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Author Topic: Kohr - Ah Crew  (Read 17469 times)
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Re: Kohr - Ah Crew
« Reply #60 on: July 14, 2006, 09:39:00 pm »

My apologies. When using unfamiliar words in a foreign language, I tend to just copy what the last poster has written, instead of spellcecking them. Still, I did feel a bit unsure about that and I should have checked.

You are forgiven.

*Shoots Luki with the canon cannon*
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Re: Kohr - Ah Crew
« Reply #61 on: July 17, 2006, 08:02:59 am »

Or is that the cannon canon? Eh? Eh? [/joke]

EDIT: Added [/joke] for Censoreds benefit
« Last Edit: July 17, 2006, 03:43:31 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Re: Kohr - Ah Crew
« Reply #62 on: July 17, 2006, 12:08:39 pm »

actually I think it's supposedly "canon cannon".

though the exact definition of "canon" is:


   1. An ecclesiastical law or code of laws established by a church council.
   2. A secular law, rule, or code of law.
         1. An established principle: the canons of polite society.
         2. A basis for judgment; a standard or criterion.
   4. The books of the Bible officially accepted as Holy Scripture.
         1. A group of literary works that are generally accepted as representing a field: “the durable canon of American short fiction” (William Styron).
         2. The works of a writer that have been accepted as authentic: the entire Shakespeare canon.
   6. Canon The part of the Mass beginning after the Preface and Sanctus and ending just before the Lord's Prayer.
   7. The calendar of saints accepted by the Roman Catholic Church.
   8. Music. A composition or passage in which a melody is imitated by one or more voices at fixed intervals of pitch and time.


"You boldly enter our space! Approach this Dreadnought as though it were a recreation base and then play the dumb hominid?
Who do you take us for, Captain... Spathi!?"
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Re: Kohr - Ah Crew
« Reply #63 on: July 19, 2006, 09:01:04 pm »

'nother point: 

I just finished a game, during which I landed on Arcturus 1, the Burvixese homeworld.  As we all know, it had been devastated by the Kohr-ah. 

Nonetheless, the planet was teeming with biological life. 

It seems to me that the Kohr-ah are *not* at war with *all* life. If that were so, they should have sterilized the planet's surface.  With access to nuclear weaponry and strontium minerals, they could have so heavily contaminated the planet that nothing above the level of unicellular bacteria could survive there.  To say nothing of other choices like, say, reverse-terraforming that would transform a habitable water world into a barren moon. 

No, I believe the Kohr-ah crusade is against *sentient* life only.  I believe there are two reasons for this:

1) Usefulness.  If the Kohr-ah are hunting creatures, they may very well see animals and plants as assets rather than filth.  If nothing else, they may see biologics as nutrition  and pharmaceutical sources.   Destroying them would be to shoot themselves in the ... tentacle? 

2) Practicality. Even on Sol III life appears in volcanic vents and the bottom of the sea. Who knows how many different kinds of combinations appear out in the galaxy the Kohr-ah have seen?  Short of dumping the entire universe into quasispace, there is no way to ensure life will not appear somewhere.   

Here's an interesting idea for a sequel  ... 50 years after the events of Star Control 2, a band of Kohr-ah break away  to follow the Path of Alternate Reality.   Being seduced by the Orz,  they decide that the best way to ensure the safety of the Ur-quan species is to pick up IDF experiments where the Androsynth left off.  Having failed to cleanse the galaxy of all sentient life,  they intend to use IDF technology to seek out another dimension where no sentient life exists.  They will then migrate there with as many as will follow them, close the door behind them,  and live contentedly alone.  Since they cannot "cleanse" this galaxy, they will leave and go somewhere else that is already cleansed. 

The Orz, of course, have other plans ....   

... The adventure here could start with the Captain receiving word that entire worlds of Kohr-ah have simply ... vanished.  He must work with the Arilou to develop technology that will allow him to cross not only into quasispace but into other, stranger dimensions.  Each one with it's own unusual inhabitants, natural laws,  and dangerous enemies. 

To make matters worse the ship becomes lost in alien dimensions, due to sabotage.

1) Learn to navigate these dimensions and the space within them.
2) Search for clues to where the Kohr-ah have gone, and why.
3) Unravel the Orz' nefarous intent -- or are they, themselves, being manipulated by some other
4) Find some way to return to TrueSpace, and foil the Evil Nefarious plan which is, of course, nothing less than a full-scale interdimensional invasion. Think the Androsynth stars on a galactic scale. 


Brian P.
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Re: Kohr - Ah Crew
« Reply #64 on: July 20, 2006, 04:58:32 am »

They will then migrate there with as many as will follow them, close the door behind them,  and live contentedly alone.  Since they cannot "cleanse" this galaxy, they will leave and go somewhere else that is already cleansed. 

hmm sounds more like the actions of the cowardly spathi to me...
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Re: Kohr - Ah Crew
« Reply #65 on: July 24, 2006, 01:08:17 pm »

'nother point: 

I just finished a game, during which I landed on Arcturus 1, the Burvixese homeworld.  As we all know, it had been devastated by the Kohr-ah. 

Nonetheless, the planet was teeming with biological life. 

It seems to me that the Kohr-ah are *not* at war with *all* life. If that were so, they should have sterilized the planet's surface.  With access to nuclear weaponry and strontium minerals, they could have so heavily contaminated the planet that nothing above the level of unicellular bacteria could survive there.  To say nothing of other choices like, say, reverse-terraforming that would transform a habitable water world into a barren moon. 

This is probably just a miss from the developers side. Nonetheless, maybe the Kohr-Ah priotize? Wipe out civilizxations capable of spaceflight first, and then return when the area is secure to shatter the ecosystem. After all, it'd be tactically sound to wipe out threats first, and filth later.

No, I believe the Kohr-ah crusade is against *sentient* life only.  I believe there are two reasons for this:

Mayhap. however, unless they leave forces behind to ensure that the "nonsentient" life doesn't eviolve sentience, their entire crusade becomes futile. Safer to just wipe everything out when they control the region.

1) Usefulness.  If the Kohr-ah are hunting creatures, they may very well see animals and plants as assets rather than filth.  If nothing else, they may see biologics as nutrition  and pharmaceutical sources.   Destroying them would be to shoot themselves in the ... tentacle? 

Unless they just load up their stocks and move on. Tying into the idea of subsentient crewmembers, maybe the Kohr-Ah captain eats these? New ones could be grown quite easily, assuming their technology is advanced enough.

2) Practicality. Even on Sol III life appears in volcanic vents and the bottom of the sea. Who knows how many different kinds of combinations appear out in the galaxy the Kohr-ah have seen?  Short of dumping the entire universe into quasispace, there is no way to ensure life will not appear somewhere.   

No, but wiping out life from any planet capable of supporting an ecosystem will probably ensure that whatever frozen microbes are left wont evolve too far. Blowing up planets/suns would help of course. Lifeforms that evolve in space might be harder of course, but the Kohr-Ah have had a long time to perfect their strategy.

Here's an interesting idea for a sequel  ... 50 years after the events of Star Control 2, a band of Kohr-ah break away  to follow the Path of Alternate Reality.   Being seduced by the Orz,  they decide that the best way to ensure the safety of the Ur-quan species is to pick up IDF experiments where the Androsynth left off.  Having failed to cleanse the galaxy of all sentient life,  they intend to use IDF technology to seek out another dimension where no sentient life exists.  They will then migrate there with as many as will follow them, close the door behind them,  and live contentedly alone.  Since they cannot "cleanse" this galaxy, they will leave and go somewhere else that is already cleansed. 

This still leaves the possibility that someone can follow them. True security is not achieved by fleeing, but rather by wiping out every potential threat. Interesting idea though

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Re: Kohr - Ah Crew
« Reply #66 on: July 24, 2006, 10:08:24 pm »

Oh man, i just rememberd from first of second page that Kohr-ah can`t be reasoned or anything like that, but when doctrine war started at that one species home world (wich name i can`t remember), they ask that annoyign question so clearly and stuff, that Kohr-ah taked time to explain why they are going to kill them. Man that`s now funny  Grin. So many wonders in Star Control must say

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Re: Kohr - Ah Crew
« Reply #67 on: July 25, 2006, 05:29:21 am »

Oh man, i just rememberd from first of second page that Kohr-ah can`t be reasoned or anything like that, but when doctrine war started at that one species home world (wich name i can`t remember), they ask that annoyign question so clearly and stuff, that Kohr-ah taked time to explain why they are going to kill them. Man that`s now funny  Grin. So many wonders in Star Control must say

That's the Mael-Num, aka the Melnorme.
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