014 with the high-res 4x images enabled.
So I wrote some not-so-clever Python with hardcoded paths (use/read at your own risk; if you run it, MODIFY IT FIRST) that edited some .ani files and exported a .bat file which when ran would use ImageMagick to convert an input image into the needed big/med/sml .pngs with included rotation.

Obviously, the shadowing doesn't work correctly, and I haven't bothered with replacing all images yet (as can be seen in the screenshot above). That said, I remember someone in this thread posting the result of some automated tool that did some lighting things, and it looked fairly okay. Can anyone remember what that was and if it works neatly for all these ships?

Also, the sizes of the ships are mostly sized towards the Project 6014 4x ship sizes. For most of these ships, I had to downscale them from the images linked in various pages of this thread. The hotspots probably don't line up correctly with the original UQM hotspots (I manually determined where they ought to be without checking).

Don't use this stuff when you're going to play netplay, as your game will desync if your opponent isn't using this.
To uninstall, just remove the hires4x folder from your p6014 content/addon folder.

EDIT: This thread (sadly) has some broken links or not-too-great JPG images. If anyone has some of these ships mentioned earlier on in this thread, I'd love to see them again. Preferably as nice lossless PNGs. Smiley
« Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 12:01:28 am by Megagun » Logged
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Re: Graphic Enhancement Thread
« Reply #181 on: December 04, 2011, 07:12:46 pm »

I have this thread to thank for getting me really pushing to make Ur-Quan Masters HD and Project 6014 HD.  I saw it and got excited about higher quality graphics. Alas, nothing ever seem to come of this project.  One of those "If you want something done, sometimes you gotta do it yourself" moments.

Shadows for all the ships is too much work, but I do plan on making 2D versions of the ships too. I'll let people decide if they prefer the 2D or 3D look. Again, these are great for 640x480, but still could use some higher quality for the 1280x960 stuff.

If it's graphic enhancement you guys want (albeit of the 3D kind) is starting to showcase  Zenzmurfy's models:

Click to Embiggen:


- Damon
Ur-Quan Masters HD Project leader/artist. Project 6014 Artist.  Like my art? Please check out some of my other artwork
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