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Question: |
Which consoles will you buy at current price figures?
None |
  10 (52.6%) |
All |
  0 (0%) |
Wii |
  7 (36.8%) |
PS3 |
  1 (5.3%) |
360 |
  1 (5.3%) |
Wii and PS3 |
  0 (0%) |
Wii and 360 |
  0 (0%) |
PS3 and 360 |
  0 (0%) |
Total Voters: 17 |
Topic: Next gen GET! (Read 6598 times)
Posts: 520

360 price being 300-a lot usd PS3 price being 500-600 usd Wii price being some 200-300 usd (edit 200-250)
Since the 360 is out I guess you should vote for it if you already have bought it.
Yeah, the prices will be more in EU.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 05:04:27 pm by Arne »
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
With the Xbox, the prices were high and the game selection was sparse, until two year into the release. Since I thought playstation 2 was pretty bland (going from my ps1 experience) and the gamecube was about the same price for the same gameplay (shooters and football vs. mario and pokemon) and half the graphics (plus no dvd player, which was a nice thing to have at the time, as an extra,) I waited. Buying the original Xbox two years in worked out well, and I'll go with the same strategem in this round. But when I do buy, it'll probably be an Xbox 360, because I no longer bet against Microsoft (former mac refugee here) and I prefer their power-with-affordability strategy. The PS3 is just a big push to get us hooked on Sony's blue-ray, which is just too expensive right now. I've seen they're specs, and they don't seem to have anything tangible over the 360, other than the pricy BR. As for the Wii, I'll have to see what they do with the controllers, but I wouldn't buy two consoles in one generation unless I could pick them up for a total of 300 u.s. over the course of some years (when you add up the price of all the extra hardware, just think of all the bargain games you could pick up at 20-30 dollars.)
I call this the L.A.G. approach. It stands for Limited Awareness Gaming. Basically, when a game or console is released, you pretend that its future release has just been announced. Then when it has a significant price drop, you pretend it has finally been released. Then you buy it and pick up the games you wanted at its so-called "release" (which was actually just a hoax ,) that are now extreme bargains.
Posts: 520

Yep, that Wii vote is mine. I weren't able to afford any console last gen but this time around I'll go for the Wii, and with the backwards compability I can check out the older stuff too. Hopefully it'll be around 2500sek here.
The PS3 seems too much like an old man with candy.
360 seems a bit more interesting, but I already have a PC.
Posts: 1044

Of any of them, the Wii is looking the most promising, and especially the most affordable. It gets a "tenative" vote (because I will have to carefully evaluate if I can afford any of them; I gots bills ta pay!), the only other option being "none" for me. The PS3 is just too damned expensive to justify its existence at all, and the 360 simply has nothing that interests me (and is still pretty costly to boot).
It's looking like I may sit this generation out (something I haven't done, ever; I have at least one machine from every previous generation, all the way back to an Atari 2600), but maybe Nintendo might be able to convince me otherwise. We'll see how the launches go.
Wii - Gonna get it right off the bat probably. It's relatively cheap and I gotta play the new Metroid and Zelda.
PS3 - Uh, yeah. What good games are actually coming out for this? I'll get it when the price drops and it starts acting like the PS2 did, having the best game selection by a mile.
X360 - Ninja Gaiden 2 will force me to buy this, though it'll be years before that comes out. I'll try and buy it off someone else who doesn't want theirs anymore to save money.
Posts: 1044

Couldn't agree more, Halleck (and, I suppose by extension, Deus; I have enough issues with the other things he said to avoid that though). I've pretty much fixed my price point for games at a $20 max (except in very rare instances, and even still, I won't go above $30 anymore); nothing I want is so essential that it can't wait to drop in price. Heck, just yesterday I picked up Dark Cloud 2 and Burnout Revenge (both fine quality games) for $33 and change; couple that with the $30 giftcard I had (and needed to use pretty much right there before it expired), and I wound up getting 2 games for less than $4. Why bother getting anything at release?
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Yes. . .the Dark Side.
Posts: 752
Personal Text
... I got KOTOR for twelve bucks, and both deus ex games for probably a total of $3. Wow, is that from a bargain barn or ebay? I got KOTOR from Amazon Marketplace... Same with Deus Ex, although it was just a jewel case.
I got Deus Ex: Invisible War at an electronics flea market. It's kind of funny, I went to this guy's stall and spotted Rebel Assault on CD-ROM. I asked him how much he wanted for it- he said a buck, and I figured what the heck, it's a reasonable price for an old dos game. Then I came back later and saw Invisible War sitting in its box in what looked like near-mint condition. The original price tag was still on the box, which said $49.99. I asked him how much he wanted for it, he said a buck.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2006, 12:48:52 pm by Halleck »
 Currently working on: Going outside more
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Damn, I bought a mostly new copy of Myst for 5 bucks on ebay, and thought I was somewhat good at finding deals. . .apparently not so.
Though about Rebal Assault, if it is anything like its sequel, I'd have to be paid to take it. Having no freedom of flight was such a let down back in the day (I should have gone for X-Wing.)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 358

Star Control Lives!
I'm just gonna stick to my first-generation xbox, and my windows computer.
If Activision does fund a new Star Control game, I'm definitely going to buy that
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