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Topic: meelee simultaneous death freezed my comp. (Read 2133 times)
todd b
I've run over all of the reported bugs so hopefully no one already reported this one.
I was playing melee vs. the computer. The computer was down to his last ship (a black ur-quan ship) I was using an Orz ship. I lauched some of my crew to invade his ship. He killed me but some of my crew eventually killed his ship and this happened immediately after he killed my Orz ship but before the ship selection menu popped up. The program seemed to freeze, displaying both ship selection menus.
Black Monk
I've had two simultaneous deaths with nary a problem. However, there was a noticable delay between one death and the next, like .5 seconds or so. Maybe yours was at such a close time that something in the code freaked out?
Black Monk
For the record, I'm on the .2/.12 version that that bloke compiled for win32.
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