Topic: NEWS: Toys for Bob go for a new Star Control and need your help (READ!) (Read 149432 times)
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
My suggestion for refering to it until a real name is released, would be "SC2+1". That's a little long, and it assumes that the next game will be a sequel, but given that you have the power to ban anyone who doesn't use it, we should probably just go with that.
NSC = New Star Control I think SCN would have been acceptable for me, if not for the fact that the crowd is using SC2+1 now, and I'm a weak minded bastard. Plus, SCN sounds familiar, though I can't quite place it.
Actually, I'll probably just refer to it as SCX, SCN or SC1+2 at random to confuse the hell out of people, because I'm also a sadistic bastard.
This is obviously some kind of reference that's gone right over me head. Anyone care to fill me in? Can't help you there, but my guess is the title might be of japanese origin, and probably a console game of some sort.
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
*is not Zebranky food*
I've signed the petition and I'm now crossing my fingers. Stumbling on this website and was hitting two birds with one stone—I rediscovered a childhood favorite and heard of news of a real SC sequel hitting shelves (though the news is, well, months old).
Greetings to all my fellow SC-lovers.
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
Yes I also signed that petition and I hope they will make a sequel
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
I might know some I could talk to about it. It's worth a shot.
chad of Toronto
Zebranky food

Posts: 9
I'm going to sign the petition, but I'm going to send it through the mail for a stronger effect.
Btw, I'm looking for some human opponents to play super melee net /w hamachi.