Topic: NEWS: Toys for Bob go for a new Star Control and need your help (READ!) (Read 149429 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 11
Is the petition still going on? I tried to add an entry, only to be met with a blank page.
Zebranky food

Posts: 42
I would like to see another "Star Control II", something people would like to see instead of Star Control 3. I'm not sure what it would entail, but I like the scheme of exploring planets for minerals, energy and biological sources, meeting aliens as friends and enemies and some larger plot, perhaps a different kind of war. Which races may we like to use? Some of the same? All of the same? Completely different?
I like the mixture of computer-type games where you mostly select from menus and listen to aliens converse with you, and then a bit of more arcade-style participation in the game. I like learning things as I go along and the non-linear setup of which aliens you visit first. Yes, you have to visit the closer stars first, but you still get a bit of freedom of who you see when.
I perused this area of the forum and didn't see a petition or an email address or anything. If I knew how to ask for a sequel on the internet or snail mail, I'd be willing to do it if I could make a difference. I think Star Control II is my favorite video or computer game I've ever been able to play. Unfortunately, now that I've played most of it out, there's no point to playing it again.
Frungy champion
Posts: 50

I would like to see another "Star Control II", something people would like to see instead of Star Control 3. I've been reading articles in the Ultronomicon the past hour, and it made me realize how much I want an SC2 sequel...
I think Toys for Bob can really pull off an indie release, like what Frictional Games did for Amnesia (if their contract with Activision allows it), or if not, Paul Reiche and Fred Ford should just make the damn sequel under a new company name and fund it out of their own pockets or something already. I'm sure a lot of old-time fans will be there come release date, ready to devour the finished product, provided it's anywhere near as good as SC2 or even better. But in all honestly, if they, at the very least, followed the base SC2 formula, I think they can't go wrong.
I would like that he makes a game sequel to Star Control 2, with all ships from SC1, SC2 and SC3. Star Control 3 is not a so good game. Star Control 2 is better. SC3 has a boring story in epic mode. Star Control 1 has a good full game mode. I would like that he includes: - Epic mode (He will surely include it) - Melee (He will surely include it) and - Full game mode from Star Control. I still like that game mode. I am for a new Star Control game!
Zebranky food

Posts: 10
So... i'm new here, but been playing Star Control since 1990 and have replayed the three games since last year (yes, even SC3) and i'm working on a spin-off which is based heavily on SC2 (graphics and gameplay, not yet ready to spill the beans on the intended gameplay )... however, i would like to know some things:
- Is there any restriction on the use of the graphics/sounds/music for a commercial remake? (freemium model, pointing to UQM for the credits
) - Is there any possibility to have Paul Reiche and Fred Ford involved in the project? do they read these forums? i would really really like to construct a REAL sequel instead of a partial spin-off
All in all, the super melee code is working nicely right now and i (my team) will be furthening the project into existence (at least without a new "alternate" storyline like SC3 *ugh*) in the months after we finish our current project .
I'm open for the debate...
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
So... i'm new here, but been playing Star Control since 1990 and have replayed the three games since last year (yes, even SC3) and i'm working on a spin-off which is based heavily on SC2 (graphics and gameplay, not yet ready to spill the beans on the intended gameplay  )... however, i would like to know some things: - Is there any restriction on the use of the graphics/sounds/music for a commercial remake? (freemium model, pointing to UQM for the credits
) - Is there any possibility to have Paul Reiche and Fred Ford involved in the project? do they read these forums? i would really really like to construct a REAL sequel instead of a partial spin-off
All in all, the super melee code is working nicely right now and i (my team) will be furthening the project into existence (at least without a new "alternate" storyline like SC3 *ugh*) in the months after we finish our current project . I'm open for the debate... This seems like it should have its own topic. Anyways, the content of UQM is under a Creative Commons non-commercial license (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5, to be exact); see COPYING.txt. As for getting Fred and Paul involved in your project, I wouldn't hold my breath, though it probably wouldn't hurt to ask them directly (E-mail).
« Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 04:50:13 am by onpon4 »
Posts: 701

Sounds pretty ambitious. If your plan results in creation of an official sequel then God's speed to you.
But otherwise, have you considered joining Project6014?
Zebranky food

Posts: 10
onpon4: I see a CC Attribution-2.0 and CC Attribution-NonCommercial-Sharealike 2.5 in the COPYING.TXT file... what license covers what content? also, who's the copyright holder here? TFB? Activision?. I'm only covering the commercial aspect because my project will need some money to back it :-)
Also, any pointers to where one can find those emails (please, don't post them here, let's avoid spam on their inbox).
Sorry for bugging everyone here, i'm a little bit excited at the prospect of this project coming to fruition.
Cedric6014: i read the Project6014 thread... but our project has a radically different approach (the code base is a start from scratch, not based on the UQM code, we have been using just the content).
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
New entry in the petition from me.
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
Is there still a chance of this happening? I REALLY HOPE SO!!!
It has probably been going on for quite some time but I just found out yesterday that they are making another dungeon keeper! How in the hell can another Star Control be denied??
TOYS FOR BOB JUST DO IT ALREADY, you do all the work anyway why are you letting someone tell you what and what NOT to do!!??
Posts: 1044

Because they're a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision now, which puts a bit of a damper on their ability to choose their projects freely. Given the choice, I'm sure they would have had a sequel for us already, but the Activision execs are not interested in funding the project.
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
So it's over? No matter what we say?