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Topic: Command and Conquer 3 (Read 6828 times)
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Yes! And this time it is no prank!
I will be very disappointed if the "third race" is not the aliens.
So many great sequels on the horizon. This, a new Star Control, BF 2142 (is it just me does this look like an action version of the C&C sequels?), Halo 3. Throw in Spore and you've bought your way into the poor house.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 170

Shofixti Scoutmaster
Tsk Tsk Tsk. Lest you forget about the wonder known as Bioshock
« Last Edit: April 22, 2006, 10:29:16 am by Cronos »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
Keep in mind that Westwood is no more (except as a logo EA Games can stamp on their game boxes if they want to), and that EA has a VERY bad reputation (deservedly so). You'd be lucky if you don't get mission briefings in this game where the briefing officer is drinking Pepsi and eating Burger King burgers.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Well, there was no pepsi or burgers at the end of Starflight.
I'm hoping that Westwood was able to get enough done on the design and plot fronts on this project, before they were dismantled.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Generals had improved balance and AI. The problem is it is the bastard of the series, so most fans probably didn't give it a chance (I almost didn't.) It is quite a slap in the face, when you're coming from fighting a dark, cryptic, evil force that is bringing about world destruction, with perhaps an even darker and more powerful. . .something beyond them. Now, all that is chuked and you're fighting a handful of retarded people wearing garbage cans and sporting the pinnacle of WWI technology (what can two world superpowers possibly do against such a menace!?)
But, from a gameplay standpoint, Generals seemed a nice step up, even if some don't like how you can build magic resource structures inside your base and be fully funded by those.
So, I'm not too worried about the gameplay, just the plot side of things.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Well there are already plenty of fully RPG games out there, and there are FPS C&C games, like Renegade or Battlefield 2142. 
But what would be quite excellent, is a C&C game that was an Action/RTS combo like Battlezone 2. You command from god view, but whenever you like, you can select a unit and then take it over in a FPS/TPS style action mode. You can even lead your troops into battle this way (just have them follow you) and if your unit that you are directly controlling gets killed, you just go back to god mode and command from there or take control of another unit.
Ooow, driving a Mammoth into battle, if the very thought doesn't give you shivers, you might want to check your pulse.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 358

Star Control Lives!
Nice graphics. If only I had a faster computer and more money...
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
I have generals, but not zero hour. The weapons in zero hour seemed too weird to me- unarmed dirt bikes that infantry ride in temporarily (what happens to the bike when they dismount?) and helicopter bunkers.
Generals itself is a good game from a gameplay standpoint, but I missed the storyline and general feel of the original series.
Posts: 1044

I second that sentiment. I've had a copy of Generals sitting around for several years now (but just recently got my hands on a graphics card powerful enough to run it). Having played through most of the game's single player, I'm not really all that impressed; Red Alert 2 seemed like a much more fulfilling experience, and a better fleshed out game. Generals is rather plotless, it seems like the 3 campaigns are only marginally related at best, and the fact that the most effective fighing force (IMO, anyway) is a bunch of guys running around in 30+ year-old Soviet tech is sort of rediculous.
I've found a few really annoying gameplay quirks (selecting enemy targets that are hiding behind buildings, for example, or the fact that your troops don't defend themselves if something is shooting at them from beyond their weapons range), but the game seems mostly solid... It's just that it also feels like a step back from its predecessor.
I look forward to a return to one of the older plotlines.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Generals is rather plotless, it seems like the 3 campaigns are only marginally related at best, and the fact that the most effective fighing force (IMO, anyway) is a bunch of guys running around in 30+ year-old Soviet tech is sort of rediculous. Agreed. Two superpowers against an iron age rebel band, does not an interesting conflict make. At least in Starcraft, the rednecks get spaceships. 
or the fact that your troops don't defend themselves if something is shooting at them from beyond their weapons range) To stop this, you must use the guard area command, then they'll attack anybody who enters that range. I think this was put into place to prevent "leading" where someone takes a few shots at your troops and then has them retreat through a mine field or such. Your troops follow and get blown apart. So basically, the designers of Generals made it so that your troops would hold position as default, and not chase nearby enemies unless ordered to (instead of you having to remember to tell them to stay put like in Starcraft 64, which inevitable ends up with you watching helplessly, as a dozen of your rogue mutas get psistormed into vapors, after chasing a few zealots into a protoss stronghold.)
Hopefully Generals was just so they could get their sea legs, with respect to 3D RTS (which was still somewhat new at the time, and hadn't really had a major success yet, if I recall correctly.)
Now, they've had Generals and BFME I+II to perfect the SAGE engine on, so they should be able to concentrate on the other things that make a C&C game what it should be. As I understand it, one of the two or so main developers of the series is working for EA on this, so we'll all just have to hope that he is the real talent behind the series, and can pull something off that feels authentic with Tiberium Wars.
Posts: 1044

Generals is rather plotless, it seems like the 3 campaigns are only marginally related at best, and the fact that the most effective fighing force (IMO, anyway) is a bunch of guys running around in 30+ year-old Soviet tech is sort of rediculous. Agreed. Two superpowers against an iron age rebel band, does not an interesting conflict make. At least in Starcraft, the rednecks get spaceships.  Saddest thing is, in each of the superpower campaigns, once I start capturing the facilities that produce these "iron age" weapons (which is another gripe I have with the game; it's way to easy to capture facilities. At least you had to figure out a way to get those unarmed engineers inside the enemy buildings in the older games, now you can just use any old generic trooper and don't even need to sacrifice him.), I'll often end up using them more often than the default type I can normally build. Now, I'm all for allowances made to keep gameplay balanced, but this is just stupid. There should be no reason that a commander of a modern army would want to use cold war tech.
or the fact that your troops don't defend themselves if something is shooting at them from beyond their weapons range) To stop this, you must use the guard area command, then they'll attack anybody who enters that range. I think this was put into place to prevent "leading" where someone takes a few shots at your troops and then has them retreat through a mine field or such. Your troops follow and get blown apart. So basically, the designers of Generals made it so that your troops would hold position as default, and not chase nearby enemies unless ordered to (instead of you having to remember to tell them to stay put like in Starcraft 64, which inevitable ends up with you watching helplessly, as a dozen of your rogue mutas get psistormed into vapors, after chasing a few zealots into a protoss stronghold.) I can definitely understand where they're coming from with this, since I had that problem of having my defensive forces drawn off a bit at a time constantly in the other games. However, it really seems like units that are not on active attack orders are sometimes completely oblivious to the enemy, despite being shot at; I frequently find that, when I notice this happening, my units don't need to move at all in order to attack that random foe that's harassing them. They're just simply actively ignoring it for whatever reason, almost as if they're trying to apply the "if I can't see you, you don't exist" brand of logic to the situation. I've had groups of tanks wiped out by a single technical before because I had my attention wrapped up elsewhere, and there's no excuse for something like that happening.
Hopefully Generals was just so they could get their sea legs, with respect to 3D RTS (which was still somewhat new at the time, and hadn't really had a major success yet, if I recall correctly.)
Now, they've had Generals and BFME I+II to perfect the SAGE engine on, so they should be able to concentrate on the other things that make a C&C game what it should be. As I understand it, one of the two or so main developers of the series is working for EA on this, so we'll all just have to hope that he is the real talent behind the series, and can pull something off that feels authentic with Tiberium Wars. One can only hope. However, I will wait and see. I seem to always get excited about EA's initial release in a series that they take over, and always seem to wind up disappointed by them, no matter how long I decide to pursue that series. The James Bond games are a case in point. Hopefully they do better with this one, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 109

So....anyone else think the Blizzard and Westwood RTSs aren't all that and are just waiting for Supreme Commander?
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