Does one Ur-Quan ship (or even a dozen) have enough fire power to destory a moon? The Commander says the Ur-Quan blasted the surface of the Earth, destroying older buildings and such. The Earth itself seems to be fully intact.
These are not the moons you are looking for. *waves hands, does something nigh-imperceptible on his umbrella handle*
I suggest the following handwave: Only major moons show up on the planet view. You will note that Phobos and Diemos don't show up either, nor does Chiron.
Ok, where is Unzervalt Moon? It appear in Intro scene, but not in gameplay when you visit Vela star system. So, what's going on?
Brilliant. Brill-yunt. I've had people nit-picking the game before, but never on this sort of thing. This is the sort of nit-picking you can't just say "It's a gameplay choice." (see crew vs hit points.)
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