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Topic: Random Thoughts about the Orz (Read 5713 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 277

Nut Case for Star Control
Well, playing through the game again, I've developed a few thoughts on them...
I don't think *fingers* refer to tool, but as servant. I think that the Orz are sentient creatures working under a higher being, be it good or evil, and not a hive mind.
The term they use, *Campers* must mean Warrior or Fighter, *Happy* must then mean Great, so they ally with the humans because we are Great Warriors, or something. The Andro-Synth were not Great Warriors...
*Dancing* Obviously means ship-to-ship combat, and whilst it sounds weird at first glance, reading through it, knowing how great the Orz are at being Warriors, it makes sense.
The Orz simply see Fighting as a form of Art.
*Frumple* is already known, Agression or angst.
*Enjoy the Sauce* Is just a Good-bye saying (like Peace-And-Prosper from some T.V show or other)
*Party* Means Alliance, it has to be to fit with the *Fingers* Business, because we are "Great Warriors" they would like to serve us, which could suggest that either;
They are a Race of Warriors, which see themselves as lowly and need a "Leader"
They are "Mercenaries" or "Bounty-Hunters" that are looking for jobs to accomplish, for glory or money.
"would newton's law theory actually work if a Chmmr Avatar did a backwards pelvic thrust towards a planet and would this constitute an X=Y-0 in the part it ran straight into a Supox Blade and lasted long enough to survive?" - Elerium (as Valaggar)
Frungy champion
Posts: 80

No, I don't think they are some kind of warriors and I also don't think they see themselves inferior to humans. Actually they are even a bit arrogant, think about "...but Orz are better, of course." or "Orz can dance very well."
You can speculate much about Orz and Arilou in in-game-views... I will propably do that later on. but first now I will keep on a "meta-level", not the game universe but the game and all its gags etc. itself. Orz an Arilou may represent different approaches in playing the game!
Orz don't seem to take anything serious, get anoyed about "silly" things, enjoy fighting (maybe), they even come from "outside" and don't really integrate into the universe. This represents the player who approaches the game in such a way, doesn't take things serious, because it is just a game, of course enjoy fighting, because it IS a funny arcade game and so on... a little extra-gag: The refer to their entities as *fingers* - what do you use to play the game? may be a reference. Same for the hive-idea, because you control all the ships yourself, whether it's supposed to be Captain Kirk or Solo or *Happy* or Fwiffo... 
Working the same thing out for the Arilou is left to the reader as exercise (it's a thread about Orz anyway)
Most players don't play the game like the Orz- or Arilou-extreme, but somewhere in between, and I think that's the best ^^
« Last Edit: April 11, 2006, 06:29:41 pm by MasterNinja »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 277

Nut Case for Star Control
No, I don't think they are some kind of warriors and I also don't think they see themselves inferior to humans. Actually they are even a bit arrogant, think about "...but Orz are better, of course." or "Orz can dance very well." You can speculate much about Orz and Arilou in in-game-views... I will propably do that later on. but first now I will keep on a "meta-level", not the game universe but the game and all its gags etc. itself. Orz an Arilou may represent different approaches in playing the game! Orz don't seem to take anything serious, get anoyed about "silly" things, enjoy fighting (maybe), they even come from "outside" and don't really integrate into the universe. This represents the player who approaches the game in such a way, doesn't take things serious, because it is just a game, of course enjoy fighting, because it IS a funny arcade game and so on... a little extra-gag: The refer to their entities as *fingers* - what do you use to play the game?  may be a reference. Same for the hive-idea, because you control all the ships yourself, whether it's supposed to be Captain Kirk or Solo or *Happy* or Fwiffo...  Working the same thing out for the Arilou is left to the reader as exercise  (it's a thread about Orz anyway) Most players don't play the game like the Orz- or Arilou-extreme, but somewhere in between, and I think that's the best ^^ From what I understand from this, the Orz are reminding the player about the facts that they are playing a video game? I'm kind of finding it hard to understand this, but the *fingers* idea fits perfectly.

Mmm, it looks like the one in the background is playing something, it seems like a radar but, there's exactly 3 buttons for it, might refer to the 3DO Pad, but then again there was a PC version before that, so...
I still like the idea of the Orz being bad-ass mercs or something, but the whole "Great Warrior" thing has been thrown out due to evindence provided...
"would newton's law theory actually work if a Chmmr Avatar did a backwards pelvic thrust towards a planet and would this constitute an X=Y-0 in the part it ran straight into a Supox Blade and lasted long enough to survive?" - Elerium (as Valaggar)
Zebranky food

Posts: 5
Hey all,
I've been lurking for a while, and I love this game. I first played it when it came out on the PC, and the first time around it took me probably a couple of years to beat (I was in grade school still). This new code release is a godsend, thanks to all who were involved.
Here is my take on (the) Orz (I know this subject has been beaten to absolute death):
A great deal of my theory has to do with the interaction of 4 dimensional objects in 3 dimensional space. You get some clues about this when you discover the Androsyn. References are made to cuts that never heal and continue to appear/spread. To understand the concept, imagine the famous Flatland analogy. What would it look like to 2 dimensional beings living on a flat world if a 3d person were to pluck them off of thier "plane" of existence? Similarly, a human's actual fingers, if they were to intersect a 2d Flatlander world, would look like 5 separate circles. This is not much different if extrapolated to higer dimensions.
Orz refers to himself/themselves as *fingers* and not *tiny bubbles*. This is an indication that Orz does not consist of 3 dimensional atoms, but of 4 dimensional matter intersecting a 3 dimensional spacetime. A single 4 dimensional being would appear to us as a series of discrete 3 dimensional shapes, as does Orz. It would seem that the Androsyn discovered a way to "access" higher dimensions, which made them "visible" to Orz.
It is hard to discern Orz's true intent. If taken from purely the Arilou point of view, one is lead to believe that Orz is/are an evil species bent on distruction. It is clear that Orz pulled the Androsyn into thier space, and possibly causing the destruction of the race, and perhaps not. No corpses are left, but it would appear various members of the away party are experiencing the same pull.
Orz also references the 10 *easy spaces* and how we live in the *slow space*. This is perhaps an indication of the speeding or slowing of time depending on the dimension(s) in which you are residing. For example, TrueSpace time proceeds very slowly, while HyperSpace time proceeds quicker, and QuasiSpace quicker still. A being only used to travelling in higher, quicker dimensions would naturally refer to our resident dimensions as "slow" or "hard." The number 10, may be a reference a number of higher dimensions.
Throughout conversation, Orz appears juvenile, even childlike, using words like *dance*, *happy campers*, *parties*, and the like. I'm not 100% convinced that Orz's true intent is evil, he/them just seems not to understand fully the consequeces of his actions, akin to the little kid who melts ants with an eyeglass. Orz's mind also seems unable to quite grasp our inability to utilize these higher dimensions, or why they might be harmful to us. I don't think that this neccesarily makes Orz evil, though.
Well, that was long, I'll let somebody else keep going on this one.
The 10 *easy spaces* refers to the 10 openings of Quasispace that lead back to Hyperspace. And time does not move faster in Quasispace at all, rather at the same speed as Hyperspace compared to Normal Space. And truespace is our perception of what truespace is, not the Orz's The Orz is not a hive mind, they are 4th (or maybe 5th) dimensional beings that are either childlike or their attempts at using our language end up sounding that way (or our attempts at translating are troublesome at the least). The Orz themselves refer to themselves as being *below* and the arilou *above* hinting that they both live on planes of existence adjacent to our own.
I always had fun believing that the Orz looked like fish because they were *below*, truespace (or our opinion of what that is) is for them thicker to move through (not unlike land for fish...), and because they launch "Marines".
One thing that may sound strange...One of my friends who has played this game believes that maybe due to the Androsynth's experiments with IDF (inter-Dimensional Fatigue) caused them to become the Orz (his proof is that in the game and super melee, the Orz and Androsynth victory songs are similar)
Another belief is that because the Androsynth reproduction technique (cloning) caused them to lose the genetic protection that the Arilou had given us over the millenia, and that is why things *outside* (namely the Orz) were able to contact and inevitably harm them.
Frungy champion
Posts: 80

The Arilou refer to *easy places* and call the region around the naturally opening QuasiSpace-Portal as *easy place*.... There is no rainbow world, the nearest is in the Pegasi constellation. They describe *easy places* as places, where the borders between dimensional planes are rather weak (you see, the naturally opening QuasiSpace-Portal). They say there are 10, but in the game there is only one. Perhaps the other are in other parts of the galaxy, which do not belongt to the game. Note how in QuasiSpace all portals are quite near to each other and the greatest part of the map is just "empty"... I do think, there are Portals/Exits everywhere, but they are not in the game, because they lead to other parts of the galaxy, which don't belong to the game.
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