Topic: NEWS: Toys for Bob go for a new Star Control and need your help (READ!) (Read 149453 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 17
Outstanding ! ! ! ! ! what's all this negative mumbling by fakemcoy ! ?? My friend it's a new STAR CONTROL and StarDock is getting the Masters involved. This is absolutely Awesome !!!!, the reason there weren't many players back then is because there were not many people playing pc games back then ! Yes it may sound funny, but many People were not into gaming and more into going to the movies and watching tv back then ! ! !
MOREOVER, those who did not play it, never knew how addicting and exciting this piece of art was back in the day, there weren't proper review sites and advertising could hardly have been called advertisement compared to today's standards ! ! ! !
Today, RPG and RTS games is a multi million dollar industry. With a new Star Control, it's uniquely captivating genre and how well it all comes together in actual gameplay, Stir it up with the captivating magical atmosphere of Star Control, the endless ever so interesting planets, the multi diverse cultures, the interesting and technologically unique combat spacecraft, upgradability, and exploring the universe in one awesome upgradable MotherShip ONLY Star Control can provide, a surprise around each corner.
The very cleverly thought out combat scenarios and physics, weapons and special abilities of the different alien spacecraft, if they keep the above elements as captivating as sc2, the universe vast as the universe is, interesting, action oriented, mysterious, beautiful, with an intriguing storyline, they will beat todays rpg/rts competition to their knees hands down.
Then Star Control will rise to nr 1 there is absolutely NO DOUBT about that, as they deserved this position for more than a decade now, but nothing being done until NOW. Another thing that was awesome was that it was very realistic and in tune with science fiction technology that actually might one day be realised.
As well as the fact that you can run out of fuel in a distant corner of the universe if you don't plan your trip with thought by adding fuel tanks, compromising by having less storage space etc....All very realistic complementing the excitement that you are an explorer that needs to think, and you have to rely on your abilities and your ship to survive..... Having alien's tracking you in hyperspace and catch you as you try to outmaneuver them that can lead to an interesting twist or unexpected outcome, quasi space was very mysterious and provided an interesting understanding of what the universe actually might be like if hidden or untapped region's is somehow to be discovered. i can go on and on and on and on.... WOW This is truly exciting !!!!!!
Wake up my friends this is the best news i've heard in 10 years ! ! ! ! ! You will be able to explore the UNIVERSE ! ! ! How awesome is that !
Just thinking about how extremely successful this will be if they stick to the addicting factor related to sc2, it will fill a VAST void wrt to a Space Adventure, standing side by side, and surpassing the success of the top RTS and RPG's of today.
You want the key to the universe ? This is it my friends. Stardock, Paul and Fred can make it happen !
Where can i find the latest update ?
« Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 01:30:30 pm by UrQuanian »
Zebranky food

Posts: 17
Outstanding !!! I was away on a North Pole expedition, i only arrived back a week ago to find this wonderful link you posted, it is news such as this that inspires me to explore the unknown and void areas of our planet. I truly believe exploring the uiniverse is what we as humans were ultimately made to do.
Thanks you Brad, Fred and Paul for working on this awe inspiring title ! ! !
FM, yes i'm glad they all got involved, exactly what we needed from the very start, i truly wish i could observe these 3 sprightly individuals as they work together to do their magic on this series, all three of them sharing the same passion and inspiration for this awe inspiring title ! ! I can't wait for the next news article better yet a few screenies to temporary tame my hunger for a New Star Control Title which has been overdue for so long now ! ! !
« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 07:34:25 pm by UrQuanian »
Frungy champion
Posts: 69
Outstanding !!! I was away on a North Pole expedition, i only arrived back a week ago to find this wonderful link you posted, it is news such as this that inspires me to explore the unknown and void areas of our planet. I truly believe exploring the uiniverse is what we as humans were ultimately made to do.
Thanks you Brad, Fred and Paul for working on this awe inspiring title ! ! !
FM, yes i'm glad they all got involved, exactly what we needed from the very start, i truly wish i could observe these 3 sprightly individuals as they work together to do their magic on this series, all three of them sharing the same passion and inspiration for this awe inspiring title ! ! I can't wait for the next news article better yet a few screenies to temporary tame my hunger for a New Star Control Title which has been overdue for so long now ! ! !
More recent articles make it seem like Activision won't Fred and Paul contribute. At least not officially. That's why Stardock is currently pitching more of a reboot/alternate reality approach. What's really lame is they might not even be using any of the SCII races, ships, locations, etc.
Zebranky food

Posts: 17
Outstanding !!! I was away on a North Pole expedition, i only arrived back a week ago to find this wonderful link you posted, it is news such as this that inspires me to explore the unknown and void areas of our planet. I truly believe exploring the uiniverse is what we as humans were ultimately made to do.
Thanks you Brad, Fred and Paul for working on this awe inspiring title ! ! !
FM, yes i'm glad they all got involved, exactly what we needed from the very start, i truly wish i could observe these 3 sprightly individuals as they work together to do their magic on this series, all three of them sharing the same passion and inspiration for this awe inspiring title ! ! I can't wait for the next news article better yet a few screenies to temporary tame my hunger for a New Star Control Title which has been overdue for so long now ! ! !
More recent articles make it seem like Activision won't Fred and Paul contribute. At least not officially. That's why Stardock is currently pitching more of a reboot/alternate reality approach. What's really lame is they might not even be using any of the SCII races, ships, locations, etc.  that sucks
Zebranky food

Posts: 17
If the new sc is going to be an altered version from the originality of sc2 without FRED AND PAUL'S involvement i'm not getting it. I welcome new races that's ok but they should keep the old races too, and if the game is going to turn into something else and not retain the excitement of the original sc2, it won't be worth it.
I don't mind a few new ideas but past titles in gaming have proved this approach to take away the spirit of the game. SC2 was made with extreme passion for exploration and the ships looked and performed the part, all unique looking with brilliant special abilities, if there's one thing they should get right to start with, it's the mothership and combat ships, how they look is important, and how they perform is equally important, travelling to distant galaxies and planets should feel like a n accomplishment in itself as in Sc2, planets should be interesting and exciting to explore. However all this to no avail if they make a new star control that does not retain the excitement of Sc2.
The main thing is if they change it in such a way that surpasses the brilliance of Sc2 i'd be all for it, however, that is a rare scenario to pull of with flying colours, keep the old concept and add to that tor better it, completely changing it into something different is going to be hard to pull off successfully.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 05:22:47 pm by UrQuanian »
Zebranky food

Posts: 13

Personally ,I wouldn't mind seeing a remake of SC2 (updating to today's gaming standards) rather than a sequal. A remake could have everything we love ,updated, and still have totally new added content (without getting too carried away). Landing on planets could envolve a "lunar lander" style option. The universe could be gentely scrambled for a unique game experience every time. Many new quests could be added as an addition to the classic game and it's story/timeline. Basicly take what rocks about the existing SC2 and make it better. The story, the universe, the 2D meele, etc...
SC3 is a perfect example of what could go wrong with a sequal and should be avoided at all costs IMO.
I'd rather see a sequel. Changing Star Control II (Reskinning it) feels to me what George Lucas does with the Star Wars series, changing a bit, some good, some bad, but the original is still the best
“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you” - Friedrich Nietzsche (I like this quote, but I'm not an Atheist)
Zebranky food

Posts: 25

Personally ,I wouldn't mind seeing a remake of SC2 (updating to today's gaming standards) rather than a sequal. A remake could have everything we love ,updated, and still have totally new added content (without getting too carried away). Landing on planets could envolve a "lunar lander" style option. The universe could be gentely scrambled for a unique game experience every time. Many new quests could be added as an addition to the classic game and it's story/timeline. Basicly take what rocks about the existing SC2 and make it better. The story, the universe, the 2D meele, etc...
SC3 is a perfect example of what could go wrong with a sequal and should be avoided at all costs IMO.
I'd rather see a sequel. Changing Star Control II (Reskinning it) feels to me what George Lucas does with the Star Wars series, changing a bit, some good, some bad, but the original is still the best Look at the stardock forums for the status of the new StarControl game:
Note that this game will be a reboot and will NOT have anything that Fred and Paul have created, and as such is an alternative timeline. This is to keep the door open for Fred and Paul to be able to return to their work and pick up where they left off. From what I gather, at least.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Not so much for that purpose, as the best they could do with the material they got rights to.
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
There is going to be a new Star Control title? To be honest I still play the old ones every now and then, best space themed games ever
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 129
Looks really cool! I am sure I will like this game... However, I am slightly disappointed from the too common "too many details" design of ships and characters(from the video). A lot of new games seem to have too many "functional details" or too many ornaments. The design of the ship and character seem to suffer from it to a degree...
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Some Star Control ships are economical with details. Others, not so much. Looked at a Jugger lately?
Do you have any particular of the new ships in mind that this complaint is about?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 129
It's harder to tell of the ships. The player ship seems to have modules kind of like the one in SC2. I only had a glimpse of the other ship and the concept artwork is just concept at this stage...
However, the alien himself had too many distractions. He had those 4 spheres with their own patterns which are very distracting, then his head "crown" with hexagons, and the "Holographic" screens. It's too busy and has too much diversity in geomerty and design? Not sure how to put this...
But it will be an awesome game I am sure. It's just a really small complaint...
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
A few days ago, Toys for Bob, the creators of Star Control 1 and 2 (but not 3) made it known that they were in talks with the Powers That Be at Activision about what their next game should be. They decided that the stars are right for a new Star Control, and they're asking for our help in convincing Activision to let them make one. If we can send them support, they can show that to Activision as a powerful argument. I've set up a petition page where you can find more info, as well as a form where you can send a mail directly from your browser. You can also find their postal address there; a snail-mail letter is bound to carry more weight. Please spread the word. Note that the petition page on the Pages of Now and Forever mentioned in the original announcement on the Toys For Bob website is old and broken. Use the form on the petition website, or mail 'alex at toysforbob.directly' directly. UPDATE: Alex Ness from Toys for Bob is making a map with photographs of Star Control fans from all over the world, to show Activision that there is world-wide support for a new Star Control, and to make sure that Star Control gets talked about whenever someone from Activision visits the office. You can read about it here. that's fantastic story...