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Author Topic: tfb regains licensing rights to Star Control name?  (Read 19206 times)

tfb regains licensing rights to Star Control name?
« on: April 12, 2006, 04:39:58 am »

Could this mean a new Star Control?  Also, would UQM be renamed?

it's taken me my usual 3 paragraphs to get to the real meat of this news article. And here it comes: A Star Control Sequel. We (I) want us to do a Star Control sequel. Back in the early 90s, Paul and Fred and some other people made Star Control 2. Personally, I thought it was pretty amazing. It was like a drug to me. Not quite as much like a drug as the drugs were but very, very close. I know there are other people that loved this game too. Sometimes you email me and ask if we'll ever do a sequel. And I always tell you that I wish we could do a sequel but it's very hard to convince large publishing companies that a new Star Control would sell very well in the current video game market. But maybe, just maybe, if enough of you people out there send me emails requesting that Toys For Bob do a legitimate sequel to Star Control 2, I'll be able to show them to Activision, along with a loaded handgun, and they will finally be convinced to roll the dice on this thing.

Doesn't look like we should get our hopes up, but it looks a lot brighter than it has in the past.
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Re: tfb regains licensing rights to Star Control name?
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2006, 05:12:04 am »

This, would be awesome.

What would be more awesome is that if they do make it, they would use fan-made races over at TimeWarp, we've spent a lot of time working on them (I've been working on the Fjorn, picture in my Avy, and others.) since it's less time spent thinking and thinking hurts when all you want to do is play the final product.

Advise though. Get Pixar to make the Captain models, then my life would be nirvana, the animation and pain-staking detail they put into their characters would greatly boost the Spathi and every other single race.


UNGH! I FORGOT! DO NOT MAKE COMBAT 3Dified! That would kill off some of the slower ships such as the Mycon! Make the models neat, and Hyper Space, True Space, Quaisispace etc 3D style, and even the planets, but please, not the Melee...

I'd like to see a Comand and Conquer style interface for planets like in Star Control 3 aswell (nice idea, bad game).

I need to sign this pention, but how do I?


What I like about these guys is that they're painfully honest and the friendly atmosphere, they really must of loved playing/making games, good luck to them, I hope Accolade lets them (I would not be suprised if they did, since this game has a huge fan base now, and what we need now is a decent, funny yet deep sci-fi adventure-who-dun-it-mystery-action-thrill ride right about now, not more of that "Sci-Fantasy" crap you get in Star Wars).


Accolade wanted to sell the Star Control copyright, but never got around to it, Toys for Bob (if they really wanted to) could buy the copyright if Accolade would sell it to them, I'm just hoping they give it to them to make an excellent game on it again, everyone get's happy.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2006, 05:23:38 am by Neonlare » Logged

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Re: tfb regains licensing rights to Star Control name?
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2006, 11:08:12 am »

It's legally complicated to use fan-made creations, they will probably avoid it.

If someone were to ask me what I'd want in an sc2 sequel, I would say "Let TFB do their thing." PR3 is a master game designer, I trust that he and his team will be able to come up with something cool and original that's far from what we expect, and equally good if not better.

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Re: tfb regains licensing rights to Star Control name?
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2006, 11:15:29 am »

Well then, are we going to start sending the e-mails or what?

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Re: tfb regains licensing rights to Star Control name?
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2006, 12:03:23 pm »

Well then, are we going to start sending the e-mails or what?

Yes. Everyone start mailing!

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Re: tfb regains licensing rights to Star Control name?
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2006, 01:46:12 pm »

Well, it looks sort of like they kind of dropped a little subliminal note of them trying to get an SC2 sequel...

I don't really speak developertalk, but this article he wrote would actually NOT break the NDA, but still give us info!

No time right now so bye.

Edit: what I meant, was that it looks to me to be developerspeak that basically says "We're doing an SC2 sequel but we're not allowed to say so we'll just do as if we're asking people for opinions and go apeshit about this"... In other words: that new game MIGHT be SC3/4, and we MIGHT get heartattacks at E3...

Let's hope so at least..

Edit 2: TiLT made me realize on IRC that I was probably wrong with this.. But still! Get out those e-mails I say!
« Last Edit: April 12, 2006, 03:40:18 pm by Megagun » Logged
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Re: tfb regains licensing rights to Star Control name?
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2006, 04:15:57 pm »

It looks to me that TfB is pretty serious about this, and if they're serious about this, anything can happen  Cool
I'm going to send an e-mail.
I guess, if they got a couple of thousand e-mails, then they've a chance  Smiley
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Re: tfb regains licensing rights to Star Control name?
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2006, 04:45:42 pm »

Responses on  paper are bound to pack more punch than email. Their address, from WHOIS:

7428 Redwood Blvd.
Suite 101
Novato, CA 94945


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Re: tfb regains licensing rights to Star Control name?
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2006, 05:54:12 pm »

Well, the guys at TimeWarp would fall over themeselves if TfB asked them to be able to use some of their material, we just have to wait, hope, and pray.

"would newton's law theory actually work if a Chmmr Avatar did a backwards pelvic thrust towards a planet and would this constitute an X=Y-0 in the part it ran straight into a Supox Blade and lasted long enough to survive?" - Elerium (as Valaggar)
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Re: tfb regains licensing rights to Star Control name?
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2006, 08:03:27 pm »

I'm floored at this happening. Shaking at the potential that it opens up.

You know, if UQM2 ends up being modable you TW guys could add your own ships. Hallek is right that it's legally sticky to even attempt to use TW's stuff, (if they're even aware of them). They'd be way better off to not even play TW so that any new ships they make they can fall back on "we had no idea there was a similar ship out there" as a legal defense.

Then again, that's turned out bad before.

Let's just cross our fingers and sit at the feet of the Gods of Groombrige with upturned palms. Don't think we can stear their course one bit to the left or the right.

Unless they ask for it. In which case let 'em have it.

I wonder if Yukki will return the Magic Toy Box now?
« Last Edit: April 12, 2006, 08:09:42 pm by guesst » Logged

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Re: tfb regains licensing rights to Star Control name?
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2006, 08:28:52 pm »

This is the best news I have had all years.  I hope that what they make is good.

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Re: tfb regains licensing rights to Star Control name?
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2006, 09:01:42 pm »

I think we all know what they make will be good. It's just a question of whether or not it'll ever see the light of day.

I'm not usually one to sign any old petition or join any old letter/email writing campaign, but I think I'll break my moritorium today. This news is just that important.
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Re: tfb regains licensing rights to Star Control name?
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2006, 09:11:46 pm »

I sent my e-mail, and they responded with in an hour. I wander if they have looked at this Ur-Quan Masters forum.

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Re: tfb regains licensing rights to Star Control name?
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2006, 12:20:21 am »

I've talked about with Chris from Toys for Bob, and I've got some more details. This is a serious effort. TFB are in talks about future projects, and a new Star Control is something which they want to persue. The title of this posting is actually wrong, the Star Control trademark doesn't come in, and the "recently regained rights" refer to the rights to the game itself, which they regained a number of years back, and which made the UQM Open Source project possible.

We can help by showing our support for such a new game. We're trying to do this a bit more organised. The plan is to get as much publicity from this as possible, but first we need to get a page up, one which will be able to handle a lot of traffic. The petition is old, and new entries can't (and probably shouldn't) be added. That reference needs to go, lest people give up after failing there.

So please don't start submitting this to news sites until we're ready, which is probably tomorrow.


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Re: tfb regains licensing rights to Star Control name?
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2006, 01:57:22 am »

Penny-Arcade, man. I can not stress enough how much getting these guys on our side would help.
  • Penny-Arcade is friggin' huge. Their readership has people in every walk of the professional video game world at their beck and call
  • Every little thing they orginize explodes beyond their expetations. Penny-Arcade's readership has a way of making things happen
  • Tycho of Penny-Arcade thinks very highly of Star Control
  • (and, erm, I e-mailed him right away, so he already knows the news)[\li]
But if we can get their support, man, there's no way this thing wouldn't happen. No way.

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