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Topic: Difference in fuel amounts 4 Landing (Read 2785 times)
Hey guys. I was playing SC2 on DOSBox before I came across this version. Being a royal strategy dork with designs on a classic/contemporary strategy website, I started putting together an Exel doc of all the resources, hazards, and fuel usage for all the planets. Then I started playing UQM and noticed a weird difference. It seems like the planets all have the same number of resources, but they are distributed differently. No biggie there, but the fuel requirements for landing on some worlds are huge compared to the original PC version. It seems like a lot of the worlds that only took 0.1 fuel require a full point in UQM.
Do you think that's a coding error in the original PC to 3DO translation or game balance adaptation? I personally like the old way. Doing grab 'n goes on that Ruby World in Alpha Centauri was a heck of a lot more worthwile when it only cost 0.1 fuel.
Also, is there a speed difference? I used to have it down to a science on exactly how much stuff I could do before racing off to get the Portal Spawner in April and I missed the window in my first game of UQM by several days.
Kind of bummed that if I'm going to do a comprehensive guide of this old favorite, that I'll have to cover two different versions now. Thanks a lot UQM! 
I gotta say, I love the expanded planetary exploration window and the fact that they gave the critters expanded vision too. Fighting off 8 of those mushroom demons simultaneously was actually kind of thrilling even with full upgrades and made life planets a bit more of a gamble.
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
Sounds like bug 556; the actual fuel use is the same, but the PC version is displaying a fuel requirement of (n-1).10 fuel units instead of (n).0 (note that the fuel use is always supposed to have one decimal, so "0.10" should never be displayed).
Are all the differences you've found 0.10/1.0, 1.10/2.0 and so on?
I agree with Novus, definitely. But there are quite a few minor little differences in gameplay between SC2 and UQM. Enough that you'd have to write two different strat guides on how to beat the game.
Oh, how strange. It's Alpha Centauri III. On the PC version available at Abandonia, it says 0.10 fuel required but it takes one point of fuel, so I guess the bug was on the original. Dang it. Now I'll have to run back and recheck the actual fuel usage on all those planets. What a pain.
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