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Topic: Yoho! Cower ye mortals, for The Cookies Mod has returned! (Read 15942 times)
Posts: 1044

Actually, that seems like a really neat idea to make all the resource types more important. Unfortunately, it seems like it would also be really hard to implement...
However, creating fuel exclusively from radioactives would be problematic, at least in terms of the quantites existing currently. That's a pretty rare deposit composing the most commonly purchased item in the game; after all, you can use luck and skill to avoid losing crew on a voyage out into the galaxy, but you consume fuel just by moving around.
Also, I don't think crew should necessarily cost commons under that system. After all, it's not like you have to synthesize the warm bodies, just pay them apparently. So, instead of making fuel and crew cost a particular type of resource, perhaps there could be a dual system of resources and RU. You can either choose to convert materials to RU or leave them as is, depending on the application you require them for. Fuel and crew would cost RU exclusively, while ship and module construction would require certain specific types of resources (and possibly some RU as well, to defray the wear and tear on the station). So, instead of the Cruiser cost listed above, it could be more like:
500 base metal 100 commons 40 precious metals 50 radioactives 500 RU
Just as an example. Of course, this would be a huge project, since it would require that all buying and selling costs in the game be completely revised, all ships would need a unique resource pattern for their debris (or perhaps a partially randomized one, based on their components; this could possibly lead to a player hunting down a typically allied race if their resource drops contain certain highly desirable elements!), resource distribution for planets would have to be revised, etc. etc. etc.
Anyway, forgive my rambling on this subject. What can I say, I like the idea. 
As a consolation prize, here's a new planet type:
Mountainous world: A rocky world with a distinctive geography of huge, craggy mountains and deep valleys. The surface is a result of the crust being highly unstable and undergoing constant tectonic activity. Tectonics levels would be 6 at a minimum, and 7 or 8 are much more likely. Weather patterns and lifeforms would vary by particular example, and follow no set pattern. These worlds would mostly be cool enough not to experience surface hot spots. Base metals, rare earths, and precious metals would be commonly seen on these worlds, with the occasional smattering of commons or corrosives.
Posts: 1044

Way before my time, D999, but point taken. I still think it's a good idea. I was also thinking about the ability to salvage the wreckage of your own escorts as well, seems like you beat me to the punch there, too.
Another new planet type:
Junk World: A planet completely covered by heaps of destroyed and discarded machinery, of widely varied but uncertain origin. The entire world appears to be a dumping ground for all manner of devices, none of which function as intended anymore. The world surface is subject to mild or medium tectonic activity, not because the world itself is particularly tectonically active, but the unstable trash heaps are subject to collapse without warning at any time. Temperatures are low on the surface, as the machinery would have melted into an unrecognizable mass otherwise. Weather varies by specific case, and follows no set pattern. The presence of biological life is rare, but not unheard of; some organisms have managed to survive amidst the trash on some of these worlds. Much more likely is the presence of malfunctioning machinery, some of which was originally designed for combat, meaning these defective denziens are as likely to be hostile as not. If there happens to be both biological and technological inhabitants on the same world, they are both likely to be extremely hostile. Base metal and common deposits can be found practically everywhere on a Junk World, though on rare occasions, small deposits of radioactives or exotics can be found from a discarded power core or similar. In addition, the chances of discovering artifacts on a Junk World are very good, though whether said artifacts will be functioning correctly, or even at all, is quite another story.
Zebranky food

Posts: 24

Oh... wow.
We got a magma world prototype, but Mercury is funny in that if you stick a shattered world or a magma world there, it is a featureless gray ball.
Pending our understanding of production of new graphics there will be artificial worlds and mountian worlds. Not to mention a new lifeform, the Commander Keen inspired Yorps, that will be worth decent data but will crowd you harmlessly and annoyingly.
Re: Mineral requirements for stuff... WOW. That is out of our current reach and goals at the moment. I may just adjust the RU rewards table, silly as it is, for the moment.
One idea we had was something like this: on initial conversation with Melnorme, they say they'll give you technology to build a "garden pod", a self contained cargo bay for the lifeforms you bring back for them, and equip you with one for free. More modules is something we've wanted to do for a while, as well as the possibility of people who will sell you different modules.
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot. Drink up me 'earties, Yo Ho! We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot. Drink up me 'earties, Yo Ho!
Yo Ho, Yo Ho! A pirate's life for me.
Zebranky food

Posts: 6
Oh... wow.
We got a magma world prototype, but Mercury is funny in that if you stick a shattered world or a magma world there, it is a featureless gray ball. Actually mercury is a geologically dead world, just like the moon, we have one real life example of a shattered/magma world in our solar system : io ,one of jupiters moons. I seem to remember that it's quite a friendly place in SC2, but in real life it has -HUGE- vulcanoes and a very active geology.
Pending our understanding of production of new graphics there will be artificial worlds and mountian worlds. Not to mention a new lifeform, the Commander Keen inspired Yorps, that will be worth decent data but will crowd you harmlessly and annoyingly. Are yorps the little green one eyed creatures? In that case the graphics are already done check out the list of SC2 creatures, and scroll down to the "Penguin Cyclops" all you need to do is change it's behaviour and make it more annoying. That said, I would love to see more creatures.
Zebranky food

Posts: 24

@Draxas: Magma world is now complete to my satisfaction. I may reduce the size of mineral deposits, but hell. I mean, they're very very rare in the current setup. The differences are in the amount of surface lava present on this (the magma world) than on a shattered world. The difference is subtle, but it's there.
Mountainous worlds are also implemented. I kinda like this, actually, though I wish there were more obvious peaks and valleys. Though in hindsight, it kind of reminds me of a telluric world.
And now, for Junk Worlds. This one took quite a bit of work, but I think it looks like a world covered in rusty machinery and seas of toxic effluvia. I may in fact beef up the mineral deposits to make it even sillier, but that's up to you, really.
Something that just sort of happened are these two pictures: is an early concept of something we developed into this: We decided to call it a "Poison World", currently it's got (as you can see) a few radioactive deposits but I'm hoping for mostly commons and corrosives, along with some others if at all possible.
@Lukipela: That is intriguing. Our next real project is to configure our random starmap generator for devices and special solar systems with predetermined planets and such. Once we get our heads around device code we may attempt just that.
(edited for crappy link wrapping)
« Last Edit: July 07, 2006, 06:05:30 am by Crazy_Pirate_unInc »
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot. Drink up me 'earties, Yo Ho! We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot. Drink up me 'earties, Yo Ho!
Yo Ho, Yo Ho! A pirate's life for me.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
How's this for a new planet type? Inhabited World. Replace all the planets you can go to to talk to somebody with this. Basically you just take whatever the planet normally is, but you put some buildings on it, and it is at these buildings which you converse with the person you normally hail from orbit. Just give them very small amounts of minerals. Make new life forms inspired by the inhabitants' spaceships that ignores you until you try to shoot one, and then it kills you really fast.
Yeah I like that idea, I was toying around with the thought of races such as the ones today (pre hyperspace cultures) too, but also be advised that Earth can be compared to another planet and as such countries seem very small. So, an idea could be missile bases that will fire homing missiles, and a chalk load of laser batteries at your lander should be pretty good You could also have jets which constantly follow your lander, ranging from F-22 like things to spacecraft (harder and faster). Tanks and Infantry are viable, having small sprites that fire small weapons fire at the lander and tanks which do the same (have to be pretty small though).
« Last Edit: July 10, 2006, 12:44:40 am by Elerium »
Posts: 1044

Dr. Crazy Pirate, I appreciate the fact that you say these decisions are up to me... But it is your mod, I'm just tossing out random ideas. Feel free to adapt and/or alter them as you like.
Sadly, I can't view any of the links; apparently my access is denied.
Posts: 1044

Nice. It looks as good as I imagine it could with the limited ability to manipulate the surface image; the idea of a series of 3D-mapped peaks and valleys, or hi-res detail on the junk heaps, is rather appealing to me, but I recognize that it's little more than a pipe dream given our current set of tools.
I look forward to seeing how this entire project pans out, and if I dredge up any more interesting world ideas from this twisted little imagination of mine, I'll be sure to post 'em up.
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