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Topic: Yoho! Cower ye mortals, for The Cookies Mod has returned! (Read 15920 times)
Proclamation: Salutations, minimally sentient organisms identified as UQM forumers. Assertion 1: Approximate date of last posting in current thread equals 12 months ago. Corollary: Probabilityproject has been abandoned greater than fifty percent. Assertion 2: Mod equals very interesting. Conclusion: Only method of confirming project status is resurrecting thread. Process: Posting...
Query: Unit identified as Crazy_Pirate_unInc is directed to forward status report.
Assertion: Role Playing Resource Guide and Super-Melee ship denomination equals "Chmmr". Secondary Query: Correct spelling of Eternal1s summoning device equals "Chmmr" equals only first letter uppercase.
Assertion: Magma World equals already present in vanilla UQM distribution. Proclamation: System unit expresses compassion plus amazement toward Crazy_Pirate_unInc.
Assertion: Current number of planet ideas equals small. Directive: System unit is directed to compute new planet ideas. Process: Computing... Query: Unit identified as Crazy_Pirate_unInc is directed to consider following planet idea:
LIVING WORLD: Planet equals huge organism plus sentient. Communication with planet via HyperWave BroadCaster equals possible. Communication options equals trading resource types according to simple supply plus demand model. Communications image equals 3D planet scan image plus magnified. Planet surface equals only bio. Bio equals tentacles plus spray-throwers plus planetary parasites. Angering planet via appendage destruction equals possible. Continued amiable communications with planet equals possible because identification of aggressor equals impossible for planet. Corollary: Planet tells about aggressor minus identifies aggressor correctly.
<TRANSLATION FOLLOWS> The planet is actually a big honkin' sentient organism; you can communicate with it by using a Caster. Its communications image is actually the rotating 3D planet image, magnified. You can trade resources with the planet (for example 20 commons for 4 radioactives) according to its current needs and surpluses (for example, "I need 17 base metals and 8 corrosives, and I have 7 exotics and 23 commons extra"). If you land on the planet, it will not be pleased and will try to destroy your lander with big tentacles -- instead of weather; they follow you like bio, but do not show on the map; they can be killed, but they respawn and do not yield biodata -- and spray-throwers -- instead of hotspots -- and what not; there are also some (big) lice-like parasites living on the planet, which will attack you too -- instead of bio; they do not respawn and yield much biodata.
Assertion: Current lander physics equals highly unrealistic. Query: Unit identified as Crazy_Pirate_unInc is directed to implement lander inertia. Query 2: Unit identified as Crazy_Pirate_unInc is directed to increase lander mini-game difficulty.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2007, 02:55:30 pm by Valaggar »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 146
This looks interesting
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