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Re: Paul Reiche III is linked to the Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2006, 07:48:19 pm »

KOTOR was amazing, even on my cheap PC.

And the Wii... what the?!? Lips Sealed
"Dolphin" is to "Gamecube" as "Lame" is to "Cool"
"Revolution" is to "Wii" as "AWESOME" is to "Maybe makes sense in japan"

Also, what's all the fuss about the glorified remote control?
« Last Edit: April 29, 2006, 07:50:12 pm by Halleck » Logged

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Re: Paul Reiche III is linked to the Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #31 on: April 29, 2006, 11:22:39 pm »

Also, what's all the fuss about the glorified remote control?

You mean the new controller? Shocked

Re: Paul Reiche III is linked to the Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #32 on: April 30, 2006, 12:04:18 am »

"Wii"? How in the hell. At this moment I can clearly state that I'm willing to pay exactly half as much money for a Nintendo Wii compared to a Nintendo Revolution. If it costs as much as the PS3, I probably won't even buy it. Come to think of it, I don't think I can take any of these new consoles seriously. So far the Xbox 360 has Oblivion going for it, which is so easily trounced by the PC version due to the ease of modding it's not even funny.
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Re: Paul Reiche III is linked to the Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2006, 10:36:50 pm »

You mean the new controller?

I was actually joking when I said this, but I saw the other day, that this really is the controller. The controller translation/rotation detection would be very cool if built into sword and gun shaped controllers (or perhaps a transforming cross between the two,) but a nunchuk TV remote. . .well. . .not so much. At least they have a normal one as well.

Someone tell me if this is getting too far off topic for this forum. Huh
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Re: Paul Reiche III is linked to the Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #34 on: May 16, 2006, 09:59:25 am »


I think nintendo is very clearly positioning themselves for the kid and kid-parent markets. The gamecube did this to an extent, but at least it didn't have a stupid name.

The problem is, the most lucrative market for selling games is the teen-twentysomething age group! (At least last time I checked.)

Are we on the cusp of the greatest marketing blunder of modern console history? Only time will tell...  Sad

(I'm relieved to see the "classic controller" accessory, though.)
« Last Edit: May 16, 2006, 10:02:24 am by Halleck » Logged

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Re: Paul Reiche III is linked to the Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #35 on: May 16, 2006, 11:00:49 pm »

Just a tidbit from E3

Shame it's such a glorified kiddie console. ;p

As for the name, I can't say I'm the biggest fan...but...seriously...don't you guys remember such gems as PLAYSTATION, MASTER SYSTEM, MEGA DRIVE, and...DREAMCAST?  Let's not forget the GAME BOY.  That's a brilliantly cool title!

In the end, does the name of a console really matter?  Playstation is the most juvenile sounding name of the lot (Were we to skip back a decade, wouldn't you assume it was some kind of kid's toy by the name?), but it hasn't stopped it from becoming the "it" console of the last two console generations.
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Re: Paul Reiche III is linked to the Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2006, 05:00:36 am »

don't you guys remember such gems as PLAYSTATION, MASTER SYSTEM, MEGA DRIVE, and...DREAMCAST?  Let's not forget the GAME BOY.

Still, vast improvements over such working titles as HAPPYSTATION, SUPER GREAT SYSTEM, NOSE DIVE, GAME BRAT and DREAMCASTING.

In the end, does the name of a console really matter?

Yes, because it is the simplest hurdle in a development process. If your company is too dum to come up with a cool name like Genesis or Xbox, how are they going to make intelligent tech and fuctionallity decisions. . .

. . .like designing a controller THAT IS NOT A GLORIFIED TV CHANGER!!!

Yes, the motion thing is cool (I think playstation 3 might have the same tech though) but you'd be better off building that into a sword, gun, joystick, etc., shaped chassis. You don't fight, shoot, fly or drive with a TV changer, you just make the screen flash in different ways on your idiot box, until you've found a program that isn't too boring to watch for half an hour. At least keyboards and controllers have good ergonomics for being used over extended periods.
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Re: Paul Reiche III is linked to the Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2006, 04:47:15 pm »

If they made it into a sword, it would only be useful for sword games. If they made it into a steering wheel, it would only be useful for driving games.


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Re: Paul Reiche III is linked to the Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #38 on: May 17, 2006, 04:57:39 pm »

The PS3 Motion Sensor tech, as displayed at E3, is a complete disaster.

Maybe they'll get it together, but as it stands, it's a shipshod copycat that is completely useless for playing games, if the flight sim tech demo they had is any indication.

Just give it time.  Judging a console before launch is a useless exercise.  If one is to compare the specs and look of the DS v. the PSP, one would assume the PSP would be the far and away winner.  (I own both.)  However, it's the DS that's dominating the scene world-wide.  The only reason the PSP is a blip on the radar is people buy it as a movie player.


Nintendo has always been the forefront of gaming innovation.  Rumble Technology? Check. Analog stick? Check. The entire concept of a gamepad? Check.

Every time, the Nintendo has seemed ridiculous.  Why would you want your controller to rumble?!  What? What's up with that weird three prong controller?  WHAT?!  NO JOYSTICK?!

Besides, even if Wii somehow fails based on its own merits, surely there will be plenty of sales directly contributed to its virtual console.  I know how high resell value is on NES games...I wouldn't be surprised.
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Re: Paul Reiche III is linked to the Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #39 on: May 17, 2006, 08:25:14 pm »

If they made it into a sword, it would only be useful for sword games. If they made it into a steering wheel, it would only be useful for driving games.

So instead they made it into a TV changer, so it is only good for TV-Changing games. Like Xtreme Channel Surfer Pro or Remote Hunter. Tongue

Re: Paul Reiche III is linked to the Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #40 on: May 17, 2006, 10:32:24 pm »

Nintendo has always been the forefront of gaming innovation.  Rumble Technology? Check. Analog stick? Check. The entire concept of a gamepad? Check.

The whole Rumble Pack thing was an awful idea. If all three major console developers use it, that does not make the concept any less retarded. Nintendo peaked with the SNES. The N64 was good, but limited in titles compared to the PSX. During the most recent PS2/Xbox/Gamecube generation, the GameCube was easily the worst of the lot. Actually, the best thing that could happen is that Nintendo is destroyed so utterly when the next generation of consoles come out that they are forced to go the route that Sega did, as game developers. I only buy Nintendo consoles to play their wonderful exclusive games, but it would be WAY more convenient if I didn't have to buy a seperate console just to play the next Mario, Zelda and Metroid games. Of course, this is impossible because Nintendo intentionally puts so little effort into hardware development (I'm told the Wii is slightly less "buff" than the original Xbox) that they rake in a good profit even as they sell in 3rd place. If their next line of games is better than the mediocre GameCube line, they won't make a profit. They'll make a killing.
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Re: Paul Reiche III is linked to the Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #41 on: May 17, 2006, 11:04:12 pm »

The original Game Cube is actually a more powerful machine than the PS2, just to clear up that rhetoric.  A quick comparison of how Soul Calibur runs on the PS2 and the Game Cube will quickly establish that.

As for the controller, it will come with a "dock" that'll turn it into a normal controller, ala the VMU port on the Dreamcast controllers.  Stop bellyaching about it.

I'm actually kind of disappointed by the Wii's power.  I don't think it needs to be on par with the PS3 or the 360.  But better than Xbox would've been nice.

That said, there's a point in game development where the boost in graphics just doesn't matter that much.  Beefed up GameCube or no, Smash Brothers Brawl looks stunning.

Oh, and it probably won't cost $600 out of the box like a certain other console. -.o
« Last Edit: May 17, 2006, 11:08:37 pm by Clay » Logged
Deus Siddis
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Re: Paul Reiche III is linked to the Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #42 on: May 18, 2006, 02:40:36 am »

Of course, this is impossible because Nintendo intentionally puts so little effort into hardware development (I'm told the Wii is slightly less "buff" than the original Xbox)

Ouch, I thought it would be twice as powerful as the first Xbox.

No sword yet, but it looks like they have a gun. . .sorta. . .

Sadly, the trigger is in the wrong place, a detail that would have been worth noticing back in the design phase.
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Re: Paul Reiche III is linked to the Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #43 on: May 18, 2006, 03:10:52 am »

Hey, at least it's not the Super Scope 6.  Did anyone notice the "Chiropractor Required After Use" sticker on the box? ;p

As far as power, the spec quote I heard was "twice as powerful as the Game Cube."

Now, though the Xbox is inarguably the most powerful console of its generation, I doubt it's twice as powerful as the Game Cube, which is what it'd have to be for the Revolution, excuse me, Wii to be not as powerful.

That said, two times is not that big of a jump.  I'd guess that first gen Wii titles should look like the Xbox at its best.

But who knows.  I've heard it uses almost identical architecture to the Game Cube...possibly resulting in some companies just doing straight ports of any GameCube games currently in progress.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2006, 03:13:50 am by Clay » Logged
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Re: Paul Reiche III is linked to the Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #44 on: May 18, 2006, 10:27:22 am »

So, uh, how about that Paul Reich III rumor, hmm?

...but is it art?
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