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Author Topic: Refresh rate in fullscreen mode...  (Read 2248 times)

Refresh rate in fullscreen mode...
« on: April 11, 2006, 12:20:45 pm »

My computer:

P-III 1266, ATI RadeOn-8500, 512RAM, lots of HD, win-98SE, ie 6.1.x

Line of parameters:

uqm.exe --addon remix --addon uqmremix -o -r 1280x960 -f -M 100 -S 100 -T 100 -q high --cscan pc --menu pc --font pc

Since 0.5.0 I've got the following problem (0.3.0 and 0.4.0 worked fine):
In fullscreen mode UQM runs only in 60Hz refresh mode in all resolutions... I've managed to solve it by setting precise value (in this example - 85Hz) instead of Optimal Refresh Rate setting in Display Properties for the graphic-mode that I use in command line of UQM, but this parameter makes almost all other fullscreen games set RR to 60Hz... :-( So, I have to play UQM in window...
Is there some kind of undocumented parameter that can fix RR in FS? I couldn't find anything about it in documentation...
I've tried various scale methods (just to check if this is my video driver bug), tried to on/off OpenGL... Nothing helped... Is such behaviour a bug and I should report it to bugDB?

And one more question... Readme.txt says that line-parameter that forced bitdepth of the screen is gone now... Do you have plans to get it back in another form or this rather useful feature is lost forever?
Michael Martin
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Re: Refresh rate in fullscreen mode...
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2006, 07:48:18 pm »

The bit depth parameter was mainly good for causing mysterious hardware crashes, so we switched to an autodetect.  If you want to force a bit depth, set it globally and 0.5.0 should match it.

It's a bit baffling that setting it to 85Hz would force 60Hz elsewhere.

That said, refresh rate isn't one of the things we deal with directly at all; I suspect this has something to do with SDL.

Re: Re: Refresh rate in fullscreen mode...
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2006, 09:56:01 am »

Well, thank you for an answer... Guess, I'll have to use 3rd party soft to set refrate for the UQM game session... BTW, reschange helps to avoid this problem (
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