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Author Topic: Cool Comic Booklets.  (Read 81817 times)
Zebranky food
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Cool Comic Booklets.
« on: May 20, 2006, 08:25:11 am »

These guy make the comics and sell them. But they also let u read the entire things on the website.

Heres a link to a good one.

Heres a link to thier entire archive of the booklets.

They also make books some comic. Heres my favorite.

Heres thier archive of non booklet yet still readable books.

Unfortunately not all thier books can be read. Im not sure but i dont think their the publishers of all the books they sell but hey dont know.

Just thought i should share this cool website with you guys.
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Re: Cool Comic Booklets.
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2006, 09:13:31 am »

See Wikipedia's article on Chick Publications for a less biased description of this fundamentalist propaganda site.

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Zebranky food
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Re: Cool Comic Booklets.
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2006, 06:21:24 pm »

Ahh biased... Hmm I guess I did come out with that as a bit biased. Not telling you guys that it was a christian site. But now consider this if I did tell you, would you clicked the link and atleast checked it out? Now with me not saying that it was christian. Thier would be a much higher chance, that you would click atleast one of the links. So all you could lose is 5 minutes of your time. But if what you could gain was freedom.

P.S. If anyone has arguements towards the companies claims please say so. (Yes i know im opening myself to being critized and insulted. But im willing to pay that to atleast get a chance to prove what chick puplications say.)
« Last Edit: May 21, 2006, 08:08:34 pm by Nathanael » Logged
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Re: Cool Comic Booklets.
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2006, 02:11:14 am »

Referring to Chick as "Christian" is like referring to the Taleban as "Muslim"; both are fundamentalists with such an extreme interpretation of their religion that they even turn against their fellow believers (in Chick's case, e.g. Catholics). One thing that counts in Chick's favour, though, is that his chosen weapon is the pen, not the sword, and his comics actually redeem themselves by having some entertainment value for the critical reader; I initially thought they were parodies of American fundamentalist thinking. However, I'm concerned about the effect of these Chick tracts on the young and impressionable.

If you feel you've found your path to salvation, good for you. I'm just telling you to keep your mind open, because I can't believe that the road to salvation has to go through hate, ignorance and paranoid fantasy; it seems contrary to my Christian upbringing.

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Zebranky food
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Re: Cool Comic Booklets.
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2006, 04:24:15 am »

Well i wanted to say so much to that comment but ill limit myself to 1 question.

"How do you get to heaven?"
Deus Siddis
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Re: Cool Comic Booklets.
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2006, 06:20:59 am »

Well i wanted to say so much to that comment but ill limit myself to 1 question. "How do you get to heaven?"

Easy, take the stairs. Now I have some questions for you, Nathanael. . .

Question 1) Apparently the Devil uses D&D to keep teens from having sex, resulting in homicidal/suicidal madness. And according to this quote:

No Brad!. . . The Lord took her home with a fever!

God kills innocents outright. So who do you think is worse?

Question 2) Why are moon worshipping muslims much worse than sun worshipping christians (especially since the moon got bitch slapped by gaia)?

Question 3) In reference to this quote:

And remember, Frank, Jesus is God almighty.

Isn't Jesus the son of God? So God is his own father and son, and Mary is the Mother and wife of them both? Is this in any way creepy?

Question 4) In reference to this quote:

Bye Helen. . .When you're at the hair dresser don't forget to lift up the lord.

How is it that D&D can drive people over the edge, but not this missionary's bullshit? Is it all the dice rolling, or the lack of sex?

Question 5) In reference to this quote:

Helen said she was too busy to clean up the house. . .Lord, I'm going to clean this place up for YOU!

Is this man getting enough medication? Or is he with the Scientologists when it comes to psychiatry?

Question 6) Is the American real estate bubble's collapse effecting waterfront prices in heaven? What are my chances of retiring there, and if they are good, is there a dress code? In the heaven pics and ads, they always show everyone wearing their birthday suits, and yet earthly christians so hate nudity, I'm not really sure what to wear.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2006, 06:23:22 am by Deus_Siddis » Logged
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Re: Cool Comic Booklets.
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2006, 01:43:13 pm »

Easy, take the stairs.

Now, lets be realistic, stairs might only get you up some 8000meters or so. What you need is something like a Saturn 5 rocket. Hmm OR, you can try hiking with some Syreen... might not be 72 virgins, but ideally you can still get as many as 40! Let's just hope they don't turn out to all be assimilated Druuge and Ilwrath... I mean eew.
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Re: Cool Comic Booklets.
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2006, 02:34:17 pm »

"How do you get to heaven?"

If there's a heaven, I doubt an inmensely wise being would really require so much rules(very in the human style and way  often childish thinking) the human has invented...During many eras, to keep good control of society...specially the poor masses.

No, frankly, am not against religion(i never laugh or insult it, even when I see fundamentalism). I wouldn't even have a bet on what exists or not... But thinking there would be a need to accomplish certain "rules" which are far (ie: sex, accomplishing certain church guidelines(and not every church have same ones... not even in same country,leave alone among different confessions...)) from being related to what is evil/cruelty.

It allways kept me thoughtful how many censorship powers do think is ok to put the good guy killing the bad buddy when he's defenseless in the floor with a lot of bullets,(just because the other guy is convinced he's the bad one) but is banned and persecuted a poor great singer because she shows a bit of her nice body...grrrr...

If u have read at some moment of your life with attention the bible, specially Jesus life, you'd recognize the real only message is about plain heart "quality" .Rules, and stuff were invented much later on , specially at middle ages, but it went worse in a bit late on times...Specially in places like Spain(inquisition.That was the church, too)... Saint Paul said "love and do whatever..." .

Heck , the man didn't know how much "updates" certain buddies where going to add to what was an stable kernel...

Much of what  is thought as to be written in stone, was imposed by some random decission by church, which after all is made by humans, and rules are human rules.  IMO a christian would only need the main guidline stated very clear along Jesus life.

I am not speaking from a religious of faith point of view. But an non partial point of view.This could be said by someone believing, or a person who likes history, or just anyone which can read using the brain. (i wont clarify my position, of course...But to leave clear I respect fully  any religion.  Be it muslim, budism, christian...etc. )

Other than that, the drawing level is good. yet some errors in proportions I notice, specially in the mother.

Oh, btw, there are many points u really don't know which guy is wanted to be presented as the good guy...the blond guy looks a lot like a psyco in moments Wink

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Re: Cool Comic Booklets.
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2006, 02:48:21 pm »

"How do you get to heaven?"
Leaving aside the discussion of whether heaven exists, I think we can both agree that "Don't be evil." is a good answer to that question. The problem seems to be that we have different definitions of evil, and your's (or at least, Chick's) seems to include a lot of seemingly healthy and positive behaviour including role-playing games, music and many forms of sexual intercourse. Why would God hate these things?

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Deus Siddis
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Re: Cool Comic Booklets.
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2006, 08:22:24 pm »

Now, lets be realistic, stairs might only get you up some 8000meters or so. What you need is something like a Saturn 5 rocket

Nah, you just need to build a carbon nanostructured tower, and build a spiral staircase around that. Only those who stay in peak physical condition will make it to the top, so everyone who wants to be saved must get their asses out of church and onto a stairmaster. Unless you've built a church into a Saturn 5.
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Re: Cool Comic Booklets.
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2006, 09:54:11 pm »

"How do you get to heaven?"
Leaving aside the discussion of whether heaven exists, I think we can both agree that "Don't be evil." is a good answer to that question. The problem seems to be that we have different definitions of evil, and your's (or at least, Chick's) seems to include a lot of seemingly healthy and positive behaviour including role-playing games, music and many forms of sexual intercourse. Why would God hate these things?

He doesn't. The Bible tries to incourage creativity, this Chick person is just acting like an extroverted fanatic, because if music is evil, why are there church hymns?

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Re: Cool Comic Booklets.
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2006, 03:20:24 am »

Isn't Jesus the son of God? So God is his own father and son, and Mary is the Mother and wife of them both? Is this in any way creepy?

This is the term used to describe such a state. This is a deeper look at said definition, should the curiousity prove too much to resist. Mary is purported to be a virgin mother, and I don't think God technically 'married' her. The wife of God is the Church, but I digress.

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Re: Cool Comic Booklets.
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2006, 09:20:11 am »

"Don't be evil."

Evil is subjective though, to you, a group, a majority or to a god. From what I've gathered, God allmighty will forgive sins, it's all about embracing Jesus. Hitler could have gone to heaven if he had embraced Jesus during his last hours. For some reason God, despite loving hunams, is unable to save people from hell unless they 'link up' with Jesus. Reason? No clue, but some guesses:

a. God is unable to. (He's not omnipotent.)
b. God doesn't want to. (He's an ass.)
c. God wants us to decide. (He's an ass, see below)
switch (choice) {
case Jesus: Goto Heaven;
case Satan: Goto Hell;
default: Goto Hell; // the ass part!

d. Christianity needs the meme to reproduce.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2006, 09:27:29 am by Arne » Logged
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Re: Cool Comic Booklets.
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2006, 09:47:29 am »

Of course in the case of Pastafarism, which, mind you, should be taken just as seriously as any other religion, you'd have to follow the eight "I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts", wear pirate outfits and/or say "Arrr" every once in a while. ... so... ... Arrr! Arrr!!!
Zebranky food
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Re: Cool Comic Booklets.
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2006, 05:22:27 am »

Hmm it wont let me qoute so gonna have to tell it manually.

1. Where do you get it that the Devil uses D&D to keep people from doin those sins? Plus thiers the problem that all he is doin is preparing the people to worship him. Which makes it harder for christians to preach to them.

1.5- God gave us that innocent life to begin with, and secondly he just takes us home. Well not the sinners.

2. I musta been home sick the day that memo got passed around. I dont worship the Sun.

3. First like to say,as far as i know only Catholics believe in Mary being the mother of God.
God is a trinity. God the Father, God the Son, And God the Holy Ghost, and they are one. Thier is no Mother Mary.

4. You would kill ureself if someone tried to preach to you?

5. He's just doing what the Lord would want him too.

6. Seems to be more then one question. So here in parts.
 6.1- Well dont know if thiers waterfront property up thier but if thier is, i dont think its gonna effect the price.
 6.2- Real good if you love God.
 6.3- I dont have the Faintest idea. Grin

Now for Vux_Brush
Yes i know of these killings. And i agree they are not right.The Bible sais, "But I say unto you, Love your enemies,  bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;"

You say that it only teaches love and it didnt say rules, well I say ure bending the words. Yes alot is about love but how he teaches it, shows that you must follow how he sais to love. But he also sais plain out rules. The most important one being, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father,but by me."

Qoute by Vux_Brush "Heck , the man didn't know how much "updates" certain buddies where going to add to what was an stable kernel..."


Any rules found in the Bible are made by GOD.

Now for Novus.

1. The main point is we must repent to Jesus and believe in him,AND follow his rules. But the main point is to repent to Jesus. Now im gonna go 1 by of the items you asked why God hated.

2. Role Playing Games. Its the Magic. For all you know u might be putting a spell on ureself when you perform a Revive spell or something. You werent thier at creation, neither was I but thats why I try to stay away from that stuff now. Its just really risky to mess with fire.

3. Music. Alot of forms of music is usually cursed by Druids while its still in warehouse. (NOT ALL FORMS OUR EVIL. You guys are saying that Chick claims God hates all music, please show me where he sais that.

4. Sexual Intercourse. He doesnt hate that, if ure married its alright. Now commiting Adultry and Fornication he hates. I dont know why, but because he sais dont do it, I dont.

You guys want to live in sin all ure lives on Earth, and not follow God like he commanded. And then u want him to let u in heaven when u die?!! Why do you think he sent his only begotten son Jesus? It was to pay for our sins so Satan no longer owns us. But we can only be freed from Satan if we accept Christ.
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