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Topic: Star Control 4? (Read 10190 times)
Mr Eos
Zebranky food

Posts: 16
I believe your right. The stars are aligned for a game like this to hit the market, or rather become a hit in the market.
But it needs to be done right.
1. It needs to be massive (Perhaps a system can be implemented where the players can create their own solar systems, name them, etc.)
2. It needs multiplayer (in the story area as well as an arena mode like hyper melee)
3. It needs some rpg elements. (this can be as simple as the upgrades you get from the Melnorme. The key is decision making, do I upgrade lander to be resistant to lightning or fire, but not both. This decision making will add to the multiplayer aspects.)
4. It needs to move over to 3D-FPS-flight model. (Wing commander, Descent, etc.)
I have thought alot over the years about something like this. Star Control is one of my favorites.
The one idea that bounces around my head that keeps distinguishing itself is the idea of adding SG1 elements into the Star Control Universe. They are pretty similar as is. But so is Star Trek.
Sounds like a big undertaking to me, because you'll have to compete with Star Wars Galaxies, which is already fulfilling most of these. So good luck.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2006, 07:55:24 pm by Mr Eos »
Zebranky food

Posts: 10
It should be massive, could be multiplayer, but definitly not an MMORPG.
Witty alien character, and epic adventure are what made SC2 so great. Niether of these things can be found in MMORPGs:
Character, because in MMORPGs you're interacting with other people, who will assuredly not provide brillantly and comedically scripted alien dialog.
Adventure, because in an MMORPG, you can not save the universe. It just doesnt work in a persistant world.
I would like to see it stick to the format of starting off isolated in an unjust universe, gathering resources, and working its way into full blown alien war. And, of course, full of interesting and funny characters along the way.
Yes, it does need to be 3d. I'd say First Person and DX10 as well.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2006, 08:00:08 pm by fluke »
All hail Toys for Bob! Long live the Spathi!
Mr Eos
Zebranky food

Posts: 16
MMORPG is exactly what this needs.
The problem with all current MMORPGS is the npc's, They make the NPC's control the story of the universe. Well, my solution hand it over to the players.
Here's an example.
I make a Shofixiti, Somehow in my career, I was able to become the head honcho over the whole race (the races will work like guilds) and I decide to declare a genocidal war against the Vux. Thus allowing for spontaneous combat between these 2 races. Maybe perhaps putting a penalty on players for attacking races they are not at war with.
Believe you me, humans can provide more interesting and unpredictable interaction than any AI counterpart. Not to mention, it takes a human to make these witty characters, so why not just play with the source.
Mr Eos
Zebranky food

Posts: 16
And if suddenly the producers at Toys for Bob decide to make another race like the pkunk, that say nothing but you just got pwned, would you get mad and stop playing.
I still rest my case that even those 14 year olds you just mentioned, do more for interaction than an AI with a scripted output.
Posts: 1044

And if suddenly the producers at Toys for Bob decide to make another race like the pkunk, that say nothing but you just got pwned, would you get mad and stop playing.
I still rest my case that even those 14 year olds you just mentioned, do more for interaction than an AI with a scripted output. This shouldn't even be dignified with a response, but yet, here I am...
First: The world does not need another MMO. Period. Not even one based in a brilliant game universe like Star Control. We have enough of these, and they show no sign of letting up.
Second: An SC MMO would strip the game of every appealing aspect that made SC2 so great. No alien dialog or interaction. No true RPG elements. Nothing to do but run around and gather resources or pick fights with other players. NO PLOT! What's the point?
I put my trust in TFB, because if anyone knows what they're doing when designing a Starcon game, it's them. But if they decide to throw in a race that does nothing but shout "PWN3D" and "ROFL" at me though the entire game, hell yes I would be disappointed. I already know they're better and more capable than that. On the other hand, I fully expect idiocy like that from an MMO crowd, and I wouldn't be able to tolerate it for more than 5 seconds before I quit and never looked back.
I'll get right to the point.
It needs multiplayer. It needs ome form if interaction, between the players.
Without it, your game is destined to become just like SC2 a great game the first time thru. But with each succesful completion it loses that much more of it's magic, because it's always the same story, every time.
With multiplayer. And I'll say again, in story mode as well as a pvp arena. Your game will become timeless. Played by all types of players of all ages for a very long time. Because unless your an anti-social bug, humans have this deep desire to interact with one another, in all things, we all look for some recognition from our brothers. Because let's face it, where's the satisfaction of saying you got pwned, to something that consists of 1010101010101..
So in the same sense that sex sells. It's true for multiplayer in games.
And that's where this question comes in. Are they in it just to make money, or to make a great game.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
What the heck is it that makes people want every franchise to turn into a MMORPG these days? Let's face it, every MMORPG is pretty much the same with different graphics. Star Control is one of the very very few franchises that not only was unique when it was released, it's still unique all these years after. And you want to turn it into the least unique genre in the world of games? What am I missing here?
You say least unique, because it's the most popular right now. People arn't flocking to MMO's because they suck.
They realize the importance of building a game with multiplayer in mind first if they want to become as large as Halo was for the Xbox, you probably hate that game too. That's alright, your in the minority.
But your all disgracing MMO's. And that's not right. Humans interacting with each other during a game is the present and future of all gaming, so hop aboard.
I have a better Idea than you do.
How many people frequent this forum? How many still play halo?
I'd bet, rtcwolfenstein, has more players that frequent it than gets hits from the internet.
so stop being delusional.
Speaking of wolfenstein, could you imagine if there was no multiplayer in that? That game would have lasted..... a week perhaps. a month if they were lucky.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
*BEEP* *BEEP* Random, faulty facts detected. Initializing emergency escape sequence! *BEEP* *BEEP*
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
Oh yes, I remember the days of playing Wolfenstein multiplayer. Yes. They all happened in my dreams, several years later, since Wolfenstein didn't have multiplayer.
Funny you should mention subspace. Most the people that play that are probably SC2 fans. But quite a few people still play it, because if its MMO counterpart, your in an arena with at least 30+ other people at the same time. The more the merrier, I look for the servers with the most people on it.
Now, how do you take the star control universe, and allow hundreds, if not thousands, or even millions of people to interact in it, within it's story, and with each other seamlessly.
I ment Return to Castle wolfenstein.
Just want to make sure we're on the same page.
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