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Author Topic: Strange control business  (Read 3980 times)
Zebranky food
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Strange control business
« on: June 04, 2006, 10:01:01 pm »

I'm playing on a laptop, so the default control scheme doesn't work at all for me, with both hands needing to be in the corner of the already smaller laptop keyboard.

I tried to change the keys.cfg, and I beleive I did so correctly, however when I tried to re-launch TUQM I don't even get to the main menu. It just launches and closes, no messages. Here's a sample of how I set my keys (to make sure I did it right)

# Arrow key controls...
Menu-Up: key w
Menu-Down: key s
Menu-Right: key d
Menu-Left: key a

and more...

Player-1-Thrust: key w
Player-1-Left: key a
Player-1-Right: key d
Player-1-Weapon: key j
Player-1-Weapon: key k
Player-1-Special: key l

did I use proper syntax? I thought I did, but I could be crazy (which often happens with me)

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Re: Strange control business
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2006, 12:59:48 am »

I had this problem before, but it had something to do with the SDL drivers, or something like that.  I had to modify the UQM shortcut so the Target read:

"C:\Program Files\The Ur-Quan Masters\uqm.exe" --sound=mixsdl --addon remix

Try that and see if it works.  If not, try re-installing UQM

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Re: Strange control business
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2006, 04:49:19 am »

I need you to post the full config. I copyed your settings to my config (the ones you posted), and I played just fine. The problem might lie somewhere else in your config. Also, Try to run UQM from a cmd line. That way you can see what error your getting.
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Re: Strange control business
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2006, 11:21:09 am »

There have been some changes to the key config, so I'm not this is correct for the version you're using, but in the most recent version it's like this:
- Player-1-Blah should be Keyboard-1-Blah
- There is no "Thrust", just "Up"

Also, you can tell Windows not to close the text Window after program termination, so you can see the error message.

“When Juffo-Wup is complete
when at last there is no Void, no Non
when the Creators return
then we can finally rest.”
Zebranky food
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Re: Strange control business
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2006, 02:54:54 pm »

I need you to post the full config. I copyed your settings to my config (the ones you posted), and I played just fine. The problem might lie somewhere else in your config. Also, Try to run UQM from a cmd line. That way you can see what error your getting.

here's the config file:

# Default UQM input configuration file.

# This is a VCONTROL version 2 config file (UQM 0.5 or later).
version 2

# Keyboard control definitions follow this point.  Most keys can be
# described in a straightforward manner; consult the name table in
# src/sc2code/libs/input/sdl/keynames.c for the names of unusual keys.
# Most keys can be named by just the symbol they produce.

# Menu controls.  Both sets of arrow keys, basically.  Paging controls
# moving quickly through the file lists in Super Melee.  Zooming
# controls zoom controls in the starmap.  "Cancel" is also used to get
# you into menu mode to begin with.  There is a "Menu-Special" command
# currently unused by the game.  It seems to have been originally used
# to call up details on starships in the Super Melee selection screen.

# Arrow key controls...
Menu-Up: key w
Menu-Down: key s
Menu-Right: key d
Menu-Left: key a
Menu-Page-Up: key PageUp
Menu-Page-Down: key PageDown
Menu-Home: key Home
Menu-End: key End
Menu-Zoom-In: key PageUp
Menu-Zoom-Out: key PageDown
Menu-Select: key j
Menu-Select: key k
Menu-Cancel: key l
Menu-Cancel: key RightShift
Menu-Delete: key Delete
Menu-Backspace: key Backspace
Menu-Edit-Cancel: key Escape
Menu-Search: key /
Menu-Next: key Tab

# ... and the number pad.  Note that zoom controls on the starmap are
# different from the paging controls in Super Melee.
Menu-Up: key w
Menu-Down: key s
Menu-Left: key a
Menu-Right: key d
Menu-Page-Up: key Keypad-9
Menu-Page-Down: key Keypad-3
Menu-Home: key Keypad-7
Menu-End: key Keypad-1
Menu-Zoom-In: key Keypad-+
Menu-Zoom-Out: key Keypad--
Menu-Select: key Keypad-Enter
Menu-Cancel: key Keypad-0
Menu-Delete: key Keypad-.

# Player 1's flight controls.  This is the bottom player in Super
# Melee and the player in the full game.  Again, the player has the
# option of using either the number pad or the arrow keys.

Player-1-Thrust: key w
Player-1-Left: key a
Player-1-Right: key d
Player-1-Weapon: key j
Player-1-Weapon: key k
Player-1-Special: key l
Player-1-Escape: key Escape

Player-1-Thrust: key w
Player-1-Left: key a
Player-1-Right: key d
Player-1-Weapon: key j
Player-1-Special: key l

Player-1-Weapon: key j
Player-1-Special: key l

# Lander controls.  These map mostly to Player 1's controls.

Lander-Thrust: key w
Lander-Left: key a
Lander-Right: key d
Lander-Weapon: key j
Lander-Weapon: key k
Lander-Escape: key l
Lander-Escape: key e

Lander-Thrust: key w
Lander-Left: key a
Lander-Right: key d
Lander-Weapon: key j
Lander-Escape: key l

Lander-Weapon: key j
Lander-Escape: key k
Lander-Escape: key l

# Player 2's flight controls.  We add the key 'd' to let him
# move down in the super-melee ship selection.
Player-2-Thrust: key up
Player-2-Left: key left
Player-2-Right: key right
Player-2-Down: key down
Player-2-Weapon: key RightShift
Player-2-Special: key RightCtrl

# System utility keys.
Pause: key Pause
Pause: key F1
Exit: key F10

# This is a sample joystick configuration.  This is intended to work
# primarily under WinXP with a USB analog/digital gamepad.  The
# digital aspect of the gamepad happens to present itself to the
# system as a POV hat.  This configuration allows either the digital
# or analog stick to be used simultaneously.  More importantly, it
# gives us a chance to give examples for all of the various input types
# that UQM can handle.

joystick 0 threshold 10000   # How far to move before it counts; 0-30000
Menu-Left: joystick 0 axis 0 negative
Player-1-Left: joystick 0 axis 0 negative
Lander-Left: joystick 0 axis 0 negative
Menu-Right: joystick 0 axis 0 positive
Player-1-Right: joystick 0 axis 0 positive
Lander-Right: joystick 0 axis 0 positive
Menu-Up: joystick 0 axis 1 negative
Player-1-Thrust: joystick 0 axis 1 negative
Lander-Thrust: joystick 0 axis 1 negative
Menu-Down: joystick 0 axis 1 positive
Menu-Cancel: joystick 0 button 0
Player-1-Special: joystick 0 button 0
Menu-Select: joystick 0 button 1
Player-1-Weapon: joystick 0 button 1
Lander-Weapon: joystick 0 button 1
Menu-Page-Up: joystick 0 button 4
Menu-Page-Down: joystick 0 button 5
Menu-Zoom-In: joystick 0 button 6
Player-1-Escape: joystick 0 button 6
Lander-Escape: joystick 0 button 6
Menu-Zoom-Out: joystick 0 button 7

# And now the POV hat controls.
Menu-Left: joystick 0 hat 0 left
Player-1-Left: joystick 0 hat 0 left
Lander-Left: joystick 0 hat 0 left
Menu-Right: joystick 0 hat 0 right
Player-1-Right: joystick 0 hat 0 right
Lander-Right: joystick 0 hat 0 right
Menu-Up: joystick 0 hat 0 up
Player-1-Thrust: joystick 0 hat 0 up
Lander-Thrust: joystick 0 hat 0 up
Menu-Down: joystick 0 hat 0 down

# Second joystick
joystick 1 threshold 10000   # How far to move before it counts; 0-30000
Menu-Left: joystick 1 axis 0 negative
Player-1-Left: joystick 1 axis 0 negative
Lander-Left: joystick 1 axis 0 negative
Menu-Right: joystick 1 axis 0 positive
Player-1-Right: joystick 1 axis 0 positive
Lander-Right: joystick 1 axis 0 positive
Menu-Up: joystick 1 axis 1 negative
Player-1-Thrust: joystick 1 axis 1 negative
Lander-Thrust: joystick 1 axis 1 negative
Menu-Down: joystick 1 axis 1 positive
Menu-Cancel: joystick 1 button 0
Player-1-Special: joystick 1 button 0
Menu-Select: joystick 1 button 1
Player-1-Weapon: joystick 1 button 1
Lander-Weapon: joystick 1 button 1
Menu-Page-Up: joystick 1 button 4
Menu-Page-Down: joystick 1 button 5
Menu-Zoom-In: joystick 1 button 6
Player-1-Escape: joystick 1 button 6
Lander-Escape: joystick 1 button 6
Menu-Zoom-Out: joystick 1 button 7

# POV hat controls for the second joystick
Menu-Left: joystick 1 hat 0 left
Player-1-Left: joystick 1 hat 0 left
Lander-Left: joystick 1 hat 0 left
Menu-Right: joystick 1 hat 0 right
Player-1-Right: joystick 1 hat 0 right
Lander-Right: joystick 1 hat 0 right
Menu-Up: joystick 1 hat 0 up
Player-1-Thrust: joystick 1 hat 0 up
Lander-Thrust: joystick 1 hat 0 up
Menu-Down: joystick 1 hat 0 down
Zebranky food
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Re: Strange control business
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2006, 02:56:59 pm »

There have been some changes to the key config, so I'm not this is correct for the version you're using, but in the most recent version it's like this:
- Player-1-Blah should be Keyboard-1-Blah
- There is no "Thrust", just "Up"

Also, you can tell Windows not to close the text Window after program termination, so you can see the error message.

I just downloaded TUQM a few days ago (perhaps last week) so I'm pretty sure it's the up-to-date control scheme. I got it off a mirror from the Source Forge site.
Zebranky food
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Re: Strange control business
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2006, 11:11:03 pm »

Okay, So I uninstalled and reinstalled, and I'm getting the same problem -- launch and exit, all within no more than 2 seconds - and I don't get to the main menu screen.

How can I at least keep the window open that has all the text stuff going on in the background? I can then copy and paste stuff here so someone can diagnose my problem.

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Re: Strange control business
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2006, 01:35:42 am »

[cdode]Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
D:\Games\The Ur-Quan Masters>uqm
The Ur-Quan Masters v0.5.0 (compiled Feb  2 2006 03:24:27)
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
for details see the included 'COPYING' file.

Initializing base SDL functionality.
Using SDL version 1.2.10 (compiled with 1.2.8)
6 available addon packs.
    1. a
    2. b
    3. c
    4. d
    5. e
    6. f
Initializing Pure-SDL graphics.
SDL driver used: directx
SDL initialized.
Initializing Screen.
Set the resolution to: 640x480x32
Screen scalers are using SSE/MMX-Ext/MMX code
1 joysticks were found.
The names of the joysticks are:
    PSX/USB Pad
VControl: Illegal key name 'RightCtrl' on config file line 103
VControl opened joystick: PSX/USB Pad
4 axes, 12 buttons, 1 hats.
1 errors encountered in key configuration file.

Repair your keys.cfg file to continue.

D:\Games\The Ur-Quan Masters>
This is your problem:
VControl: Illegal key name 'RightCtrl' on config file line 103

Here is your fix    Change "Rightctrl" to this:

# Default UQM input configuration file.

# This is a VCONTROL version 2 config file (UQM 0.5 or later).
version 2

# Keyboard control definitions follow this point.  Most keys can be
# described in a straightforward manner; consult the name table in
# src/sc2code/libs/input/sdl/keynames.c for the names of unusual keys.
# Most keys can be named by just the symbol they produce.

# Menu controls.  Both sets of arrow keys, basically.  Paging controls
# moving quickly through the file lists in Super Melee.  Zooming
# controls zoom controls in the starmap.  "Cancel" is also used to get
# you into menu mode to begin with.  There is a "Menu-Special" command
# currently unused by the game.  It seems to have been originally used
# to call up details on starships in the Super Melee selection screen.

# Arrow key controls...
Menu-Up: key w
Menu-Down: key s
Menu-Right: key d
Menu-Left: key a
Menu-Page-Up: key PageUp
Menu-Page-Down: key PageDown
Menu-Home: key Home
Menu-End: key End
Menu-Zoom-In: key PageUp
Menu-Zoom-Out: key PageDown
Menu-Select: key j
Menu-Select: key k
Menu-Cancel: key l
Menu-Cancel: key RightShift
Menu-Delete: key Delete
Menu-Backspace: key Backspace
Menu-Edit-Cancel: key Escape
Menu-Search: key /
Menu-Next: key Tab

# ... and the number pad.  Note that zoom controls on the starmap are
# different from the paging controls in Super Melee.
Menu-Up: key w
Menu-Down: key s
Menu-Left: key a
Menu-Right: key d
Menu-Page-Up: key Keypad-9
Menu-Page-Down: key Keypad-3
Menu-Home: key Keypad-7
Menu-End: key Keypad-1
Menu-Zoom-In: key Keypad-+
Menu-Zoom-Out: key Keypad--
Menu-Select: key Keypad-Enter
Menu-Cancel: key Keypad-0
Menu-Delete: key Keypad-.

# Player 1's flight controls.  This is the bottom player in Super
# Melee and the player in the full game.  Again, the player has the
# option of using either the number pad or the arrow keys.

Player-1-Thrust: key w
Player-1-Left: key a
Player-1-Right: key d
Player-1-Weapon: key j
Player-1-Weapon: key k
Player-1-Special: key l
Player-1-Escape: key Escape

Player-1-Thrust: key w
Player-1-Left: key a
Player-1-Right: key d
Player-1-Weapon: key j
Player-1-Special: key l

Player-1-Weapon: key j
Player-1-Special: key l

# Lander controls.  These map mostly to Player 1's controls.

Lander-Thrust: key w
Lander-Left: key a
Lander-Right: key d
Lander-Weapon: key j
Lander-Weapon: key k
Lander-Escape: key l
Lander-Escape: key e

Lander-Thrust: key w
Lander-Left: key a
Lander-Right: key d
Lander-Weapon: key j
Lander-Escape: key l

Lander-Weapon: key j
Lander-Escape: key k
Lander-Escape: key l

# Player 2's flight controls.  We add the key 'd' to let him
# move down in the super-melee ship selection.
Player-2-Thrust: key up
Player-2-Left: key left
Player-2-Right: key right
Player-2-Down: key down
Player-2-Weapon: key RightShift
Player-2-Special: key RightControl

# System utility keys.
Pause: key Pause
Pause: key F1
Exit: key F10

# This is a sample joystick configuration.  This is intended to work
# primarily under WinXP with a USB analog/digital gamepad.  The
# digital aspect of the gamepad happens to present itself to the
# system as a POV hat.  This configuration allows either the digital
# or analog stick to be used simultaneously.  More importantly, it
# gives us a chance to give examples for all of the various input types
# that UQM can handle.

joystick 0 threshold 10000   # How far to move before it counts; 0-30000
Menu-Left: joystick 0 axis 0 negative
Player-1-Left: joystick 0 axis 0 negative
Lander-Left: joystick 0 axis 0 negative
Menu-Right: joystick 0 axis 0 positive
Player-1-Right: joystick 0 axis 0 positive
Lander-Right: joystick 0 axis 0 positive
Menu-Up: joystick 0 axis 1 negative
Player-1-Thrust: joystick 0 axis 1 negative
Lander-Thrust: joystick 0 axis 1 negative
Menu-Down: joystick 0 axis 1 positive
Menu-Cancel: joystick 0 button 0
Player-1-Special: joystick 0 button 0
Menu-Select: joystick 0 button 1
Player-1-Weapon: joystick 0 button 1
Lander-Weapon: joystick 0 button 1
Menu-Page-Up: joystick 0 button 4
Menu-Page-Down: joystick 0 button 5
Menu-Zoom-In: joystick 0 button 6
Player-1-Escape: joystick 0 button 6
Lander-Escape: joystick 0 button 6
Menu-Zoom-Out: joystick 0 button 7

# And now the POV hat controls.
Menu-Left: joystick 0 hat 0 left
Player-1-Left: joystick 0 hat 0 left
Lander-Left: joystick 0 hat 0 left
Menu-Right: joystick 0 hat 0 right
Player-1-Right: joystick 0 hat 0 right
Lander-Right: joystick 0 hat 0 right
Menu-Up: joystick 0 hat 0 up
Player-1-Thrust: joystick 0 hat 0 up
Lander-Thrust: joystick 0 hat 0 up
Menu-Down: joystick 0 hat 0 down

# Second joystick
joystick 1 threshold 10000   # How far to move before it counts; 0-30000
Menu-Left: joystick 1 axis 0 negative
Player-1-Left: joystick 1 axis 0 negative
Lander-Left: joystick 1 axis 0 negative
Menu-Right: joystick 1 axis 0 positive
Player-1-Right: joystick 1 axis 0 positive
Lander-Right: joystick 1 axis 0 positive
Menu-Up: joystick 1 axis 1 negative
Player-1-Thrust: joystick 1 axis 1 negative
Lander-Thrust: joystick 1 axis 1 negative
Menu-Down: joystick 1 axis 1 positive
Menu-Cancel: joystick 1 button 0
Player-1-Special: joystick 1 button 0
Menu-Select: joystick 1 button 1
Player-1-Weapon: joystick 1 button 1
Lander-Weapon: joystick 1 button 1
Menu-Page-Up: joystick 1 button 4
Menu-Page-Down: joystick 1 button 5
Menu-Zoom-In: joystick 1 button 6
Player-1-Escape: joystick 1 button 6
Lander-Escape: joystick 1 button 6
Menu-Zoom-Out: joystick 1 button 7

# POV hat controls for the second joystick
Menu-Left: joystick 1 hat 0 left
Player-1-Left: joystick 1 hat 0 left
Lander-Left: joystick 1 hat 0 left
Menu-Right: joystick 1 hat 0 right
Player-1-Right: joystick 1 hat 0 right
Lander-Right: joystick 1 hat 0 right
Menu-Up: joystick 1 hat 0 up
Player-1-Thrust: joystick 1 hat 0 up
Lander-Thrust: joystick 1 hat 0 up
Menu-Down: joystick 1 hat 0 down
« Last Edit: June 07, 2006, 04:07:15 am by DEFIANT » Logged
Zebranky food
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Re: Strange control business
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2006, 03:03:01 am »

Thanks for the paste and diagnosis.

Here's the strangest deal, to me at least. Uninstalling did not get rid of the keys.cfg.
Additionally, I did a search of my C drive (where UQM was loaded) searched for the uqm.cfg file, presumably found it, deleted it, uninstalled, and then reinstalled.

The old keys remained.

What's the dealio with that?
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Re: Strange control business
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2006, 03:12:36 am »

You have to manually delete it from:
=windows xp=
C:\Documents and Settings\*\Application Data\uqm\keys

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