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Topic: Slylandro in-system?!! (Read 7678 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
I have been a fan of SC2 and UQM for, well, 14 years. Ever since it came out, anyway. I have been playing regularly for about that long. And I have seen a lot of things in the game.
One thing I have never seen, however, was something that I saw just earlier tonight, after downloading the new 0.5 UQM release. I was cruising around Spathi space, in the early phase of the game, doing some mining, when I saw a Slylandro probe IN A STAR SYSTEM.
I have NEVER seen this. Ever. I have, of course, encountered probes all over hyperspace, I kind of expect that, especially early on when I haven't visited the Slylandro homeworld. But in a star system? This was new.
Have I just been supremely fortunate all this time? Or is this a new feature? If it's new, I like it fine, I was just...surprised.
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
I can't be positive, but i think it is a new feature. I have never seen them in a star system before either, until I was watching my friend play today (whom has only started playing this current version) and he says it's quite common. I've played the last two versions without seeing this, so I'm pretty sure it's new.
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
Apparently there was some code in the game (since PC SC2, presumably) to handle Probes in solar systems that never got executed and the way it was prevented looked more like a bug than a feature. Therefore, it was fixed in UQM 0.5. See bug 768 for details.
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
Now that's interesting...a bug from the original game that the UQM team just now fixed?
Wow...I've heard of some bugs staying buried for long periods of time, but...that's pretty darn long!
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
now if we can only fix that cloaking item bug...
Zebranky food

Posts: 19

I have seen this before too but it was a bit more shocking to me because when I saw it I was in earth space... I think it was orbiting venus or something.. I basically just ignored it and left.. the next time I came back it was gone... anyways like you until this version I had never seen it on my 3d0....
Posts: 1044

It's funny, that's something I always wondered about. Especially with the relatively high priority the probes are supposed to have for Rainbow worlds, I wondered why I never saw one in any systems. I would half expect there to be a probe orbiting every Rainbow world... And knowing their odd behavioral problems, chipping away at it with that arm of theirs. 
What can I say, the more you know...
However, this brings up an interesting question. Wouldn't this make it easier to explore hostile SOIs? As far as I'm aware, only one type of alien ship can inhabit a given system at a time. I get the feeling this is why you never see any ships in a giant star system other than the Melnorme, even if it's sitting right in the middle of someone's SOI. I've also seen it happening in Yehat space, just before the Pkunk get absorbed; you never see the two types of ships in the same system, it's either one or the other. So by extension, couldn't you potentially jump from system to system in a hostile SOI, and wind up being safe (relatively) from harm each time you encounter a probe, instead of a fleet of 20 battlegroups of the SOI's ships? This could be yet another good reason to ignore the destruct code sidequest...
Either way, though, I definitely need to get my hands on 0.50 now, if only to check this out.
Posts: 1044

I believe the Sa-Matra defense force is the only heterogeneous fleet in the entire game, so they're definiely the exception rather than the rule. Besides, if other ships were in a system with a probe, one or the other wouldn't be around for much longer anyway...
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
So, hypothetically, the game doesn't limit how may races can co-habitate a system, eh? That's interesting.
So once they get this thing mod-able we could have a war councel in some system will every in-game race swimming around some system.
Not that I can think of what use this would be, but it'd be cool, I guess.
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