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Topic: Paul Reiche III is linked to the Nintendo Revolution (Read 21823 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
If buying a new console would be what it would take to play the sequel to SC2, then that's what must be done.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
I have a hard time imagining that TFB would ever abandon the roots of the Star Control franchise by going exclusively console. They're far more likely to do a release for BOTH the PC and one or more consoles.
Posts: 520

Might be difficult to port between the Rev and other platforms though... ?
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Might be difficult to port between the Rev and other platforms though... ? It depends somewhat on their initial plan. Generally, graphics are made for the highest end platform and then scaled down for the ones with small processors and video cards, etc. If they plan on jumping in and competing with games with engines like the UT2007 on the Xbox 360 and PC (PS3 too, if it ever comes out) then they build the games for these systems and then dumb it down for the rev. But, if they build for the rev, and then decide later to expand into the more powerful systems, it will not use the full power, or they'll have to build a lot of extra, enhanced content and such. This generally sucks, as the graphics of Defender or SWCW relatively sucked when ported to the Xbox.
Also, games on consoles are usually built very differently from PC games, because of the controller vs mouse/keyboard/joystick. The game would probably be more involved if it was designed for the PC. However, one good thing about console games (at least up until now,) is the developers are forced to put out a more stable product, because on consoles, you can't just tell people to download a patch in a few months that makes the game playable; the game disc is a stand-alone product. Of course, this may change with the more internet-savy, PC-like new consoles, but lets hope not.
Still, it would be better if the PC version was the primary version, and then ports were made to consoles from that. And let's really hope that it comes out for more than just the revolution, which would just suck (though it is a possibility.)
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
I suspect it's a sacrifice they would be willing to make in order to get to make a new SC. Yea, before it folded, the Starcraft Ghost project aimed exclusively for launch on consoles. This is part of the reason why I am happy that it was canceled.
If you look at the Xbox 360 and PS3 games, you'll notice that few if any (that I've seen thus far) are too far from being more realistic and dark themed than starcontrol (except that hypersonic rat game.) Yes, there's plenty of SciFi, but not like SC, by a long shot.
The revolution on the other hand, is supposed to be shooting for a younger crowd, with brighter more stylized graphics, and perhaps more gameplay diversity. So if it is heading for the next gen console market, it could easily be exclusive to the revolution.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
I don't think anyone could say that a console SC game would be horrible, since this entire forum is devoted to the porting of such a game. But if they went console, would it only be available for the revolution (which will otherwise be a platform with a high suckiness level, in my opinion?) I think it would have a better chance of coming to the PC, than the other two consoles.
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