Topic: Cool Comic Booklets. (Read 89916 times)
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
1. The main point is we must repent to Jesus and believe in him,AND follow his rules. But the main point is to repent to Jesus. Now im gonna go 1 by of the items you asked why God hated.
Right. Meaning acting immorally or morally is irrelevent, as noted in tracts Flight 144 and The Execution. On the other hand this Chick (and, apparently, you) is saying that immoral behaviour of the forms we've discussed lead to burning in Hell.
The only consistent way to read this I can think of is that anything goes as long as you believe in Jesus at least at the last minute. This interpretation I reject as immoral and harmful to yourself and others.
2. Role Playing Games. Its the Magic. For all you know u might be putting a spell on ureself when you perform a Revive spell or something. You werent thier at creation, neither was I but thats why I try to stay away from that stuff now. Its just really risky to mess with fire.
So you're actually suggesting that magic exists and playing RPGs can cause you to inadvertently cast harmful spells? In my experience, playing RPGs correlates with high intelligence and success in life; most active role-players in Finland seem to be college students (as evidenced by the large amount of student-run role-playing groups). If anything, the RPGs seem to be having a positive effect. I see no evidence of harmful magic.
Just for the sake of argument, how do we know that Christian worship does not have similar side effects? The divorce statistics certainly don't rule that out.
3. Music. Alot of forms of music is usually cursed by Druids while its still in warehouse. (NOT ALL FORMS OUR EVIL. You guys are saying that Chick claims God hates all music, please show me where he sais that.
Cursed by druids? I'm not sure how to respond to that one; again, I'm not convinced effective curses exist. As for hating all music, I don't believe I said that; the point is that several popular classes of music are classified as "sinful" for no apparent reason. I can (in a way) understand why groups like Lordi are accused of devil worship, but tract Angels pretty much attacks all of popular music with no facts to back it up.
4. Sexual Intercourse. He doesnt hate that, if ure married its alright. Now commiting Adultry and Fornication he hates. I dont know why, but because he sais dont do it, I dont.
You're missing my point completely. My Church doesn't have a problem with pre- and extramarital sex nor homosexuality; i.e. they're saying God doesn't say it's evil. You're saying He does. How am I supposed to know which one of you is giving us God's will straight (pun not intended)?
You guys want to live in sin all ure lives on Earth, and not follow God like he commanded. And then u want him to let u in heaven when u die?!! Why do you think he sent his only begotten son Jesus? It was to pay for our sins so Satan no longer owns us. But we can only be freed from Satan if we accept Christ.
Actually, for the purpose of this discussion, I'm not questioning that; as far as I can tell, you're the one arguing that sin doesn't matter as long as you repent. I'm questioning the definition of "sin"; what I'm trying to argue is that many of the things you are arguing against aren't sinful and trying to take them away violates the basic Christian idea of "love your neighbour".
Zebranky food

Posts: 15
Ok 1 point i didnt think of making clear last time is this. Role Playing Games with magic and Evil Magic, im not sure if thats a sin. But it is designed to either cause misery or to keep u from christ. The main point of staying away from those two is so u dont have to mess with demons AS MUCH. When either being preached too or already saved but just beggining, Demons try thier very hardest to keep u or to pry u away from Christ. Life is full of Temptations.
Now about the conflicts of what me and ure church say. Heres my proof ill take it out of the Bible, with the verses so u can check it ureself if u like.
1. Fornication 1 Corinthians 6:18 "Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body."
2. Adultery Exodus 2:14 "Thou shalt not commit adultery" Matthew 5:27-28 "Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath commited adultery with her already in his heart."
3. Homesexuality Leviticus 18:22 "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination"
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
1.5- God gave us that innocent life to begin with, and secondly he just takes us home. Well not the sinners. Well since you know that he gave us life, you must know who gave him life? Obviously something as complex as a god must have been the product of intelligent design, right?
3. Music. Alot of forms of music is usually cursed by Druids while its still in warehouse. So the descendents of the old Celtic religion's priest caste now just go around writing/cursing music, to aid Satan or Satyros or whoever (characters of Hebrew/Christian and Greek religions?)
4. You would kill ureself if someone tried to preach to you? Well, if D&D could send me into a suicidal spiral, I'm sure having to listen too that crazy old coot would have a similar effect.
5. He's just doing what the Lord would want him too. Yea, sort of like the Son of Sam spree killer was doing what is dog told him to do.
1. The main point is we must repent to Jesus and believe in him,AND follow his rules. But the main point is to repent to Jesus. Now im gonna go 1 by of the items you asked why God hated. So you can kill a bunch of innocents, repent, and everything is all nicy nice again? What if one of the victim's famliy members kills this now good christian? Will they go to hell if they don't repent for killing him?
Role Playing Games. Its the Magic. For all you know u might be putting a spell on ureself when you perform a Revive spell or something. You werent thier at creation, neither was I but thats why I try to stay away from that stuff now. Its just really risky to mess with fire. Okay so:
1) Magic is real and very powerful?
2) Magic can be used by accident, by rolling dice?
4) A revive spell can hurt you (isn't it supposed to do the opposite?)
5) The creation of everything was done by god using magic? God uses magic?
You guys want to live in sin all ure lives on Earth, and not follow God like he commanded. And then u want him to let u in heaven when u die?!! Try to understand, that why you were taught that the bible is the source of universal knowledge, it has many competitors. There's plenty who say christianity leads you down a false path. So why should we believe you over every other religious person, scientists, philosophers, etc.?
Just for the sake of argument, how do we know that Christian worship does not have similar side effects? The divorce statistics certainly don't rule that out.
Divorce rates among conservative Christians were significently higher than for other faith groups, and for Atheists and Agnostics. Haha, after all that talk about family values and relationships reinforced by god worship. If you ask me, it is because we don't put our love into what we feel is/could/probably be an imaginary friend, but instead care about those around us that really matter.
Zebranky food

Posts: 15
Response to Deus_Siddis
1. Thier was no Evolution and no one created God. He was simply thier. How do u think we came to be? Or how matter was just thier for the supposed Big Bang?
2. Druids and Satan worshipers yes i dont know if they are direct descendants of the old Celtic Religions though.
3. Hmm i cant answer that.
4. Excuse me that has nothing to do with a man wanting to help out. And according to the Bible whatever we do, do it in the Glory of God.
5. yes he will be saved if he TRULY IS SORRY FOR IT and repents. And yes if a family member of one of the victims kills the murderer and doesnt repent, he will be in sin. Vengeance is the lords not Mans.
6.1 Yes 6.2 I dont think so not by just dice but i wouldnt know. 6.3 In the game if its a Revive it might heal u in the game. But it "COULD" be an evil spell in real life. 6.4 Yes, but dont confuse that with Satans magic. Any magic that doesnt come from God is evil.
7. God has proven himself. Too many Prophesies have come true. Now i feel that i should say this. If ever it becomes law to have a mark or somethin stuck in ure Forehead or Arm. Then u know its the times of the Tribulations. Now plz dont dismiss it if u dont see people being Raptured. I personally dont believe all Christians will be raptured before the Tribulations. I do remember the Bible saying that a certain church will be taken away from the great time of tempation though. I believe the church was called Phillidelphia, ill have to look into that again. But it might be some people will leave others wont.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2006, 12:18:17 am by Nathanael »
Zebranky food

Posts: 15
Ooh ooh a Jewish Guy. Ive always wondered one thing do u guys still sacrifice animals? If not why? How do u get ure sins forgiven?
Posts: 752
Personal Text
Of course not. The ritual of the sacrifice was long ago replaced with breaking bread.
Sins are forgiven on Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. It comes a few weeks after the jewish new year, Rosh Hashannah. In the days between, you are supposed to think of what you have done wrong and try to set things right, especially by apologizing/reconciling with those you've wronged. Then on Yom Kippur, the congregation convenes for services and asks for forgiveness from god.
There is also a ritual known as Tashlich, which is done right after the new year services. Jews congregate by running water and cast bread crumbs into the stream, reciting sins they have committed and asking for forgiveness. The breadcrumbs then wash away, with the symbolic hope that the sins will be washed away as well- atoned for and forgiven.
From talking with my christian friends, I noticed a difference between our concepts of sin. Christianity seems to cast sin as something you are born with, as a taint of the soul which will be forgiven by god if you accept christ as your savior.
In Judaism... well, the Hebrew word that is usually translated to the english "sin" is actually the same as a term from archery. Missing the mark. So, when you make a mistake, that's what it is: a mistake, an error in judgement. Not a taint of your soul. You still ask for forgiveness and try to set things right, but I think there's a different mentality about it.
 Currently working on: Going outside more
Zebranky food

Posts: 15
Now im curious why u guys started doing that?
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
2. Druids and Satan worshipers yes i dont know if they are direct descendants of the old Celtic Religions though. Satan is some sort of middle-eastern daemon, but the druids were the priest caste of the ancient celts.
1. Thier was no Evolution and no one created God. He was simply thier. How do u think we came to be? Maybe I was simply there. Why is it you think humans needed to be created, but not a god? What makes us the obvious work of an "intelligent designer" but not a god?
Yes, but dont confuse that with Satans magic. Any magic that doesnt come from God is evil. I think you might be the only christian I've ever known who refers to his god's powers as "magic."
Now im curious why u guys started doing that? Hey, isn't that a christian ceremony as well? No one listens to evil unbelievers like me, but I say eat the bread, and sacrifice small arthropods to the mighty cat spirit, Beezer. Why? Because flys and such aren't good eating anyway, and Beezer owns God. And if my words be false, then let God strike down the holy cat spirit with his "mighty" powers (he'll have to work fast though, since beeze is quickly eating himself to death.) 
I'll get my dice ready with a revive spell just in case I'm wrong.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
This is the only proof I need to see that Jack Chick is full of shit.
I'm not even going to try and be diplomatic here. Jack Chick is the very definition of a fundamentalist religious nut. He's the kind of person that starts with the conclusions, then creates or manipulates facts until they match. The only thing he's good for is for laughing about the comic I just linked to. It's so insulting and unfounded that it becomes hilarious.
Frankly, I'm surprised and worried that anyone still takes him seriously.
Zebranky food

Posts: 15
Well i cant speak for other churches but my church does not practice that ritual deus. Why other christian churches would practice somethin unscriptual i dont know.
Tilt plz tell how thats proof that Chick is full of shit.
Halleck u gotta remember it isnt Gods fault that Lot's daughters fornicated with Lot. Remember King David as well commited murder and Adultery. And the Bible records it, that doesnt mean it condones it though.
Now what really confuses me is that Jews might not believe the New Testament they do believe the Old testament. And u tried attacking the Bible with something from the Old Testament.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2006, 06:40:10 pm by Nathanael »
Zebranky food

Posts: 15
Try Me.