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Topic: Where's the most dangerous planet? (Read 12499 times)
Eh, it just seems more likely. And why didn't they bring the 'Synth back after the threat passed? Because they were unsuccesful in safeguarding them? The Arilou, who seem very trusty - not only for the errors they make in dealing with humans since "they forgot how it was like" -, tell us not to trust Orz. Just all bits of information we have on the subject seem very well joined if we consider the 'Synth victims of the Orz. Now, of course, even if Orz were "They", why is merging/whatever bad? Neither the Arilou nor the Orz are good/evil, they just have different views, it would look - and the quote from the same IRC chat -
<Mephisto_> Fwiffo: What exactly did the Arilou *quickbabies* do to piss off the Orz so much? <Fwiffo> The Arilou always *jumped in front*, which was both a physical taunt as well as a political one. They got to the humans first. Still, it's a bit "evil" to do to something anything against his will. Well, the Arilou are a bit "evil" too then...
Well, but how do you explain this Orz quote then?:
Here is *good news*! Six or nine *pieces* ago, myself the Orz did not even *smell* your *level*. Can you believe? It is so silly! It is such a *happy town*. Then the Androsynth made some *slippery places* and then Orz can *smell* it. It *smells* so good Orz are surprised! I, myself pushed the *fingers* into the *new town* and there are so many *campers*. First the VUX, but they are such *silly cows* they ask so much about the Androsynth we must *dance* with them. Then we can *smell* the Arilou. Again they are *jumping in front*. It is always! Nnnnggaaahhhhh! There is *juice squeezing* and then we are not so *frumple*. Finally we find you, the *happy campers* and the Taalo *playground* for sliding through. Where are the Taalo? There they are. It is too much fun. We are too happy, in this *slow time* *heavy space*. It is a better *level* for games. This is the everything story. Now you know. "A better *level* for games"? So a better dimension for saving races from "Them"?! The Arilou are "*jumping in front*" again? They can't be "Them", of course, since they warn you about "Them". And if the Arilou had arrived sooner to save the Androsynth, why didn't they save them, and instead waited for Orz? Then why did they "*jump in front*", for no reason?! In my explanation, they would have done this to protect the 'Synth from Orz, but were unsuccessful. And why does Orz want to have "*parties*" with us?!
The next Star Control would be no doubt very hard to make, if only for the need of taking a decision in this direction. I would like the Orz not evil, still - since I like him. Ah, BTW, one other thing I would like to see is the Utwigs not getting killed -
<_Stilgar> <che`z`puf> Ouch! Not sure I agree with that one; after all, the Faz were slave shielded, not destroyed. <Fwiffo> The Faz not dead huh? Okay Mr. Smarty, I'll see about that. Just wait until I cook up a suitable demise for those pesky Faz. che'z'puf made a subtle suggestion about the Faz being Utwigs, and FF/PR3 suggested, even more subtle, that the Faz will anyway die in the sequel. So I highly hope that the Utwig are not the Faz.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 142

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I'd like to see the Orz kept ambiguous, but with more evidence (ambiguous in itself) for both sides. Who says every last thing has to be resolved?
But if it were resolved I'd rather they didn't turn out evil.
Frungy champion
Posts: 95
That's the idea right? That they named some stars in HyperSpace after known stars. Isn't that kind of unrealistic, I mean for one, things are commonly named in systems, like the name of stars today. And to use the same name for two different stars, just assigning stars in HyperSpace with random TrueSpace names isn't very smart either.
Kind of. From the map: This map details the spatial relationship between the stars in our known region of the galaxy, as well as the spheres of influence for each alien race as of AD 2133. The positions are based on HyperSpace coordinates, which may be unsettling to some students of TrueSpace astronomy. Defined long ago by Chenjesu stargazers, the constellations are now accepted by all Alliance races as the standard. Due to the great difficulty in pronouncing the Chenjesu language, each race has translated the names into their own tongue. When it came time for Earth to adopt this system, the United Nations decided to use traditional astrological designations, assigned at random. This has caused some confusion, but it is considered preferable to the suggested alternative: using the names of past politicians. See, they're still named in groups. Just give the constellation a name and slap alpha, beta, gamma, delta, et cetera on the individual stars to distinguish different stars within a constellation. Oh, I see.
And yes, it is a bit of a handwave and it probably wouldn't actually be done that way, should such a situation occur, Yeah that was basically my point.
but it allows the game map to be arranged freely according to the needs of the game, instead of requiring the game to be painstakingly arranged according to existing astrological data, which would probably be a lot more work without adding a lot. (And of course, it also means that discoveries of new astrological objects don't suddenly make the game map "wrong" because, oops, it doesn't have those things: the more visibly separate you make a canon universe from the real universe, the less any changes in [the real universe/our knowledge of it] will affect suspension of disbelief.)
Yes, I guess it's a clever solution in that way.
Frungy champion
Posts: 95
So really the most dangerous planet is random from game to game? Or are there some hard-coded really dangerous planets?
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